
The Summoned Hero

Andrew was just a normal boy with a boring life until he was a summoned hero summoned to stop an unknown threat. What is this threat? Who shall he face in the battle field?

The_Unforgetable · อื่นๆ
17 Chs

The Past

I'm talking to Soh about how I think there will be a war and how to stop and. Soh it listening carefully as we walk along the pathway. I ask for some advice and information about the old war.

"Follow me young man and you'll learn all about the last war." Soh says.

Soh holds up the 5 kilogram weight and gives it to me with a small smile.

"It's going to take around a mile so might as well make use of it!" Soh chuckles.

I smile and put them on while running. Soh catches up to me quickly and we run got atleast 30 minutes. Soh opens the door and I see what looks to be a demon mage wearing a big oversized hoodie look at us confused.

"Hey it's been a while! How have you been doing?" Soh says chuckling.

"Just what are you doing her Mr.Hero?" The mage says annoyed.

"This young man is the newly summoned hero and he'd like information about the war I fought in." Soh says smiling.

"Jeez of course you had to come to me for that. What's this brats name?" She asks clearly mad.

"His name is Andrew Miss Kei." Soh says mockingly.

Kei sighs and walks over to me with an intimidating look making me step back a bit nervous.

"Oi brat I'm going to cast a spell on you to give you all the little details about the past." Kei says.

She mumbles some gibberish and soon my eyes glow red and I blackout. I find myself in a battlefield with people fighting and dead bodies everywhere. I see Soh but he looks much younger then he was when I saw him earlier. Is this the past? Soh runs over killing all the enemies infront of him and rushes to a tall figure.

"I'm going to end this war Demon King." Soh says mad.

Demon king? That's the old demon king? I think to myself.

"I'd like to see you try Mr.Hero!" The Demon King says mockingly.

He shoots an extremely powerful attack at Soh but he evades it time and gets into the sword stance he taught me. He did the exact moves as I did except added more punches. Soh slashes at him cutting off his hand and the demon king looks very mad now and he starts mumbling a spell and a huge ball of magic appears. Soh activates his ability trying to stop the demon king. All of a sudden the magic ball is gone Soh looks at him with a smug look and Kei suddenly appears out of nowhere looking at him smiling.

"I teleported the magic to somewhere else Mr.Demon King." Kei says grinning.

The demon king looks mad and starts throwing explosive magic at Soh. However Soh using his power manages to dodge them all. All of a sudden a quick beam is shot and pierced right through Soh.

"Kah!" Soh winces in pain.

Kei quickly rushes over and puts him on her back flying away. She soon gets him somewhere safe and starts healing him. The demon king is quickly approaching as she heals. Right as she healed him the demon king tries to kill Kei however Soh using his power blocked him. Soh kicks the demon king off her and throws a bomb of smoke. The demon king is blinded and looks around for him. Out of nowhere Soh appears behind him stabbing the demon king.

"Damn you little brats!" The demon king yells mad.

He soon starts fighting Soh with his fists sending 3 punches at him that send Soh flying but he regains his posture and strikes him in the stomach. The demon king was definitely weakened and mad he tries to hit Soh however Soh was to fast and knocks him over sending numerous punches to him. The demon king is soon knocked out and Kei mumbles a spell holding some sort of crystal soon the demon king teleports into the crystal.

"He's sealed away now Soh there should be no more war for a long time now." Kei says smiling to Soh

"Yeah! It may have taken 3 years but I saved the world baby!" Soh yells excited.

"Well I guess that you definitely are a reckless but amazing hero." Kei says with a nice soft smoke shocking me.

Soh punches the air in victory and turns towards Kei soon wrapping his arms around her. Kei clearly flustered tries to push him away to no success.

"Wh-What are you doing Soh!" Kei yells blushing furiously.

"Thanks for helping me throughout my journey you're truly the best ally ever!" Soh says smiling from ear to ear.

Kei is still flustered but soon hugs him back embarrassed. Soh smiles when he let's her go and pats her on the head.

"Come on let's go tell the king about this! We won Kei! Victory is ours we saved the world the two of us!" Soh says beaming.

They both rush over to the tower and Soh is given a big golden medal for his work. There's soon a big party to congratulate Soh and Kei's victory. Soh is eating away until he's satisfied whole Kei watches drinking some juice. I can see some mothers and kids crying over the fact that they are saved and I see a lot of people hugging Soh.

"Hey Kei when do you think another hero will be summoned?" Soh asks leaning over to Kei with a curious look.

"Jeez how should I know? All I can say is hopefully not soon." Kei says looking away mad.

I soon zap back to reality looking at Kei and Soh. Kei looks at me curiously and Soh is smiling.

"You definitely trained him hard. So what's your little ability?" Kei asks.

"Ah! I can control time!" I say happily.

"That's definitely a useful ability to have." Kei says mumbling stuff to herself.

"Alright! I decided that I'll help you defeat the old demon king!" Kei says.

"Eh really!" I say happy.

"Yes I've fought against him before just not in the war I let Soh fight while while I supported other people." Kei says.

"I see! Thank you for your assistance!" I yell while bowing.

"He's definitely a lively one isn't he?" Soh chuckles while nudging her.

"How long has it been since you came back her for help? Maybe a year or so." Kei mumbles.

"Aaha! Don't worry after the war I'll spend more time coming here to visit! After all you did heal me in that war!" Soh says laughing to himself.

"Wow I can't wait for someone to be knocking on my door everyday." Kei says sarcastically but soon gives a tiny smile.