
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
56 Chs


A month had passed from the time Myro joined the Magic Plant Academy,

Myro sat on his wooden bed and was absorbing a mid-level mana crystal. Where did Myro get the mid-level mana crystal, Myro only got it from Shar.

Myro exhaled and started to open his eyes. A strong pressure came out of Myro as he exhaled so Boldes, Kiel and Tirse immediately woke up with a start. Myro immediately saw that the mid-tier mana crystal was empty and threw it in the storage pouch before being seen by Boldes and the others.

If they saw that Myro had mid-tier mana crystals, they would probably ask a lot of questions. After all they both came from ordinary families, so there was no way Myro had a mid-tier crystal. They didn't know that Myro had such a great partner finding items by chance.

Boldes immediately looked at Myro in surprise and said "Myro..... You've become a tier 5 apprentice wizard?".

Kiel and Tirse looked at Myro waiting for his answer. Even though they already knew Myro's strength as a tier 5 apprentice wizard based on the pressure Myro gave off earlier. They still can't take it easily. After all, right now, they were still tier 3 apprentice wizards. Myro was the same as they were a month ago. But in just a month Myro was able to quickly reach a level 5 apprentice wizard.

It was no longer a talented person but it was more like a cultivation monster, that was what Boldes and the others thought most seeing Myro's current cultivation speed.

Myro nodded and said "Yes, I've reached level 5".

Tirse immediately said with a sigh "Really talented. It's not wrong that the entire magic academy called you the most talented student when we were about to do the test a month ago".

Boldes laughed happily and said "Why do you look like you're sighing like that? The more talented Myro is the better it will be for us. Myro can help us in cultivation so you shouldn't have to sigh like that".

Kiel also said "Yeah, even though Myro is great at magic cultivation. If it's a muscle problem then I'm definitely better".

Tirse smiled and said "Yes, you are right".

"Come on, stop talking and we'd better get some food. Aren't you hungry?" Myro said.

"You guys can go look for food by yourself, I'll go somewhere else this morning", Kiel said.

Immediately everyone in the room looked at Kiel strangely. Boldes said in surprise "Kiel..... Is it possible that you will go with a woman?".

Kiel looked at Boldes confusedly and nodded then said "Yes, how did you know?".

Boldes immediately shouted in exaggeration "God! Kiel who only cares about muscles is finally growing up. Why don't you tell us about this matter. How about it, is your girlfriend pretty?".

Kiel immediately understood Boldes' intent. In this magic academy there are already many students and nobles who are dating or engaged to each other. But most of them were nobles, whereas ordinary people were mostly just busy practicing. After all, they are only 10 years old.

Kiel immediately said shyly "What are you saying Boldes! What I'm about to meet is the person who will train me in learning how to fight. It's not what you think".

Tirse's face immediately became normal again and said "Fortunately, I think you've changed a lot Kiel. After all, we should now prioritize training and not think about such insignificant things. I can't go hunting today either, I'm going to eat with Lily. ".

"Lily? What's wrong with your sister suddenly you have to eat together?", said Boldes strangely.

Tirse said with a sigh "Hah..... Lily is "friend" with a man. That man often borrows Lily's money and now Lily has run out of her mana crystal and is going to borrow mine, that's why she asked me to meet because to borrow money. See , it's better as students we have to put practice first. I don't know what my sister is thinking".

Hearing Tirse's words, Boldes' body trembled slightly and his face currently looked very surprised. Myro only glanced at Boldes for a moment, then said to Tirse "Isn't that guy only interested in Lily's money? Why does Lily still give him money that Lily has to borrow money from you?".

Tirse couldn't help but smile bitterly and said "How would I know? Lily has been completely fooled now. Lily doesn't even have her own mana crystal to cultivate and gave all her mana crystals to that man".

Myro also became a little angry, after all they had been friends for a month so Myro considered Lily his friend too. Myro said with a gloomy face "Why does Lily keep lending her money? Don't you stop her, Tirse!".

Tirse sighed again and said "I've also asked Lily about it before. At first I didn't mind Lily being with that guy, but after I found out that she kept borrowing money from Lily I told Lily to stop. But, Lily always supported her Lily told me that the man borrowed his mana crystal to cultivate and will return it to Lily when he has more mana crystals. However, it's been a few weeks and the money still hasn't been returned."

Kiel, who was only listening before, immediately shouted angrily "Why don't you stop it? If it continues like this Lily will only run out of cultivation resources. Why are you just keeping quiet?".

Tirse also shouted a little "I was also going to stop Lily at first! I was also going to tell you guys! At first I was going to meet that guy and beat him up! But, Lily was crying for that guy, my sister was crying for that cheater! What can I do? Huh.. ...Tell me, what can I do? Ban it? I just stopped him already crying and supporting the man, then what can I do?".

Myro immediately took a deep breath and eased his anger then said through gritted teeth "Tell me, who is that man? How dare he try to deceive our friend!".

Tirse said after dispelling his anger a little "Kessa Peiro, that guy is from a commoner family too. And he's a new student just like us. Alright, I'll go and see Lily now".

After that, Tirse left the room. Myro fell down on his bed and said "That Kessa, how dare you try to trick Lily".

Kiel also said "If I see it later, I will definitely destroy it".

After that Kiel suddenly remembered something and said "I still have practice after this, then I will go".

