
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing. Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Rafa_s · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

A Chaotic Day

"I refuse." After hearing this, the two stray devils prepared for the imminent battle. Similarly, Mateus is ready for the fight. Lazy as he may be, when a problem arises, Mateus always deals with it immediately. Today is no different. Mateus is determined to resolve this situation quickly.

"Attack!" says one of the stray devils, and after uttering those words, both charge towards Mateus, who promptly activates a single skill.

'Black hole.' Just thinking about activating the skill, Mateus creates a small black hole, swiftly absorbing one stray devil. Witnessing his companion eradicated so quickly, the remaining stray devil starts trembling in fear. Gathering the courage he has left, he makes a bold decision. He invokes an attack spell and sends it towards Mateus.

Looking at the weak spell coming his way, Mateus contemplates the best way to deal with it. He decides to use his Gluttony skill. Invoking the skill and watching the spell get quickly absorbed, Mateus hears in his head, [Congratulations, you absorbed and acquired the Demonic Power ability.]

Mateus is quite pleased with his new reward, a magic that operates based on the user's thoughts, truly powerful. However, Mateus hasn't forgotten that he's still in the midst of a battle and must deal with the stray devil in front of him.

"Since you've given me a good reward, I'll handle you quickly." Saying this, Mateus once again uses the Black hole skill, swiftly absorbing the being in front of him. To Mateus's surprise, he doesn't feel anything significant after killing these two beings. Perhaps he's overthinking it or possibly neglecting the fact that he doesn't value the lives of the two beings he just killed.

Setting aside these thoughts, Mateus remarks, "That was faster than I imagined, but no problem, it's better this way." Resuming his path, Mateus continues thoughtfully. 'Were these beings too weak, or am I too strong?' Mateus pondered on this. Despite Black hole being a potent skill, it's not maximized yet, meaning it hasn't reached its full potential. Therefore, Mateus prefers to think that these stray devils were just weak.

"I better hurry; I still have a cat to feed." Mateus hasn't forgotten about the black cat he encountered when leaving his apartment. He even bought some treats for the feline.

— — —

Close to reaching his home, Mateus revisits some thoughts he had before. 'I really can't live in an apartment. I need to figure out a way to make money and buy a house soon.' Don't get it wrong; Mateus doesn't have money issues, as he has his parents' inheritance in this world. However, he needs more money to have a good house and a peaceful life. Depending on the size of his harem, he'll need even more money. So, he needs means to acquire more funds.

While having this internal debate, Mateus has already reached the door of his apartment. Before entering, he notices someone else arriving at the adjacent apartment. He looks out of simple curiosity to find out who the person next door is, and to his surprise, it's the same person he encountered earlier at the convenience store, Mahiru Shiina.

The said person merely looks at our protagonist and thinks, 'This boy is really handsome.' Disregarding these thoughts, she decides to enter her apartment. Meanwhile, Mateus, who was momentarily on the sidelines, reflects.

'This is a pleasant and welcome surprise.' Having a cutie as a neighbor is an emotional relief for Mateus. But Mateus remembers another cuteness he didn't encounter on his way here – the black kitten. Sad that he can't feed the kitten, Mateus moves on.

Entering his apartment, Mateus takes out the items he bought earlier from his inventory and begins to store his purchases. After this light task, Mateus starts thinking about what he will do in this world.

"In a few days, school starts; that's easy to handle, just need to be present. But there's also the issue with the supernatural beings in this world. I'm sure it wasn't just those stray devils who noticed me; I think other beings also sensed my magical power." Mateus is on a good train of thought, but he believes only a small fraction of beings felt his magical power. Poor guy, he has no idea that the entire world felt his power.

Continuing his thoughts, Mateus says, "I also want to get to know my neighbor better; who knows, I might develop a greater interest in her. Moreover, I have to find a way to make money."

Our welcome and savior system decides to step in once again to help our dear protagonist.

["Given the host's urgent need and strong desire for material possessions, you have received a small amount of money. Consider it a welcome gift to the world provided by the system."]

