

The Ride to the University was about Twenty Minutes. John remembered he had not check the system notifications from last night and this Morning so he decided to check them now,

" Good Morning Host, How are you this Morning"

John Smiling in his mind said "Great thank you last night ended a lot more heated then expected but I am still not looking forward to going back to the campus. With everything that happened yesterday"

John thought can I check the Missions and rewards from yesterday please'

Mission task 'Share your Birthday Dessert with Jasmine up in your room… also annoy Your Ex and her lover' 

Mission Complete Congratulations

Mission Rewards $10 Billion Dollars transferred to your bank account, 1000 Points,"

John thought Wow I was not expecting that thank you' "Your welcome Host"

Hidden Mission Complete "Make out with Jasmine in the elevator" Reward  Increased Stamina and 500 Points

Hidden Mission Complete " Make Susan pissed off for being with someone else" Reward a Free skill Card"

Would the host  like to choose a skill to load. Thinking about it John thought Music would be interesting.So he said I would Like the Music card Please" Next second Loading Please wait the next second all the knowledge of Music, instruments , and singing  loaded into his brain as if he had been doing it his whole life. 




Age  21

Intelligence  80%

Body  50%

Charm  35%

Strength  50%

Stamina  50%

Skills  Music  level2 ( Host now can play any Instrument, Sing and Dance)

Balance  $11000 000 050

Points  1800

John was suddenly pulled out of his thoughts by the taxi driver announcing that they had reached there destination. Groaning with displeasure John paid the driver and headed to his dorm room first to collect his books for the day. Johns Roommate wasn't there again. So he grabbed his stuff and headed to the building his classes were in.

Everyone had heard about what happened yesterday due to David loading the Pictures he took on the college web page. So as John entered the building he heard everyone whispering and laughing about him and what happened.

John could not careless about them he walked in with his head held high. He Found his Roommate with his Girl Friend in the hall and as he walked up to them they both smiled at him as they have always been nice. Asked Him" How are you, are you alright, we heard what happened and we could not find you and you didn't pick up your phone" John replied "I am fine thanks for asking." I turned my phone off as I didn't want to spend the rest of my Birthday thinking about it"

Just as Marcus was going to say something. There was a commotion at the end of the Hall as Susan and David entered Hand in Hand. Marcus patted John on the shoulder for support. John smiled at him in Thanks even though he was fine. Susan and David strolled up to John intending to Humiliate him in front of everyone. Especially After John was seen Making out with a beautiful Women last night. And doesn't seem to be as depressed and miserable as David Wanted him to be and Susan was have mixed feeling as she was with John for three years and he seems more relaxed and happy then she has seen him in a long time.

  Marcus was about to step forward to say something when Ruby the Nurse from Yesterday was heading to her office seeing the situation decided to help. She walked over under everyone's Shocked gaze as she was one of the Beauties on campus. And said "John, How are you today' don't forget if you need anything come find me you know where to find me okay" She was Blushing slightly with everyone looking at her.

John Noticing that smiled and said "Thank You Nurse Ruby. I appreciate everything you did for me Yesterday" sounding a little more sexier then he intended it too. " I will definitively come see you when I require your excellent care again"

David watching the scene between the two was getting angrier for being completely ignored plus David has always trying to get Ruby but always failed and here she is Flirting with a loser. How is he going to put up with this. After Ruby left John ignored Susan and David Turned around and walked to class with Marcus and Sophia walking behind looking at each other wondering about what happened to John as he seems to have a lot more confident then usual, and also Happier.

After Classes finished Marcus and Sofia asked if John was Busy tonight they wanted to take him out for a late Birthday Dinner. After thinking about it he smiled and said " sounds like fun"and he would meet them at Morningstar Hotel around 6pm. 

I left campus as he wanted to go buy more clothes so he headed to the Classic Rainbow Boutique. When he arrived  immediately caught the attention of the Attendant that delivered his clothes yesterday. The minute he saw John he grabbed his friend the other shop assistant and told her " OMG Mr Hotness is here" She looked at him then looked in the direction he was looking and was amazed . John smiled as he got to the counter recognizing Alex from Last night. He asked " I have come for a whole New Wardrobe. What do you recommend. Anything that will look good on me I also would like a couple Work Suits" 

The Female attendant showed John around the store choosing a few different  things also some amazing suits and shoes. John decided to buy everything that she recommended. Please wrap them up I will buy everything Thank you.

  She was shocked that he had that much money but she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt The total comes to $100 000 and ran the purchases through POS machine John handed over his card and the transaction was successful. He also Added $500 each as a tip as Both Attendants were polite and did their job well."

