

The group looked at Tsyun in shock, curious as to what Edalas meant by three bloodlines.

Could three separate bloodlines exist within one body? Would they clash or act together in harmony?

Now wasn't the time to think about that as numerous corpse soldiers approached, their total numbers unknown.

The group was on high alert, and Rentaro felt a hair-raising sensation as they revealed themselves.

The previous set of corpse soldiers were whole at the very least, but this set—their bodies were so grotesquely torn apart, it was a miracle they could still hold on!

Next to Edalas, Jean introduced in a light tone, "This batch could be considered as failed experiments, though despite their looks, they are stronger than the average ones you've seen thus far! You see, these 'corpse soldiers' as you call them, it's not that bad of a name actually," Jean complimented, "This batch still has the ability to utilize energy techniques!"

Jean continued in laughter, "Alright, I'd rather not ruin any more of the surprise. I'll explain more later after your group disposes of them. Their rotting stench has really started to bother me!"

"Tch," Tsyun clicked his tongue in disgust.

Rentaro prepared himself to fight. While his cultivation may be on the weaker side, his and Roy's flames were definitely up to the task—especially Roy's!

Disregarding his nervousness, Rentaro steeled himself to ask, "Grand Elder Kia-Nian, Elder Quint, why not let Roy and I make the first move?"

The two exchanged glances, curious as to what he had up his sleeves.

Among the approaching corpse soldiers were an Evergreen Wolf and a Thornforge Pig, well, what was left of their bodies after their experimentations.

The Evergreen Wolf's eyes started glowing green, the nearby wood energy assimilating into its body. Around its body formed a mass of vines, slithering into what looked like a set of armor.

The Thornforge Pig's body burst into a cluster of flames, the putrid smell becoming even more apparent.

The group were astonished, "To what extent can corpses utilize their remaining energy? How can a soulless body still possess instinct?"

They couldn't fathom the existence of such beings, yet here they were, directly in front of them. Rentaro on the other hand found it easier to accept, he was reincarnated into this world after all!

"Rentaro," Grand Elder Kia-Nian looked him in the eyes with encouragement, "Show me what you can do, boy!

Rentaro's face blossomed into a smile, feeling a sense of confidence previously foreign to him.

"Roy, how about we work together on this one?"

"Sure thing, though how do we do this exactly?"

Kyon shook his head proudly, "My dear, dear grandchildren! You are bonded together by a soul contract, same with me! Just will within you to combine your energy! In fact, don't leave me out of this! My wind element will fan the flames, a perfect synchronization!"

Wilhelm irked, [You're taking my role, Kyon. Don't overstep your boundaries.]

A small feud was growing between the two eldest figures, despite their previous camaraderie.

Roy immediately followed, "Kyon, Rentaro and I both control wind too. I think we can handle it—"

"SHUSH! Just watch and learn, you'll never have the same affinity with wind as I do after all!"

Rentaro hung his head in shame, as the others watched the spectacle in a daze.

It wasn't the time for games! How are they still so active?

Before they could ask their questions, flames rolled together into a huge ball before Rentaro and Roy. From behind, Kyon called the wind and the flames stirred as the surrounding temperature increased.

"Complete incineration!" Roy growled.

"Uh-hm, Absolute destruction." Kyon affirmed proudly.

"Just blast them already!"

Rentaro yelled out as the massive ball of flames shot forward, burning a rift into the ground as it consumed both the Evergreen Wolf and Thornforge Pig. Then... There was no then!

Both corpse soldiers were gone, not even their ashes remained!

Despite their lower cultivations, Rentaro fueling Roy in his pure fire elemental form and Kyon fanning the flames with the wind element was enough to drive the flames into a force of destruction!

Kyon smirked, "Not bad, just wait till we master some actual skills together."

"Kia-Nian, We can't let them show us up like this, can we?"

Quint's body erupted with an aura of frost, ice encasing the nearby ground. In his hand formed a small blade, crystal clear in color yet soon to be dyed red in blood.

Likewise, Kia-Nian's eyes flashed purple as he surged with his mutated purple lightning—it was this mutation which separated him from the rest of his clan, allowing him to join the ranks of the Grand Elders.

Tsyun grasped his bow, knocking two arrows on the string with a devilish grin.

In spite of being encircled by undead beasts, Rentaro didn't feel any fear.

He felt an indiscernible sensation of excitement, 'Living life on the edge is so much more exciting than just staying locked up inside. Is this why Icrin is such a battle maniac?'

Tess muttered between her and Wilhelm, [He's going to end up a barbarian at this rate.]

[Then it is our job to be the counter to that!] Wilhelm declared righteously, Tess shaking her head in disappointment.

[The two of us can't really be from the same soul, right?]

As they chatted, the battle outside raged on!

Quint froze three undead beasts, destroying their sculptured bodies before they could use any abilities.

Kia-Nian shot a beam of purple lightning, frying the body of a Twin-Tailed Ape. Despite using its energy to strengthen its body, the lightning wrangled its insides, dispersing the energy within.

Rentaro shouted, forming a barrier of light to block a dozen stones, spat out of the mouth of a small weasel.

It opened its mouth to reveal a set of fangs, leaping into the air above.

Rentaro pushed his hands forward, a small gust of wind tossing the weasel back.

"Not bad," Kyon flashed a thumbs up as he formed several wind blades around the beast, shredding it instantly.

As the group fought beast after beast, clearing their surroundings, silence reigned except for the sound of their heavy breathing.

Rentaro took a look around, finally realizing just how bloody the scene was, and how awful the smell was! He was more surprised than scared, but in that surprise was also confusion.

'I didn't get sick after seeing such a scene? After causing such a scene?'

Kyon patted his back, "Rentaro, you did good. I'm sure you're feeling a bit worn out though, you're not used to using up all your energy like this, huh?"

Hearing Kyon, Rentaro felt his body strain as he felt a sense of weakness, "Yeah, I didn't notice until now."

Roy also stood, his breathing heavy, "Second Brother, I can't tell what's worse. Being a punching bag or exhausting myself like this."

Icrin's eyes flashed, "Train with me every day long enough, then you won't have to worry about either of those!"

"No thanks!" Roy shot down immediately.

Quint and Kia-Nian maintained their condition, showing the stability of their cultivation and highlighting the differences in their levels.

Quint turned to Tsyun, his gaze of questioning.

"Icrin, could you tell us what they were talking about? Your three bloodlines?"

Tsyun froze up for a second, his face revealing a complicated set of emotions, such as sorrow, anger, confusion, and guilt.

He spoke quietly, his voice wavering with a sense of shame, "Back when I awakened my bloodline, I managed to reach the fifth stage, the same as Haz. I was just a hair's breadth away from entering the Ancestral Hall."

The others nodded in agreement, nodding for him to continue.

Tsyun took a breath of fresh hair, "Two years ago, Edalas noticed my situation, and I became his target. It was at night when I was taken captive, alongside my parents and sister. They somehow managed to infiltrate our village. All for the sake of using me to advance their research."

"Edalas wanted to run a test, seeing if he could awaken my Krose bloodline further by stimulating it with the presence of another bloodline. And so he injected me with a refined bloodline he gathered way back, the bloodline of a Djinn clan."

"Alongside the Djinn bloodline, I gained the ability to go invisible, though it only lasts briefly. I haven't awakened it any further than that as of now."

"But that day, the combination of my further awakened Krose bloodline and the addition of the Djinn bloodline, I awakened a third, one which lay dormant from my mother's side."
