
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing. Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Rafa_s · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

A day in Tokyo

A good day. Nothing more, nothing less. Just a good day. Mateus, who has just woken up, can't help but think that this will be a good day. While stretching and getting ready to get up, Mateus remembers all the events that happened the day before, from his arrival in this world to the skills he gained.

Now fully awake, Mateus begins to think about how to spend his day. After some considerations, Mateus decides to take a stroll around the city and get to know this completely new world for him, so he starts preparing to leave.

Now leaving his apartment, Mateus thinks.

'I definitely have to buy a house; I can't feel so comfortable in an apartment of this size.'

Even though it's in a good neighborhood, Mateus thinks that the size of this apartment won't be sufficient for his future plans.

Before leaving for good and heading to a café, Mateus sees a black cat near the building's exit.

"I can't help but do this, even though you're quite cute, kitty.'"

Heading towards the cat, Mateus decides to use a fatal move on the poor cat: petting. "Nyan'." The cat in question couldn't be happier after being petted by a master in the art of petting.

[You gained mastery in Caress and Pat.]

"This cat is better than I even thought, hahaha. Could you be a special little creature? Jokes aside, thank you, kitty, you were very helpful. If, when I come back, you're still around, I'll give you a treat, okay?"

Giving one last pat to the cat, Mateus continues on his way.

"It's better to stop by a convenience store first to eat something; I'm hungry." Although he can cook, Mateus doesn't have any ingredients to make a snack.

Arriving at the nearest convenience store, Mateus enters the establishment and looks for something to eat. Finding a tuna onigiri, Mateus decides what he'll eat. To accompany it, he decides to have green tea.

After eating his snack, Mateus decides to take a look at what the store has and buy some ingredients for his home. While shopping, he sees someone who is very familiar to him, even though it's the first time they've met in person. She's a very beautiful girl, or rather, every part of her is like a painting, something beautiful to behold. With long, beautiful blonde hair, she looks like a work of art. With big eyes and lovely caramel eyes, she exudes an air of purity, beauty, and innocence: Mahiru Shiina.

Mateus looks at her and admits that she is indeed very beautiful, isn't she? Looking at her, Mateus realizes that she is also buying some ingredients. Mateus doesn't think now is the best time to talk to her; after all, sooner or later, they will meet again, and during that time, he will still encounter other people he's interested in.

After buying what he needed, Mateus leaves the convenience store and decides to take a stroll around. Taking advantage of the fact that places are relatively close in this city, Mateus decides to visit some tourist spots around.

— — —

While strolling, Mateus felt some strange looks directed towards him, almost as if he was being followed, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Seeing that it's getting dark, Mateus thinks he can grab a meal at a restaurant before heading home.

Considering his options, Mateus decides to go for ramen today. Searching for a restaurant, he finds one that serves what he wants, and without hesitation, he heads towards the establishment. Already having in mind what kind of ramen he wants, Mateus goes to the restaurant, but only now, at the end of the day, he realizes a crucial thing – he doesn't speak Japanese. It may seem a bit silly for someone who decided to live in Japan, but he simply forgot about this important detail. While he can manage well with languages like English or Spanish, when it comes to Japanese, he only knows a few basic things.

Now facing a major issue, Mateus finds himself at a dead end. But a great savior comes to his rescue.

[Given the urgency of the host and his previous lack of willingness to learn a language, you have gained a reward: Omnilingualism.]

"I knew I could count on you, system." Excited, Mateus gets a bit carried away and ends up attracting unwanted attention. Quickly, he apologizes for the disturbance.

Now, with the ability to speak the local language, Mateus goes to the ramen restaurant and indulges in an excellent tonkotsu ramen.

— — —

"Phew." The now satisfied Mateus pays the bill, leaves the restaurant, and heads towards his home. However, the walk that seemed to be calm turns a bit challenging.

Feeling the atmosphere becoming somewhat strange and hearing the sound of the crowd gradually fading, Mateus realizes that his situation doesn't seem good.

"It seems like I'm inside some kind of internal space isolation spell." It can only be that for Mateus, as he didn't feel the space being disturbed or entering another dimension.

'Who could want to mess with me, and why me of all people? Have they found out that I came from another world?' Mateus starts thinking wildly. After all, what else could it be? Thinking this way, Mateus considers that the people pursuing him might have discovered his power or found out about his origin from another world.

Perhaps he's overthinking, or maybe not, considering the fact that two people have appeared out of nowhere, and with an intimidating aura, they question him.

"It was you who did this?"

Confusion. That's the key word to describe Mateus's feelings because he doesn't know what he did, if he did anything at all. Gathering some courage, he asks one of the two beings in front of him.

"Sorry if I'm being rude, but what did I do? Maybe you confused me with someone else." Perhaps they made a mistake, so Mateus carefully brings up this possibility.

After hearing Mateus's response, one of the two beings, who, upon closer inspection, seem like stray devils, responds furiously.

"There's no way to mistake a being like you! Stop playing dumb!"

Once again, Mateus can't understand what this being is talking about. So he asks.

"Seriously, what did I do to make you act like this?"

The other stray devil next to him looks at his companion and whispers to him.

"It seems he really doesn't know what we're talking about."

"That seems to be the case if you stop to think about it," says the other being, who calms down a bit after taking a deep breath.

"So tell him. Maybe it's easier to get him to join us if we promise to teach him how to use magic. He seems like just a young idiot." Said the stray devil who is calmer and more thoughtful.

"And if he doesn't want to join and thinks we're crazy?" says the other stray devil.

"Then we use force." Agreeing with each other, they seem determined about the initiative regarding the individual who, in this case, is our protagonist.

Little did they know, our protagonist was clearly hearing their whispers. With his extremely acute senses, it's child's play to hear a small whisper. After hearing about the use of violence if necessary, Mateus prepares for an eventual fight, even though he doesn't want to. After all, this would be his first fight, and one could say he's quite inexperienced, despite being quite strong.

So the two stray devils take the initiative and put their foolproof plan into action.

"Listen here, young man. We're looking for you because you have a very large magical power, so great that it seems to distort the space around you. It would be impossible for any mage not to notice such a large and dense power like yours."

After hearing this explanation, it seems the pieces have fallen into place, and Mateus understands why so many people have been following him today. So he subconsciously asks the system.

'Is there any way to contain this magical power, system?' He's too lazy to think for himself, so he asks the equally lazy system he has. And it makes sense for him to want to learn to control his magical power because that would mean fewer problems for him, and that's all he wants – just to relax and live his life lazily. Hearing the plea for help, the system responds.

[Yes, there is, host. With your exceptional control of energy, just think about containing your magical power within yourself.]

'Thank you.' Mateus can't help but thank his system because what it just taught him will save him from many future problems.

So, putting into practice what the system told him, Mateus manages to contain all his magical power that was spread around him.

When he does this, the two beings in front of him become alert upon realizing that Mateus has contained his power. Getting ready, one of them resumes the conversation and asks Mateus.

"Well, knowing that, how about you join us, and in return, we'll teach you how to use magic? It seems like a good proposal, what do you think?" With a fake smile, the stray devil says, already prepared for a possible attack.

"I refuse." Mateus says with a smile, after all, using that catchphrase has always been one of his dreams.

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