
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing. Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Rafa_s · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

A Memorable Date

Mateus arrived home after an exhausting day of training, but couldn't help feeling a wave of anxiety as he remembered he had a date with Mahiru. He wanted everything to be

perfect and knew he needed to prepare carefully.

He entered his room and sat on the edge of the bed, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.

"Everything will be fine," he murmured to himself, trying to dispel the apprehension. "Mahiru is your friend, and today will be a pleasantday."

Mateus stood up

and started getting ready. He chose a light blue shirt that matched his skin

tone well and a pair of dark jeans. He fixed his hair, making sure every strand

was in place, and took one last look in the mirror before leaving the room.

Downstairs, he found Ophis, who was already awake and having the breakfast he had prepared earlier. "You look beautiful today, Ophis," he commented, trying to

ease his own tension by complimenting her.

"Thank you," Ophis replied, without looking up from her meal.

With a smile, Mateus grabbed his keys and headed for the door. "Wish me luck," he

said, waving to Ophis before leaving.

The walk to the meeting place with Mahiru was calm, but each step seemed to increase Mateus anxiety. He mentally reviewed the plan for the day several times, hoping

everything would go as expected.

Upon reaching the meeting point, he spotted Mahiru in the distance. She looked radiant, dressed in a light dress that swayed gently in the breeze. Her smile upon seeing him

made Mateus heart race.

"Hi, Mahiru," he said, trying to sound casual as he approached.

"Hi, Mateus," she replied, with a sparkle in her eyes. "You look great!"

"Thank you," Mateus said, feeling his cheeks warm a bit. "You look amazing too."

They began walking together, talking about trivial things to ease the initial tension.

Mateus realized that despite his anxiety, being in Mahiru's company was


They went to a cozy café that Mateus had carefully chosen. The place was decorated with soft lights and fresh flowers, creating a welcoming atmosphere. They sat at a table

near the window, where they could see the quiet street outside.

"Ihope you like it here," Mateus said, watching Mahiru's reaction.

"It's lovely," she replied, looking around with admiration. "You chose very


They placed their orders and continued talking. Mateus noticed that as time passed, the anxiety he felt began to fade, replaced by a sense of contentment. He felt grateful to

be there, sharing that moment with Mahiru.

They made their orders and continued chatting. Mateus noticed that, as time went on, the anxiety he had felt started to disappear, replaced by a sense of contentment.

He felt grateful to be there, sharing that moment with Mahiru.

After they finished eating, Mateus suggested a walk around the city. "How about we

take a stroll? There are many beautiful places around here."

Mahiru agreed enthusiastically. "That sounds like a great idea!"

They left the café and began walking through the charming streets of the city. The afternoon sun bathed everything in a golden light, and a gentle breeze made the weather

even more pleasant. Mateus felt more relaxed with each step, enjoying Mahiru's


They passed several shops, looking at the window displays and commenting on the items showcased. They stopped at a bookstore, where Mahiru showed interest in some novels, and Mateus was delighted to see her passion for reading. He picked up

a book and read a passage aloud, making Mahiru laugh with his dramatic interpretation.

"You're really good at this," she said, still smiling.

"Thank you," Mateus replied, pleased to see her happy.

Continuing their walk, they reached a busy square where various food stalls were set up, each offering different types of sweets and snacks. The sweet aroma in the air made

Matthew's stomach growl slightly, and he realized it was a perfect opportunity

to try something new.

" Shall we get a sweet treat?" he suggested, looking at one of the stalls selling


Mahiru agreed excitedly. "I love crepes!"

They approached the stall and looked at the menu options. There were crepes of all kinds: with fresh fruits, chocolate, caramel, and even ice cream. Mateus chose a

strawberry crepe with whipped cream, while Mahiru opted for a Nutella and banana crepe.

With crepes in hand, they found a bench in the square where they could sit and enjoy their treats. Mateus took the first bite and smiled at the sweet and refreshing taste of the strawberries combined with the creamy whipped cream.

