
The Summoned Hero

Andrew was just a normal boy with a boring life until he was a summoned hero summoned to stop an unknown threat. What is this threat? Who shall he face in the battle field?

The_Unforgetable · อื่นๆ
17 Chs

A Spar

I participate in Soh's hardcore training while the girls also do only Katrina and Elaine are training with me. Kei is with Minerva training her magical powers but since Katrina, Elaine and I don't have any we're with Soh. I find it much easier then when I first started a few months ago. I trained my body hard and got a satisfying result.

"Come on now don't get tired yet you still need 70 more pushups!" Soh yells.

"Ughh..." Katrina pants but keeps up.

Elaine is trying her best and manages to keep up with Katrina. Elaine definitely can do more then I expected and that makes me smile. She definitely has come a long way since she was a maid.

"Whew finally done." Katrina pants.

"Great job girls!" I smile.

"I'll be taking you two over to Kei I'll be taking care of Andrew now." Soh smiles.

"Hmmph alright then bye Andrew!" Katrina waves.

"See you soon Andrew!" Elaine smiles.

I wave to them as Soh quickly takes them to Kei for more training. Soh returns to me quickly and smiles.

"Don't hold back Soh." I smile.

"I'd never hold back against my student." Soh chuckles.

Soh activates his ability and charges for me and I quickly dodge his attack. I can manipulate time without saying anything now as Kei has taught me too. I fast forward myself and run towards Soh with incredible speed. It surprises Soh but he manages to dodge in time before I can hit him. I charge at him once more and manage to hit him a few times.

I've trained myself for this and I've observed all of Soh's moves. I recognize the stance Soh is getting into and quickly prepare for an uppercut. I quickly dodge his attack surprising Soh but he soon smiles at me. All of a sudden as I try kick him he grabs my leg and pulls me closer gripping my head and smashing me to the ground.

"Dammit..." I whisper to myself.

I kick him in the stomach making him jump back so I quickly regain my posture. I definitely didn't expect him to do that but what can I expect from Soh. I slow down time as Soh charges for me and jump on him punching him. Soh grabs my hand throwing me off him with incredible strength.

There's no way I can lose this even if it's for trainings so I grab my sword.

"Arise soldiers." I say.

Soh looks shocked as he sees hundreds of soldiers appear from the ground. He soon grins at me as the soldiers charge at him. As I expected the soldiers aren't much of a match for him as he quickly defeats quite a few. I observe him as I think of my next moves it's not long before Soh escapes the crowd and charges for me.

I quickly evade his punch and grab his arm throwing him to a tree. Soh regains posture and then starts attacking me with incredible speed. I can barely evade and he gets a lot of hits in but I stay strong and tank it. He stops and I take that moment to slow down time and punch him. As he falls slowly I proceed to uppercut him and then punch him a few times in the face. I stop slowing down time to regain some stamina my army of soldiers quickly go to fight Soh again.

I can communicate to the army in my mind and told them to surround Soh and send three of them at a time. I did it to get Soh tired and becaus I needed to regain my stamina to use my ability again. This match doesnt reall matter anyway since we'll only being using sword but I want to win badly.

I grab Soh by the arms but he reacts quickly and somehow flips me over while he's in the air. He sends me flying only giving me a second to block his attack. I just barely block and this one hit would probably break a normal guys rib. Is this Soh going all out?

I stop time right when Soh is about to hit me and waste no time and go behind him. I restart time and punch Soh into the ground and kick him. I punch him as hard as I can too wear him out and make him accept his defeat. He already has a bloody nose but I keep hitting him waiting for him to give up.

In a normal battle I wouldn't have any mercy and send hit my opponent mercilessly. I'm waiting for Soh to give up but he still holds on and bites me.

"Dammit!" I yell.

I don't stop though and try to endure the pain and kick him off. It's clear that Soh won't ever give up so while he's stop biting my hand I get on top of him. I grab him by the face and headbutt him 3 times surprising him and it definitely did an impact.

"Alright alright I surrender Andrew!" Soh yells putting his hands up.

I walk towards him with my guard up in case he tries deceiving me. But he bows to me and I do the same in respect for him. Soh smiles at me still having blood dripping from his nose.

"I need to fix this up quickly but I must say you've definitely improved and I'm looking forward to training you more!" Soh says running away.