

Many wispers gather around the campfire. Two people unknowly gave each other a gift that well change there livies forever more.

October 1, 2010

" Angie, where are you!," called to his freind playing hide and seek. The boy couldn'tfind his freind anywhere. He began to worry that something may had gotten to her. Just seconds before, he began to cry, and Angie popped out. She apologized for making him worry, "Zack, why are you crying again. Remember, we're playing hid and seek. Do not give up all of the time," Angie gently explained. Angie extends her right hand to Zack, and said, "Hey, Zack. Lets play another time,"as Angie looks toward the rising moon.

As the moon rose, in the sky, the two freinds separate. Zack is to family of rich nobles, which blood lines reach further than any other. Zack stepped into a black tinted limousine, as he stepped in he waved and shout it, "Until next time, Angie." The limousine drove off in is ominous aura leaving no trail behind. Angie stood in great sadness staring at the moon.