

I gazed at the brightly burning figure of Draco. His Dragon armor had fully materialized in just a few seconds, his feet now firmly planted on the ground. Its design was simply exquisite, it looked as if the armor was truly made from dragon scales. The design and texture carried out throughout the armor. His helmet was shaped like that of a dragon's head. The mouth completely enveloping his head. Any exposed area was covered by a bright blue under-helmet. I could not see his expression through it. His wing-like cape billowed against the open skyline of the city. It was divided down the middle to make it look like two separate pieces.

One look at him and normal folks would be petrified, too scared of this monster to even move or react. However, I knew Draco was a highborn. I was prepared. The unsheathed blade was now glowing sinisterly. Draco lifted it to me and pointed at me. " You die, today, fool!" Draco's voice was now beyond recognition. It sounded modulated, raspy, and extremely deep.

I steeled myself, knowing Draco would launch an attack any second. Just as I thought, Draco raised his left palm, and a blazing inferno spiraled towards me. We were on opposite ends of the office, approximately 10 meters away, but the heat I felt was intense, I could feel sweat dripping. Looking at the vortex felt like I was staring Into the depths of hell. I pulled my focus away from the rhythmic dance of flames and brought my right arm up to shield my body. The force of the flames pushed me back. The heat was intense, like stepping in lava. The flames crawled up my body like ants, burning off the right sleeve of my jacket. My prosthetic arm was now fully exposed, in all its dark blue glory. I grit my teeth, I have to resist for now.

Seeing my struggle, Draco intensified his attack. I could imagine him chuckling under his helmet. The imagery of his smug face strengthened my urge to squash him like an ant. The intensified fire vortex continued to push me back, my back was about to on the elevator door. Until...

*TWEEEEEE* *ZAP* my right arm thrummed with life. The energy gathered from the flames had charged it to the max. I wasted no time, commanding a barrier around myself. Within less than a second of my thought, a blue translucent barrier appeared around me. It repelled the flames, spreading them around the room like a forest fire. I smirked internally. 'Now the fun begins...'

Draco saw the flames spreading and laughed. He thought he had finally burnt me to ash. He canceled his attack, to see a light blue bubble standing resilient amongst the flames. Each ember danced around the shield as I slowly approached Draco. I could see Draco physically recoil. He was stunned speechless.

Seeing this opportunity, I reached inside my jacket, pulling out my signature A96 Ion blaster. It was a high-grade blaster in the shape of a revolver. Instead of a cylinder, it housed an ion converter. The gun was coated in a black colour scheme with dark blue accents. However, when my fully charged right arm came into contact with it, the dark blue glowed like stars in the night sky. The destructive potential of this gun was limited only by my will and power.

Without hesitation, I pulled the trigger. A sound as loud as a sonic boom occurred. * ZANG *. The piercing sound of an ionic explosion rang throughout the office as a blue bolt of brilliant light traveled at incomprehensible speeds towards Draco's chest. Unable to comprehend the situation in front of him, Draco could not dodge the shot. The blue bolt hit its mark. Draco was knocked back and knocked down. The impact nearly knocked him out the open window. Looking behind him his shock grew. He stood back up to see a black scorch mark on his armor, right where the bullet hit him.

In absolute bewilderment, Draco refocused his eyes on me. I was still calmly walking with my blaster at my side. I holstered the gun at my waist briefly. I brought my right arm up to my chest, it was still glowing and brimming with energy. Sparks of lightning radiated off it and the energy was shown in lines like veins. A knife scabbard decloaked itself on my forearm. I pulled the knife out. However, only the hilt came out, there was no blade.

Draco, however, was extremely on edge. Even in his armor, his supposedly strongest form, I knew he was afraid. On command, a blade emerged from the hilt of the dagger, it was coated with energy. Holding the knife in an ice pick grip in my right hand my blaster in my left, I took a stance and sized Draco up.