"It's delicious," he said, looking at Mahiru, who also seemed to be enjoying her crepe.

"Yes, it's wonderful," she replied, licking a bit of Nutella off her lips. "It was a great choice."

They continued eating and talking, laughing about small things and sharing stories from the past. Mateus felt increasingly connected to Mahiru, realizing how special she

was to him.

After finishing their crepes, they decided to explore more of the city. They walked to a nearby park, where birds were singing and the trees offered pleasant shade. They found

a tranquil lake and sat by the edge, watching the ducks swim.

"This place is so beautiful," Mahiru commented, looking at the sparkling water.

"Yes, it's really relaxing," Mateus agreed. "I like to come here to think


They sat in silence for a few moments, appreciating the peace around them. Mateus felt an urge to hold Mahiru's hand but hesitated, worried about spoiling the moment.

As if reading his thoughts, Mahiru smiled and placed her hand over his. "I'm really happy we

spent the day together," she said softly.

Mateus felt his heart race but smiled back, gently squeezing her hand. "Me too, Mahiru. It was an amazing day."

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink, they decided to head back home. They walked side by side, talking about their plans for the future

and promising to do this again soon.

As they said their goodbyes, Mateus felt a mix of happiness and longing. "Thank you

for today, Mahiru. It was special."

"Thank you, Mateus. I can't wait to do this again."

With a final smile, Mahiru walked away, and Mateus watched until she disappeared around the corner. He headed home with a light heart, reflecting on every moment of the

day. He knew that this date was just the beginning of something very special

between them.


--- --- ---



Mahiru's Point of View

Mahiru entered her home with a gentle smile on her lips, still feeling the lightness and happiness from her time with Mateus. As she closed the door behind her, she leaned against it for a moment, reliving the most memorable moments of the day.

She went to her room and sat on the bed, taking off her shoes and snuggling into the covers.

She grabbed a pillow and hugged it, looking up at the ceiling as her thoughts drifted back to their walk around the city.

The café where they started the date was a highlight. Mahiru remembered Mateus initial

tension and how he had relaxed as they talked. That moment when he read a

passage from a book in the bookstore with a dramatic interpretation made her

genuinely laugh, and the way his eyes sparkled as he read left a lasting


The stroll through the square was also special. She could almost taste the sweet Nutella and banana crepe she had chosen and hear the sound of Mateus laughter as

they enjoyed themselves together. She remembered the warmth of the sun, the

gentle breeze, and the comforting feeling of being by his side, sharing simple

and sincere moments.

But it was at the park, by the lake, that Mahiru felt something change within her. The tranquil

silence, the beauty of the place, and the peace she felt being with Mateus made that moment unforgettable. When she placed her hand over his, she felt a genuine and deep connection. His smile, the way he gently squeezed her hand, all of it made her heart race.

"I'm really happy we spent the day together," she remembered saying, and those words

were true.

The walk back home, with the sun setting, felt like a dream. They walked side by side,

talking about the future, and Mahiru felt a hope and joy she hadn't experienced

in a long time. Every detail of the day seemed perfect, and she knew those moments would stay with her forever.

Reflecting on all this, Mahiru felt a wave of emotion. There was something about Mateus, something in how he made her feel, that was different from anything she had

ever experienced before. She found herself smiling again without realizing it, and her heart beat faster at the thought of him.

Sighing, Mahiru admitted to herself, almost in a whisper, "I'm starting to fall in love

with Matthew."

It was a powerful and frightening revelation, but at the same time, it brought a quiet happiness.

Mahiru knew she was allowing herself to open up to something new, something

that could be very special. And with this certainty, she snuggled deeper into the covers, hugging the pillow, letting her thoughts lull her to sleep.

She knew the future was uncertain, but at that moment, all that mattered was the happiness

and hope she felt. And she was eager to see where this new journey would take

her, alongside Matthew.

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I'm releasing my original story, take a look.

It have a version in português and another in English.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Rafa_screators' thoughts