
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing. Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Rafa_s · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Laziness can also be ambitious.

After discovering the possibility of traveling to other worlds, Mateus becomes very excited about the prospect. But before anything else, he decides to ask the system how inter-world travel works.

"Hey system, how do I travel between worlds?"

"There are two ways, host. The first is to gain a skill for traveling between worlds. The second is to maximize your teleportation ability. When this ability reaches a mastery level of 10, you can travel anywhere you can imagine."

"It seems like my teleportation ability is more overpowering than I thought." Seeing the possibilities, Mateus begins to contemplate the world he would like to visit.

— — —

After a day full of events, Mateus decides to take a bath to relax. While bathing, Mateus can't help but do something very common: singing. Everyone enjoys singing, right? It couldn't be different for Mateus. However, unlike everyone else, he improves with each note. Why?

"You gained a new ability: Singing."

"I can't even take a bath without gaining abilities?" Surprised, Mateus can't help but exclaim. Little did he know that this wouldn't be the only pleasant surprise during his bath.

"You gained a new ability: Bath Mastery."

"... I don't need to say anything, right?" Tired more than he should be, Mateus decides it's enough bathing for today.

— — —

At night, Mateus decides to go out for dinner. As he leaves home, facing the darkness of the night, he receives another welcome surprise.

"Congratulations. You gained the ability: Night Vision."

"That's very useful." Mateus thinks as he looks at his new reward. Now, excited about his new ability, Mateus decides that tonight's dinner will be pizza. While walking to the nearest pizzeria, he considers that there might be a faster way to get there. As the not-so-new surprise strikes again:

"Congratulations, you gained: Absolute Speed."

"It seems like the system has completely lost it." It can only be that. Mateus thinks that this time the system went a bit overboard with the reward, and he can't even blame it. After all, he just wanted a bit more speed, not absolute speed.

"Whatever. I guess this pizza will taste even better after this."

— — —

After eating, Mateus decides to head back home.

"Well, this is a good time to test this new ability," he thinks. With that in mind, Mateus decides to use his new skill to quickly get home. Activating the skill, he runs at inhuman speeds. Not only that, he realizes that his speed, combined with his heightened senses, is quite a formidable combination. He feels like he can run effortlessly at least at the speed of sound.

Arriving home swiftly and without breaking a sweat, Mateus decides it's time to rest and prepare for another day of training and achievements. Before going to sleep, he also decides to train his abilities a bit more.

— — —

Lying in bed, Mateus decides to check his stats before ending the day.

Mateus Santos, 17 years old

Intelligence: 8

Charisma: 4

Beauty: 5

Strength: 4

Agility: ∞

Vitality: 4

Magic Capacity: ∞

Passive Abilities:

Accelerated Development.

Omni-Energy Manipulation.

Active Abilities:

God's senses - Mastery 10

Absolute Speed - Mastery 10

Reinforced Body - Mastery 4

Teleportation - Mastery 3

Fire Magic - Mastery 2

Water Magic - Mastery 3

Healing Magic - Mastery 2

Wind Magic - Mastery 1

Telekinesis - Mastery 1

Singing- Matery 1

Bath - Mastery 10

Satisfied with his new abilities and their mastery levels, Mateus decides to sleep.

— — —

Waking up early isn't easy. Waking up early on a Sunday is even harder. And for Mateus, it wouldn't be any different. With much difficulty and resistance, he rises for another day. After fully awakening, Mateus is determined and certain that it will be another wonderful day.

"What should I do today?" That's a difficult question to answer. Normally, he would study or find something fun to do during the day. But it seems Mateus is being influenced by his system.

"Such laziness. As a wise person once said: nothing better than doing nothing." Facing this dilemma of life, Mateus reconsiders his thoughts and decides to train in the morning to maximize his teleportation ability.

His choice is straightforward to understand. Who, given the opportunity to go to another world, wouldn't strive for it? Mateus is no different. He envisions a world where he can have fun, be lazy, have beautiful women, perhaps even create a harem, and, of course, lead a happy life.

Mateus would undoubtedly abandon his life in this world for a chance at happiness in another. His choice is not to be judged; after all, he doesn't have strong ties to this world. No relatives, no friends, nothing. All he desired was the opportunity to change his life, and that opportunity came with a beautiful system capable of doing it all. That's why he would easily give up on this world to live in another.

While contemplating his life and training his teleportation skill, a familiar sound echoed. "*Ding*"


Tomorrow, perhaps I won't be able to send two chapters, but I'll try.

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Tomorrow, perhaps I won't be able to send two chapters, but I'll try.

Rafa_screators' thoughts