
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing. Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Rafa_s · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Rebirth of a lazy man

Today, for the first time in months, Mateus doesn't wake up alone. On the contrary, today he is more than well accompanied. Looking at the person embracing him, Mateus can't help but smile and think, 'She is very cute.'

Resisting the urge to leave that embrace, Mateus hesitantly gets up and steps away from the warm hug that enveloped him.

Now, with no more obstacles, Mateus can truly begin his day. It all starts with Mateus preparing his breakfast, his lunch, and also Ophis's.

Doing all this quickly, Mateus begins to get ready for school. While changing, Mateus starts thinking about his recent actions since he arrived in this world. Reflecting on his behavior, he comes to a conclusion: "I have been an idiot."

He admits it. What's the point of going to another world if you don't seize the opportunity? Mateus faces a dilemma; he enjoys lazing around, but the fact is, he also wants to have fun.

Realizing that nothing will change if he doesn't become more proactive, Mateus reevaluates his thoughts and comes to a conclusion.

"I'm letting things unfold naturally... but it's pointless if I don't make an effort too." What he says can mean many things, including his stance toward the supernatural world or even his relationships with other women.

It's important to note that he desires a harem, but it doesn't imply he'll pursue every girl that crosses his path. Mateus is far from perfect, and he has no intention of becoming so. However, it's crucial for him to reflect on his actions, whether they are good or bad. Moreover, Mateus acknowledges that he has much room for improvement as a person.

After all these thoughts, Mateus reaches a new conclusion about how he'll approach life from now on.

"It's important to recognize and not change one's roots, so let things happen naturally, but I'll put effort into them." Resolving himself, Mateus believes he's ready to face the day as a new man.

What changed in Mateus is merely his attitude, but he remains a lazy person at heart, albeit a lazy one with a goal: to have fun and be happy.

After finishing getting dressed, Mateus notices that Ophis is already awake. Approaching her, he greets Ophis: "Good morning, Ophis. Did you sleep well?"

Looking at the one asking, Ophis glances at Mateus and replies, "Yes."

Even with few words, Ophis provides an answer. Mateus, understanding the kind of person she is, isn't surprised.

"I've made breakfast; how about we eat?" Inviting Ophis directly, they sit at the table and enjoy their meal. After finishing, Mateus turns to Ophis and says

"I'm heading to school now. I've left lunch for you in the fridge. Eat everything properly, okay?" As if he were a concerned father, Mateus informs Ophis about lunch and even teaches her how to use the microwave. Also telling her she's free to go out, Mateus bids farewell to Ophis: "See you later, Ophis. I'll bring some sweets for you later, okay?" "Okay." Once again, with few words, Ophis responds, but it's enough because she's happy with the idea of having sweets later. Before leaving, Mateus simply pats Ophis on the head. Perhaps he forgot about the mastery of head pats he possesses, causing Ophis to melt like a cat due to the wonderful sensation of the pats. Reluctantly, Mateus leaves his apartment and heads towards his school.

— — —

Arriving at the school gates, Mateus prepares for his second day at this school, but today is different from yesterday; today, he is a new man. He quite likes a philosophy by Heraclitus, finding it the best way to explain what he thinks: "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." Things change, and with these words, he enters the school.

Heading towards his classroom, Mateus encounters no difficulty in finding his way. How could he? He doesn't know many people in this school, so he simply heads to his classroom. Upon reaching there, he doesn't see many people in the room; perhaps he arrived too early. While waiting, Mateus spends his time chatting with some of his classmates.

Among his peers, a couple from his class catches his attention, Tanuma Tsubasa and Nagisa Kashiwagi. They seem so affectionate together that it irritates Mateus and reminds him once again: 'I need to be more decisive.' Mateus has dated a few times in the past, but in the end, he didn't find someone truly right for him. Looking at the couple, he envisions a life where he finds someone who can be affectionate with him. The only problem is that it's not just one person; several women are being affectionate with him.

Emerging from his fantasy world, Mateus notices someone playing the third wheel while looking at the couple, Maki Shijo. Seeing her in a situation similar to his own, he thinks, 'Maybe we can be good friends.'

