
The Super Sex System

The MC gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, with an awesome system which will get him all the women he wants. Everything is possible in the novel, the MC will have no restrictions at all. He will do as he pleases. As long as my fantasy stretches I'll try to write. If you have a suggestion or an improvement please let me hear 'm. The image isn't mine, so send me a message if you want it down.

Sweacer · แฟนตาซี
82 Chs

Sparring session

The day after I was sparring with both Emily and Alison. Both of them were fighting together to try and defeat me. They definitely grew stronger after the tournament had concluded, but I did so as well.

Even both of them working together, they couldn't beat me at all. I dodged their spells with ease using my far superior body strength. And when they tried to use some bigger spells together I overpowered them by using a bigger one of my own.

So both in raw power and dexterity, I topped them. When both of them finally fell down backward, on their nice supple butts, they admitted defeat.

"Just how strong can you be Drake, even both me and Alison working together doesn't put you in a dangerous situation at all."

"Haha don't sweat it, the both of you are plenty strong as well, you just met the wrong opponent," I replied with a smile on my face.

I walked towards them and extended an arm to both of them, implying to help them up.

"Haaaaa, I guess you're right," Emily said while taking my hand. Unexpectedly Alison took my hand as well. She normally isn't fond of other people touching her, so she usually declines my help, but today she didn't so I wondered what was different.

"Drake, I've been meaning to ask you something, if it's alright with you?" Alison said in a soft voice.

"Sure ask away." Not everyday Alison decides to initiate a conversation, so let's see what she wants to talk about.

"You know about the ranking system with mages?"

"yea I do."

"Then may I ask what rank you are?"

"Sure, I should be about D-rank, close to C I guess. I don't really know how to measure it."

When I looked up towards Alison and Emily I saw both of them looking stupefied. It took them like half a minute to finally come back to reality.

This time Emily spoke up "Drake what the hell are you talking about?"

"What do you mean. Aren't the ranks divided between SSS-rank to F-rank?"

"Yes, missions you can complete at the adventurer house are ranked like this, but not the ranks that divide mages and warriors"

"Seriously, I always thought it worked like that. And what do you mean warriors?" I was genuinely confused right now. It seems like the information I got before wasn't really accurate.

"You don't even know what a warrior is? Under what rock have you've been living."

"Sorry I come from a small village so someone must have told me this and I thought it was the truth right away."

"AH, why are the heavens so cruel? Giving a clueless boy this much talent, but make him a bit stupid as well?" Emily was trying to mess with me.

"Who is stupid?

"You are hihihi, trusting someone before even confirming what they said," she said with a mischievous smile.

"Oh how about another spar, I'll let you see just how stupid I am," I said with a small grin on my face.

Emily immediately stepped back a bit, "I can't right now, I expended a lot of mana just now so I need to recover for a bit."

Not letting her go that easily I responded: "that doesn't matter I've got time."

"Alright alright you aren't stupid, I'm sorry okay."

"Seems you know your place haha."


"Alright, you two that's enough. How about we speak about it some more tomorrow. I"ll explain to you how everything works. That alright with you?"

"Of course, I would never reject being taught by a beauty"

Normally she doesn't respond at all to me being a bit flirtatious, but I could swear I saw her cheeks flushing red, even if for only a sliver of a second.

"No without jokes, I'm up for it."

"Alright, tomorrow after classes you can come to the student council room. I'll make sure you learn about everything you need to know. Consider it me paying you back for the spars."

"Sure thanks, President. Say Emily how do you want to pay me back?" I said with the grin returning to my face.

"Hmpf just me being in your presence should be enough."

"How for God's sake would that be enough?"

"Well, you get to see a beautiful woman every day for one."

"Who says you're beautiful?"

This finally made her get quiet without her giving me a remark.

"Haha I'm just joking, you're slightly above average." But before she could respond I continued: "Just slightly though, you still can't hold a candle towards the President."

And before Emily got even the chance to respond I quickly ran away. "See you, tomorrow President."

And like that, I ran away. The feeling of Emily's and Alison's was quite different. Emily was fuming a bit as she completely lost our conversation. She knew I was just joking with her, but still, it left a mildly bitter aftertaste in her mouth

And Alison was slightly jealous about how Emily and I could get along so well and have such conversations, and also a bit happy that I complimented her at the end before running away. But she didn't know why this would make her happy though.

As I was walking away, I was really happy about how the day went. The spar this time achieved a lot of results. I learned that there was an entirely different ranking system than the one I knew about and tomorrow I would learn how it would work.

I could see my relationships with both Emily and Alison growing. Alison finally started to talk a bit more than usual and my teasing with Emily started to grow more daring as well. It would be fun if one day both these beautiful women would be laying in my arms, fully nude of course.

I would fully enjoy the threesome with them. So walking back towards my dorm I fantasized the entire way about the stuff I would do with them as I finally conquered them. And when I think about it I don't think I'll let them leave the bed for a long time. No, I would completely exhaust myself using their really hot bodies.