"Last chance Draco... Surrender! I don't want to kill you," I said through my teeth. In truth, I wanted to crush his skull till his eyes popped out. I wanted him to experience pain like no other. Betraying me came at no small cost. Unfortunately, Draco re-steeled himself, with all his remaining resolve, he raised his sword at me again, not backing down, but not replying to me either.

Sighing in disappointment, I made a dash to Draco at high speed, leaving a path of blue light in my wake. Draco, shocked at my speed, ignited his blade in fire, swinging the blade in my direction, sending flames flying in my direction. I dodged the projectile slashes with ease, ducking under the first, sidestepping the next, and jumping over the last. I could touch the ceiling with the height of my jump. Using repulsors on my palms, I trusted myself downwards, clashing my dagger with Draco' katana.

The sheer force of the collision threw Draco off balance, staggering him. I began my relentless assault. I pounced on Draco while he was still off-balance, kicking him in the abdomen to further unbalance him. Using a reverse hand grip I made wide slashes with my dagger, slicing his armor. Draco started regaining his footing and elongated his blade with flames. I did not bother to block them as I knew he had better leverage. I used my blaster to ruin his momentum and rhythm, forcing him to block. In the distance, I heard the sounds of thruster towards our location. The Marines were on the way. Knowing I had to end the fight fast, I mustered my strength.

Firing a few more bullets to force Draco into defense, I finally holstered my blaster, tossing my knife in the air and catching it by the blade. I flipped in the air to build momentum, throwing the blade. The blade whirred past Draco's head, flying into the night sky. Draco watched on in awe and fear. I took the opportunity, using residual energy in my right arm to punch Draco in the face. Sparks flew and energy radiated.

*CRACK* I heard the cracking of glass and metal as Draco's helmet shattered, revealing his wide eyes and mouth agape. The impact of the punch caused Draco to fall backward, nearing falling out of the window. At that instant, when Draco thought he would fall to his death, the dagger returned to me like a boomerang, piercing Draco in the abdomen. The force rebalanced him and he knelt down clutching his wound. The wound was not fatal, I made it that way. But I could see exhaustion and fear in Draco's eyes. I knelt down to him, with contempt in my eyes. I took the dagger out, hearing the groan of pain Draco released. His armor was covered in cuts and blood. His armor was stained, just like his name and reputation.

The crumpled figure of Draco lay in front of me. He was on his knees, truly a shell of his former self. He was covered in blood, and an arrogant smile could no longer form itself unto Draco's mouth. He was still in shock and agony. His body slumped as the adrenaline of the battle finally wore off. His breathing intensified, he supported himself with his right hand and clutched his wound with his left. I walked over to him, looming over him. He met my gaze, and immediately broke away, like a meek child.

"I ... I am sorry... Please ..." Draco spoke these words through his labored breathing. Lips chapped and stained by blood.

"Like I said Draco, I don't want to kill you. I will give you one last chance," I repeated once more, with slight disappointment in my voice. I extended my hand to Draco. He stared at my hand with a hint of hope in his eyes. Then he looked at me with the same hopeful but surprised expression. I did not waver. After few seconds of hesitation, he grabbed my hand as I pulled him up.

" Freeze!" I heard a modulated voice break the silence behind me. I turned slowly and witnessed a horrifying sight. My lieutenants and men were all being held at gunpoint by a squad of marines. In the middle, one wearing blue and gold armor. His helmet was much sharper, more defined than the others. His back was adorned with a half cape. The Noxian crest was etched on his shoulder plate. The four wings surrounding the moon shone brilliantly in the night light.

" Well that was quite a show..." the high-ranking soldier said in a voice full of admiration. His voice sounded open and warm, but cold in its own way. "It's rare that I can see thugs like you, cybernetically enhanced or not, beat a highborn, a wielder of magic. I am Commander Ballasteer of the 52nd company, and I'm here to arrest you."

Ballasteer, said in a sinister voice. Ominously, dark purple orbs started to float around his body. Ballasteer, I recognised that name...Another highborn...