
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
56 Chs


7 months had passed since Myro and the others had arrived on this island.

Currently, Myro was sitting on his bed and absorbing the mid-level mana crystal in his hand.

Myro is currently a peak tier apprentice mage, but it's been more than 5 months and Myro hasn't been able to reach the junior mage level yet.

Myro didn't understand the reason why he couldn't reach the junior mage. Even though he was always practicing and absorbing mana crystals. Myro's 1000 mid-tier mana crystals given by Claire were running low, Myro didn't even see a chance to cross the apprentice wizard's limit and become a junior mage.

Myro currently possessed and formed 10,000 mana balls within his body. But, Myro still couldn't get past the apprentice wizard level at all.

Myro also asked Shar and Lean about it. But, they didn't know that either, they weren't magicians after all.

Shar answered Myro's question by saying "I don't know much about magician cultivation matters. However, Haera once told me that every magician raises his power and reaches a new level, there will be a big change. So, maybe young master should change the mana ball inside. young master's body".

"Change it?", Myro said confusedly.

"Yes", Shar nodded and said again "Young master, the mana ball is not a suitable shape for some of the mana strands to gather and form a ball. What if the young master moves the mana strands and combines them with the cells in the young master's body. So that you can use mana more quickly".

"Young master can also try fusing those mana strands with your bones. So you can have much stronger bones. After all, a mage's weakness is their lack of defense so they can easily be killed by stealth attacks. If the host has a strong body, then the mage's weakness is will disappear."

Shar's suggestion was indeed quite helpful for Myro, but to do so directly was extremely difficult. During these 5 months, Myro has tried many times to transfer the mana strands to the cells in the body. However, the mana strands always return to which ball and form the flow of mana in the ball.

The biggest difference between junior mages and apprentice mages was that junior mages had greater power. Then if the junior mage and apprentice mage used the same magic, then the junior mage's magic would be much stronger than the apprentice mage. Like if the junior mage used fireball magic and fought Myro who also used fireball magic, then the junior mage's fireball magic would be much stronger than Myro's fireball magic.

So, what is the main difference between a junior mage and an apprentice? In the Magical Plant Academy there is no manual on this subject, which is to reach a junior mage.

Because at the Plant Magic Academy, all students who reached the same peak-level apprentice magician as Myro at this time would be told directly how to reach junior magicians by the senior magicians in the magic academy.

Therefore, if Myro was currently still at the Plant Magic Academy then he might have reached junior mage easily.

"Young master, are you still struggling to reach the junior mage level?", as Myro who was filled with confusion in cultivation suddenly heard Shar's voice.

"Yes", Myro nodded and sighed then said "Maybe I need a few years to figure out the right way to become a junior mage".

"You don't need to worry young master", said Shar then a figure appeared in front of Myro kneeling down. Shar immediately said again "I, Shar will solve the whole problem young master".

Hearing Shar who was so confident to solve the problem, Myro became interested and said "Then, do you know how to increase my strength to become a junior mage?".

"I don't know at this time, young master," said Shar shaking his head.

"So how are you going to solve this problem?" Myro said confusedly to Shar.

"I may not know it, but I know who knows a way to solve your problem", said Shar with a confident smile.

"Is there anyone else on this island?", Myro suddenly thought there might be a senior mage on this island who could tell Myro how to increase his strength to become a junior mage.

"Lean, you can bring them here," said Shar. Then Lean's shadow appeared and knocked down some of the people in his hands.

There were 5 people dropped by Lean. They all wore magic robes from various academies, some from the Dark Academy, the Magic Plant Academy and other academies.

The 5 people are currently tied up with ropes. Their mouths were also closed so they could not scream. At this moment, those people were moving around, trying to escape.

Seeing these arrested people, Myro asked Shar "Where did you guys get these people from?".

Shar said "Young master, I previously saw you constantly worrying about increasing your strength to become a junior mage. Therefore, I left this island for a while and brought some good people. juniors".

"You can ask them about the method. I was even worried that the methods of an academy alone were not enough, that's why I recruited senior mages from various magic academies. So, you can learn for sure about the methods of becoming a junior mage".

Myro looked at those people and looked at Shar again saying "Are they really good people and trying to teach me how to become a junior mage? Did you really recruit them? They are currently tied up, are they really that bad?" really it's okay to teach me?".

"You don't have to worry young master", said Shar then looked at the bound people.

"Are you guys okay teaching me the method of becoming a junior mage?" Myro asked the bound senior mages.

Hearing that, those senior mages would refuse. But, they soon saw Shar's smiling face beside Myro.

The smile that appeared on Shar was a smile filled with murder. Shar even took out his dagger and pointed at his neck then moved it to the side, telling these senior mages that if they refused they would die.

Myro didn't know that. But, seeing these senior mages scared to see Shar. Myro immediately looked towards Shar as well.

But, when Myro looked at Shar. Shar already kept her dagger and smiled kindly then said to these senior mages "You guys are going to help the young master to train, right?".

