
The Super Sex System

The MC gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, with an awesome system which will get him all the women he wants. Everything is possible in the novel, the MC will have no restrictions at all. He will do as he pleases. As long as my fantasy stretches I'll try to write. If you have a suggestion or an improvement please let me hear 'm. The image isn't mine, so send me a message if you want it down.

Sweacer · แฟนตาซี
82 Chs


The next few days, I had a quite normal schedule. I went to the classes of wind, water, and earth magic, but not to the fire class. I wanted to show Angelica I held true to my word and wouldn't attend her class. In a few days, I'll go to her class and see what her reaction will be like.

After classes, I sometimes sparred with both Emily and Alison. Even though Alison just sparred and went immediately back to her matters in the student council afterward, Emily would stay and chat for a bit. Like this, my relationship with both women started to get better. Emily more than Alison, but that's just Alison's personality. I hope to make her a bit less cold to me after a while. After that has happened I hope to start to get even closer to her as well.

It's Friday now and for the first time this week I decided to attend Angelica's fire-class and wanted to see what kind of reaction she would have. When she noticed me she smiled a little bit as she thought I cooled down and thoughts things over.

When class started Angelica was acting mostly like her normal self. Not a hint of the aphrodisiac potion effects she should be under right now. A week has passed now since she has taken the potion and right now the effect should be quite visible. So I started thinking that she wasn't under the effect of it anymore. Perhaps she has found a way to neutralize it.

But then after about 15 minutes in class, I could see that her actions and expression started to change ever so slightly. Her cheeks started to flush a small red color and her legs started to act a little bit wobbly.

At first, it wasn't a lot and wouldn't be noticed if you wouldn't put attention onto it as I did. But after another 5 to 10 minutes it started to get more noticeable. Her cheeks were getting redder, legs started to tremble some more and her breath became a bit more ragged.

Now I definitely knew the effect of the potion wasn't dispelled. Not in the slightest. She was most likely just fighting against its effects for now, but couldn't hold it in now. I noticed one other thing. She kept stealing glances at me. Whenever she did her eyes would lock with mine for only a fragment of a second. After she turned her head away I could visibly see that the effects had gotten stronger and that her body was definitely feeling it.

Her orgasm bar was also climbing very fast. At the start of the lesson it had been less than 7%, but now its already over 70%. So even though Angelica has quite a strong will and is able to fight against her own horniness for a while, she would definitely lose out in the end. It won't take long for her to reach an orgasm. It would be quite fun for me to see her cum while standing in front of the class.

About 10 minutes before class would end her orgasm bar passed 97% and she would reach an orgasm. She took way more glances at me and would even lock eyes for a second before turning her head away. All I did was smiling back at her whenever she locks eyes with me. The class could see something was weird about how Angelica was acting right now, but none of them would actually get the idea that she was just feeling so much pleasure that an orgasm was coming.

Angelica herself definitely knows as well that it wouldn't be much longer for her to reach an orgasm. So I could see her starting to make an excuse to get out of class. So now I needed to decide. I could hold her up and let her orgasm here in class, which would be quite embarrassing for her. Or I could let her go and let her make a run for it so it would happen in a bathroom, where no-one would see her.

So after thinking for a few seconds about it, I chose the second option. I already regard her as my woman even though officially she isn't yet. Right now I didn't want to let the class see her orgasm-face. That would be for my own eyes only for now. Perhaps after she has become officially one of my woman that I would make her reach an orgasm in class to embarrass her a bit. But for now, I wanted to be the first one to see that cute face make a face which was hugely filled with pleasure. So I let her go. Angelica made a quick excuse and walked out of class.

=== Angelica POV ===

When I started class on Friday I was happily surprised that Drake showed up. He hadn't been coming to my class exactly like he said he would. I know that I hurt his feelings by lying to him, but what was I supposed to do? It's just not possible for me to enter a relationship with a student. Even though he is an incredible talent which will probably rock the world in a few years. Being his wife wouldn't actually be that bad, but still, it was just too immoral.

I could see that even though he came to my class he didn't pay any attention to me at all. He probably still feels resentment at me, but hopefully, this will disappear in time when he forgets about me and finds another love in his life.

At first, everything was alright and I just taught my students like I usually did, but then after about 15 minutes, I could feeling pleasure starting to rise in my body again. This last week it has happened quite a lot actually. I have been masturbating like crazy these last few days. I just don't know what is wrong with my body, it just gets really turned on all the time. Even though I can quell it with masturbating it always returns even stronger sometime later.

Even though I thought about having sex with someone once a while I quickly dispersed these thoughts. I'm not looking for someone to have casual sex with, especially not for my first time. I want it to be with someone I actually like.

The strange thing about that was that once I thought about that Drake appeared in my mind. I looked to him and another wave of pleasure came over me. Even stronger than what it usually was. I continued teaching as normal looking as possible, but it was getting harder and harder to do so.

Once in a while, I sneaked a glance at Drake which always left me with a wave of pleasure coursing through my body. Everyone was stronger than the last. So I started to really think about it. Normally when I think about a man nothing happens inside me at all. Lot's of suitors have come to me, but never have I ever felt a single shred of love or pleasure for the opposite sex.

But now I was actually getting turned on by a twelve-year-old genius? So doubts started to run through my body for a bit. Did I actually make the wrong choice in rejecting him so soon? Was my body now actually telling me that age holds nothing and that it was actually longing for his touch? This was all too strange to me so I decided to not think about it for now.

Even though I decided this, the pleasure I am feeling is just getting stronger and stronger. Without even touching my body I was actually starting to reach an orgasm? There is definitely something weird going on, but I can't just think what.

I was continuing the class as best as possible right now, hoping it would quickly finish so I could go to a bathroom to relieve myself. I tried not to think about Drake and what I perhaps was starting to feel for him, but my body just wouldn't let me. I kept on stealing glances at him only to be returned with a smile on his face.

My thoughts right now are in entire disarray. I just can't think straight my body wouldn't let me. I had to get out of this class. I had to escape from Drake. That smile on his face was just melting my body. I don't know why, but just looking at his smile turned me on incredibly hard. I made a quick excuse to the class about going to the bathroom and I dismissed them. After that, I ran to the bathroom and just after entering a stall I came like crazy. This was my biggest orgasm in all my years of life. And the only thing that caused it was thinking about a student who I rejected. Perhaps I made the wrong choice after all.

Tried to write from another POV. Hoped you liked it, comment if you want more of them.

Sweacercreators' thoughts