
The Sunshine Trilogy

Marc is a retired automotive professional who started writing later in life. The Sunshine Machine is his first novel and part of a trilogy with a prequel and sequel in the works. When Marc is not writing he enjoys playing acoustic guitar, hiking trails in the Adirondacks, reading and spending time with his family. Marc is a graduate of the school of Architecture and Environmental Design from the State University of New York at Buffalo. and resides in Buffalo with his wife, Kathi. Growing up in the household of ABUELA GUADALUPE, a native American woman and a single parent mother, molds FRANCESCA into a young woman of conflicted thoughts about sexuality and self. Her mother, SORPRESA DA RIMINI, a flower child of the sixties, offers little support to her maturation and Abuela Guadalupe provides only mythical native tales of the “The First People” to school her in feminine sexuality and identity. From an early age she discerns that she is different, supported by the fact that she has a mysterious birthmark on her hand. Abuela Guadalupe insists that it is a sign of her wolf spirit, which affirms strength and vision. Others see the birthmark as a curse and bad luck. Francesca’s halcyon teen years are interrupted by the untimely death of her mother, Sorpresa. At her mother’s funeral she meets the patriarch of the Da Rimini family; GUIDO DA RIMINI. She is surprised to learn he is her grandfather and requests that she return to the family; The Da Rimini family her mother was banished from years earlier, because of her illegitimate pregnancy. She accepts the patriarch’s proposal but later pays a heavy price, when she is raped by her cousin; ROBERTO “Robbie” DELGADO. Francesca's troubles are far from over . . .

Marc M. Minnick · สมจริง
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Chapter 35: Ali-Aziz Mizraahi

Other than my intimate times with Frances I missed ordinary human companionship. The friends I traveled with, stayed in Carpinteria and found jobs fulfilling their California dreams as factory workers. When my loneliness appeared obvious to a neighbor that greeted me every morning; (female and cute) she suggested to me she had an extra room and that I could sublet and share the costs. Although her offer was enticing, I thanked her and turned her down explaining I was an incurable slob. At this juncture of my story, one might say, I must have been crazy to reject such an offer, but she volunteered, she had a boyfriend and he was in police- training in Lompoc. And as far any sexual attraction to her, Yes, but I already had my hands full with Frances. So…. I ran an ad in the classifieds of the Isla Vista daily. It read

Roommate needed, preferably male.no stoners, religious freaks, need apply. Willing to split rent and utilities with qualified applicants. Call Lukas H.345-5656