The senior mages were covered in cold sweat. They had fought Shar before. Shar is so strong, before they can even move Shar has bound them and brought them to this island. If it was a killing battle, then they would have been killed quickly by Shar before they realized it.

Therefore, the magicians immediately smiled kindly. Then the senior mages immediately nodded very quickly indicating that they agreed to teach Myro how to become a junior mage without any objections.

Shar immediately smiled happily at Myro and said "See young master, they came here because they really want to teach young master. They are NOT at all compelled to come here. Right, senior mages?".

Hearing Shar's question, the senior mages immediately nodded very quickly again.

Myro nodded and said "Okay, if they're going to teach AT ALL NOT FORCE".

"You don't have to worry young master", said Shar then said again "If they feel compelled to teach you, then I will bring them back".

After that Shar only made a sound so low that Myro couldn't hear it and only the senior mages could hear "Surely going back to meet your god. So if you're not interested in meeting the god so soon, then do your job well".

The senior mages who were renowned for their prowess in the Continent of Fate, were currently feeling extremely frightened in the face of Shar.

After all, these senior mages fear death the most. They had lived very well and they were also treated well by the magic academy or the royal nobles.

They were senior mages who were already extremely powerful and formidable in this Continent of Fate. So, many magic academies and nobles treated them very well in order to recruit and get their help.

Therefore, they were afraid of being killed by Shar and losing their excellent world life.

Seeing that these senior mages had understood, Shar immediately smiled and said to Myro "Alright young master, you can ask them anything. Lean take off their mouths".

Lean nodded and started to remove the mouthpieces of the senior mages. The senior mages sat down nicely and waited for Myro's question. They had no interest in lingering here and immediately fled. Therefore, they waited for Myro's question so that they could immediately answer it and leave this island and this crazy killer (Shar).

Myro started saying "Then I'll ask you guys. How does one get to a junior wizard from an apprentice wizard?".

Hearing Myro's question, a mage in a Dark Academy robe immediately shouted "Let me answer it. To become a junior mage, an apprentice mage must..."

"Wait a minute", a scream immediately rang out.

The person who shouted just now was a senior mage from the Bright Light Academy. The senior mage immediately said "Sir, you can't trust those senior mages from the Dark Academy, let me tell you. To become a junior mage one needs to..."

"Sir, don't listen to the tricks of this senior mage of the Bright Light Academy," a senior mage of the Herb Magic Academy immediately shouted to stop the explanation from the senior mage of the Bright Light Academy.

The senior mage from the Magical Plant Academy immediately said "I'll tell you about the true method of becoming a junior mage that is..."

"Wait", again before the senior mage from the Magical Herb Academy could finish his sentence he was stopped by a mage who was a senior mage from a large noble family.

Seeing these senior mages competing with each other to explain to Myro, Myro felt a little troubled. After all, those senior mages thought that who explained the method of becoming a junior mage to Myro, then they would be allowed to return to the Continent of Fate. Therefore, they compete with each other for their safety.

Shar soon learns that Myro is quite troubled by these senior mages competing with each other. But, in the end they were always stopped when they were about to explain the method. So Myro doesn't know any cultivation methods yet

Shar immediately took out her dagger and threw it on the ground near the senior mages. Seeing the daggers that were thrown to the ground, the senior mages immediately retreated in fear.

Shar immediately said coldly "Are you fools? The moment one explains the method the others should be silent. If you continue like this, then I will let you see your gods again".

The magicians immediately fell silent and looked at Shar in fear. Shar immediately pointed to a senior mage from the Dark Academy and said "You will explain first. Then, it is better that you don't try to cheat, otherwise you will suffer the consequences for trying to deceive the young master".

The senior mage from the Dark Academy immediately advanced cautiously. Then he slowly said "An apprentice wizard if they are going to become junior wizards then they need the correct cultivation method. I use the Dark Sky cultivation method which is the Dark Academy's cultivation method. This cultivation method makes the darkness magic used stronger by 30 % compared to dark magicians who don't use this method".

Hearing that, Myro nodded and said "I don't have the element of darkness, so your methods won't work. How about you guys?".

Myro asked the other senior mages who were currently sitting and waiting. The senior mage from the Bright Light Academy immediately said "I use the Energy Shield cultivation method. So I will always be covered by a shield. This shield can withstand some magic from magicians of the same level. When the shield is destroyed by a strong attack, it will reappear. within a day. This cultivation method I got from my Bright Light Academy".

Other senior mages also shared that they also used their own cultivation methods to reach junior mages. These cultivation methods they got from their magic academy or their noble families.

Myro understood now, so the reason he couldn't become a junior mage even after 5 months of training was because he didn't have a cultivation method.

Cultivation methods belonged to one person and one's family and were only given to disciples or family members. They do not exist in book form and are given directly orally by senior mages.

Therefore, Shar couldn't COincidentally find a cultivation method book to reach a junior mage. Because that cultivation method doesn't exist in book form.

It seemed that Myro had to find a cultivation method that matched his elements.