Quickly grabbing his phone and checking his account balance, Mateus is bewildered. "Since when is this a 'small' amount of money?" Astonished, Mateus exclaims as he looks at the available balance.

'Available balance: ¥10,000,000,000 (10 billion yen or $70,360,600 or €64,499,560.00)'

"Well, now I'm rich, at least hahaha..." Mateus laughs halfheartedly, thinking again that this system is making him even lazier. Not that he minds the idea.

"Well, there goes another eventful day." Mateus, preparing to sleep, remarks. And indeed, it was a quite eventful day. It was supposed to be an ordinary day, but everything happened, from getting rid of annoying fights to becoming a billionaire.

— — —

Just one day. That's what Mateus thinks; for him, this day will be just a regular day. So, waking up and attending to his morning needs, he is ready to shine in another day.

Mateus prepares a simple breakfast with rice, miso with vegetables, sardines, tamagoyaki, bacon, and sausage. "Itadakimasu." Thanking for the food, he eats contentedly and simply ignores the system message.

[You've increased the mastery of the Cooking Skill.]

Well, it's impossible to ignore a voice inside your head, actually.

"Sigh." Mateus sighs, giving up on thinking about it, and finishes his meal.

— — —

Loneliness. Just a feeling. For Mateus, it goes a bit further. He didn't have many friends in his old world, and now it couldn't be different; after all, he just moved to this world. Among the few people he encountered, only a few could potentially be friends. Some even tried to kill him.

So, our lonely protagonist suffers from a terrible thing—the lack of friends. Unfortunately for Mateus's lazy mind, not even his system can answer the question of where and how to find friends in Tokyo.

Feeling desolate, Mateus simply lies on the sofa and starts pondering how to solve this significant problem.

"Knock! Knock!" Hearing knocks on the door, Mateus can't help but be surprised.

'Who could it be?' Rushing towards his door, Mateus seeks to find out who is knocking. Upon opening it, he is astonished to see an angel—not the angel next door, but a literal angel.

A remarkably beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure, like other seraphim, she has 12 wings extending from her back, worthy of being called the most beautiful woman in Heaven.

Looking at her with curiosity and, of course, admiring the beauty before him, Mateus politely asks

"May I help you? What brings an angel to my doorstep?" Despite Mateus appearing polite on the outside, inside, he harbors a bit of annoyance as it seems another faction is trying to invite him.

"Ah, hello! I apologize for the unexpected visit. I've come with a special proposal, an opportunity for you to join our faction. I feel that your strength would be a valuable blessing. Of course, only if you're interested, that is. By the way, my name is Gabriel; I am a seraphim from Heaven."

'A pure and innocent girl.' Mateus can't believe that someone like her exists in the world, but the person in front of him is more than enough reason for him to believe that such people do exist.

But realizing that the person in front of him harbors no ill intentions towards him, Mateus acts equally politely and responds to the proposal.

"Hello, Gabriel. My name is Mateus. I regret to inform you, but I will decline your proposal. However, I am not against having a peaceful relationship. What do you think? How about taking my proposal to your siblings in Heaven?"

"Oh, alright, Mateus. I'll talk to them about your proposal. By the way, when did I mention having siblings?"

With sweat trickling down his forehead upon realizing his mistake, Mateus says

"Don't worry about that, just go, and then you can tell me the outcome."

"Alright. Until next time!"

"Goodbye!" Mateus bids farewell to this adorable creature that came to his door, thinking that the world is too impure for someone as kind as her.

After closing the door, Mateus decides to return to his sofa and resume his contemplation on how to make friends.

"Damn!" Mateus realizes he missed the chance to have a wonderful friend and can't help but lament.

Now on the sofa, Mateus restarts his cycle of thoughts that, in the end, might not even help him, as who can say if his plans will succeed? While pondering these things, Mateus hears it again.

"Knock! Knock!"

"Today seems to be my lucky day," Mateus ironically says as his thoughts are disturbed once again.

Approaching the door, Mateus asks once more, "Who is it?"

"Ah, hi, I am..."

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