Kiel also left the room to practice fighting. Myro could only shake his head then looked at Boldes and said "What about you? Go hunting?".

Boldes just lowered his head and said "No, I will cultivate".

Hearing that, Myro sighed and said "Boldes don't be so sad. I'll go now. Don't let you do anything stupid, Boldes".

Myro also came out of the room and walked away. Boldes who was still in the room could only sit sadly.

Myro came towards the forest. After Myro arrived in the forest and made sure there was no one, Myro immediately said "Okay Claire, you can get out".

"Yes, young master", Claire appeared from behind the tree and knelt in front of Myro.

"Good job before Claire. You killed Leonidas and removed a character from our enemy", Myro said.

"Thank you, young master," said Claire.

"Then, why did you suddenly come here?", said Myro.

"Young master, I've opened several businesses out there and this is this month's income of 1000 mid-level crystals. I'm sure next month will earn more. Besides, the shop I opened is still new and there are still few branches", said Claire. then take out a box.

Myro picked up the box and saw that its contents were filled with intermediate grade crystals. Myro nodded and said "There's no need to rush in collecting the money. As long as the business can run smoothly, then we will still get money. Then are you sure to give this 1000 intermediate level mana crystals? Your business will not lack capital right because it gives 1000 crystals which is middle level".

"Young master, actually the profit of the business is more than 1000 mid-level crystals. But I'm only giving you a part because the business will be enlarged again. I think within this month, the entire shop can open branches in all existing establishments even some places outside the kingdom. ", said Claire.

"Alright", Myro nodded and kept the mana crystal in his storage pouch.

"Young master, I also brought Leonidas' artifact and a broken Spartan spear," said Claire.

Myro immediately smiled and said "Before I was able to create a new character again. However, the character that was created had to be a character with a Spartan occupation. At first I was quite confused, because in making a Spartan character needed a broken Sparta spear material. A broken Sparta spear can only be obtained. from the world of The World Online and it was Locke who got it in the previous world".

"I thought, it would be impossible to create a Spartan character because of the absence of Sparta's broken spear. But it turns out you have one. Did you get this from killing Leonidas?".

Claire nodded and said "Yes, young master. It seems that after we kill other characters or players, we will not only get a chance to make a character but also the materials needed to make that character".

Myro said "Okay, let's create a new character".

After that a voice appeared again in Myro's mind.

"The host already has the Spear of Sparta that is broken and can create a Spartan character. Will the host make one?".

"Yes," said Myro.

Immediately, the Spear of Sparta that was broken in Myro's hand glowed and disappeared. After that, there was a virtual screen in front of Myro. On the screen, there is the form of a human which is the character that will be created. There are a lot of options there for creating that character.

After a while, Myro finished forming a character. Then, the virtual screen in front of Myro disappeared and a light shone in front of Myro.

After the light disappeared, a woman stood in front of Myro. The woman had short black hair and sharp black eyes. The woman was slightly taller than Myro.

After that the light disappeared completely. A voice sounded again in Myro's mind.

"The host has created a human character, Lean. Lean is a tier 5 Spartan expert and can continue to grow stronger like any other character".

Myro knew from the previous system that the created character would not be stronger than the previously killed character. Leonidas is a tier 7 Spartan expert, therefore Lean has dropped to a 5th tier Spartan expert.

However, Lean could still get stronger by cultivating so a slight decrease in cultivation was fine.

Lean immediately saw Myro then kneeled down and said "Lean will always be loyal to the master".

Myro nodded and helped Lean up then said "As long as I am in the magic academy, you will be my bodyguard first. How about it? Then just call me young master".

Lean immediately said "Yes, Lean will take care of the young master's safety".

Myro smiled then took out the Leonidas artifact saying "This is the artifact "Leonidas Cloak", "Leonidas Spear", and "Leonidas Armor". I gave it to you, after all this artifact is not very useful for magicians".

"Yes young master, thank you. Lean will definitely not disappoint you", said Lean then took the artifact.

"Okay, then I will look for food now. How about you Claire?", said Myro.

"Since I have given all the items that must be given, then I will return to the shop again. Besides, the business must be developed so that I will have a lot of work", said Claire.

Myro said "Yes, then you can go. Then don't do any reckless actions like trying to kill Leonidas earlier. You have to tell me first, because if the enemy is much stronger it will be very difficult to escape. Luckily Leonidas is much weaker than you. so you can kill him."

"Yes, young master. I'll be careful for my next move. Then it seems Shar has also become stronger", said Claire.

Shar's figure immediately appeared and said "Yes, I've improved".

Claire nodded and said "As your strength increases the chances of master's safety increase as well. You should also practice a lot Shar, because Lean is stronger than you too".

Shar became displeased "I know, but I'll be stronger than him".

Claire smiled and said "High self-confidence but it doesn't matter. Then, I'll go now".

After that, Claire quickly left the forest and the Magic Plant Academy. Shar's figure began to slowly disappear again. After seeing Shar and Claire, Myro couldn't help but smile bitterly and said "Alright Lean, we'll go now. Better get some food for now".

"Yes, young master", said Lean who was already wearing his artifact.

"So, we are going to hunt young master?", asked Lean.

"No need, today I'll just buy food. Although it's quite expensive, now I've earned enough money from Claire so it's fine to buy some food", said Myro.

"Yes, young master," said Lean.

After that they went to the noble area.