Alex and Alice were shocked by receiving such a big tip They Both smiled and thanked him. He smiled and Said you both deserve it for great customer service he grabbed his purchases and turned around to leave after saying Goodbye. As he stepped out of the Shop he got an unexpected System notification.

'DING" Hidden mission Complete' Attracting two new Friends with Possible Benefits. Rewards a Mansion on the South end of Town amongst the Forest. Lots of Privacy and Places to Play. Congratulations again host. Paper work and Keys will be at the Hotel when you return."

John was taken aback by what just happened. But he decided to turn his head and give Both Alex and Alice a Smile and Wink and left. 

John was not really surprised that he had attracted a potential Male Partner as he had on occasion been attracted to men. He just never had the opportunity to explore that side of himself. 

John decided to go back to the hotel to rest until it was time to meet up with his friends for dinner. As he walked in the receptionist told him he had a guest waiting and point to the middle aged man sitting at a table sipping on a cup of coffee. 

John thanked her and walked towards the man and took a seat in front of him.  Good Afternoon Sir my name is John I believe you have been waiting for me"  Yes, I am a Real Estate Agent I have your Purchase agreement and you Keys and codes for your New Property here you just need to Sign and everything will be yours." John grabbed a pen and signed everything that was required and handed the documents to the agent to file and thank him. After handing over the Keys and ownership Papers the Agent left leaving John again amazed at his luck of receiving the system.

John collected all of his things and headed up stairs to his room. He wanted to have a nice Bath and Rest before dinner. When John got to his room he put his clothes on the bed. 

John went to the Bathroom turned on the shower. He removed his clothes put them in the Basket. He turned around and stepped into a steaming hot shower. He was letting to Hot water wash away all the stress and heartbreak of the past days. When John stepped out of the shower he dried his body wrapped the towel around his waist and walked back to his bed and decided to lie down on his bed for an Hour before he had to get ready for his dinner. And he fell Asleep. 

Just over an hour later he was woken up by his Cell Phone ringing. He answered it and found it was Marcus saying there were at the Hotel and waiting for him in the dining room. John told him he will be there shortly.

15mins later John was heading out his room to go down stairs to meet his friends. As he got down to the Lobby one of the waitresses Directed him to the room where Marcus and Sophia were waiting. As he entered he found out they were not alone in the room there were a Couple more of John Friends there as they wanted to cheer John up so he would not be depressed.

John took his seat and thanked everyone and told them he was perfectly fine and just wanted to move on. They ordered there food and also a few Bottle of alcohol. Everyone was having a great time trying to set John up with other people, John was finding it rather funny considering most people they kept mentioning never even talked to him ever.

Awhile later the food was finished and everyone decided to turn on the music so they could dance. The waitress came in to clear the table to give more room for everyone. John and his friends were still talking while watching them clear the empty dishes from the table. Under the watchful eyes of Marcus and the others the waitress approached John smiled and slipped a piece of Paper into his pocket and turned around and left the room. 

John watching her leave turned his head back towards the table only to find his friends looking at him, " What are you all looking at" I thought you wanted to have a party not Stare at me." Marcus was the first to speak up' " What was that all about? What did she put in your pocket?" John reached into his pocket and pulled out the piece of paper." It is just her Number". Putting it back in his Pocket. John asked " What happened to the Music let's have a party, I feel like having some fun" His friends Nodded. Half an hour later John was sitting on his chair watching everyone Dance with their partners and having fun, Marcus noticed John sitting alone feeling bad as this was supposed to cheer him up. 

While Marcus was thinking of a way to Make the night better for John, the Door was opened again and everyone looked towards the door and saw a Beautiful women with gorgeous curves and Long legs wearing a Tight Knee length Black dress. 

All the boys were shocked  and the girls were a little Jealous at her beauty.  No one knew who she was or why she was there. 

Under everyone's gaze she smiled and walked to where John was sitting Shocking every one even more.

As John was facing away from the door so he did not know who came in until She reached out and ran her hand through his hair. Leaning his head back and looking at Jasmine with a sexy smile on his Face and Saying "Good evening Sweetheart" after that  John Glanced at his friends expression and smiled and said " What is every one staring at, haven't you all seen a Beauty Before I thought you were dancing"

Looking at Marcus with a Grin on his Face John stood up and wrapped his arm around Jasmine waist, Shocking everyone, he bent his head down to her ear and whispered " Dance with me ". 

While ignoring the reactions of his friends he Pulled her closer and started to move.  The Whole Dance floor was full of bodies moving and grinding on each other. John Decided since the atmosphere was getting a little heated for a dinning room he invited everyone up to his room so the party could continue. While everyone was shocked that John had a room at the hotel they agreed if only to check out the room.