Maki is a cute young girl with short brown hair tied up in short pigtails, with bangs covering her forehead, and her eye color is purple. Approaching the girl, Mateus tries to initiate a friendly conversation, releasing a brief comment about the couple in question.

"They seem to be in their own world. What do you think about being a spectator to all of this?" Trying to break the ice, Mateus makes a comment about the couple and asks how she feels about it.

"Hmph, being a spectator isn't exactly my favorite hobby, but if it's what I need to do, I'll stay here and ensure that nothing gets out of control. After all, someone needs to keep things under surveillance, right?" Maki responds, and Mateus can't help but think, 'Tsunderes are the cutest.' Perhaps it's just Mateus's strange taste, but he really likes tsunderes because, in the end, they are the sweetest.

"That's good to know you're so reliable. By the way, I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves, right? I'm Mateus Santos, and you?"

"It seems you don't know me, Hmph. My name is Maki Shijo, a genius who is ranked third in my year and a legitimate descendant of the Shinomiya bloodline."

"Pleasure to meet you, Shijo-san. I hope we can get along." With a sincere smile, Mateus expresses his true feelings. After all, she's very cute, isn't she?

Chatting a bit with the tsundere, Mateus discovers that she is a good girl, gentle but hiding behind her great pride in being part of a noble family. As they talked, time passed quickly, and the morning classes began. While the classes were going on, Mateus started thinking about his next plans for school.

'In a few days, the elections for the student council president will begin. I don't want to be the president, but I want to be part of the student council.' Thinking about this, Mateus analyzes what will be the best way to secure a spot there.

Taking advantage of his current frenzy of thoughts, he also starts to consider how he will use all the money he gained from the system. Now, he's facing some doubts—should he simply spend his money, or should he invest in companies or stocks to make his wealth grow? The fact is, he's uncertain about what to do with his money.

While lost in thoughts for an entire period, the morning classes quickly came to an end. Mateus gets ready to head out for a snack. As he looks for some of his new friends to have a snack together, he realizes that everyone has already left. Mateus can't help but sigh, seeing that everyone has already gone.

Alone, he sets out to find a good place to have a snack in this school. Walking around the school, near a garden, Mateus sits under a tree and prepares to snack.

But it seems that today won't be a snack in solitude because someone familiar spotted him sitting under the tree and approached him. It could only be an angel.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Mateus realizes that she truly is an angel.

Mahiru sits near him and says, "So, you also study at this school? What a coincidence."

Mateus just smiles at her and says, "I recently transferred to this school. How about you? Have you been studying here for a long time?" Mateus asks, curious to learn more about Mahiru.

"I've always studied at this school. I'm in my first year of high school, and you?" Maintaining a good pace in the conversation, they are quite engaged, gradually getting to know more about each other.

"I'm in the second year, so I guess I'm your senior." With a smile, Mateus replies.

"Should I call you Mateus-senpai, then?"

"No problem. I don't really mind, but it's important to respect elders in this country." Mateus doesn't mind how he's addressed, as long as it's his name, it's fine, but he understands the importance of respecting the culture of the country he's in.

'But you can even call me "love".' With thoughts different from reality, Mateus continues his conversation.

"But I really didn't expect you to study at the same school as me, Shiina-san. But it's a welcome surprise." Of course, Mateus likes the idea of having this lovely girl in the same school as him, so they can spend more time together.

"I also didn't expect you to study at this school. You're so tall; I thought you were already graduated." The conversation flows naturally.

"Hahaha, I had to eat well to grow this much. Maybe that's why one of my hobbies is cooking." Mateus takes advantage of the direction of the conversation to indirectly ask about her hobbies.

"Do you also like cooking? It seems we have a common hobby." Mahiru says with a smile.

Unaware, they spend the entire break talking and agree to talk more later when they go home. Mateus even manages to convince her to go home together.

Excited about what awaits him later, Mateus returns to his classroom, and the afternoon classes begin.


I'm sorry if the chapter has some errors, I didn't have time to revise it today

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