
The Sugar Sweetened System

Roman Vitali, a young Italian immigrant, struggles to make ends meet in the bustling country of Nova Haven. After his parents' untimely death, he and his sister,Bianca, are left to fend for themselves. Roman works tirelessly in construction, but his world is turned upside down when he's suddenly fired. In a chance encounter, Roman meets Sophia, a captivating and mysterious older woman who's drawn to his rugged good looks and muscular build. She offers him a proposition: spend the night with her, and she'll reward him handsomely. Desperate and vulnerable, Roman accepts. As the night unfolds, Roman finds himself entangled in a web of luxury and desire. With the system watch how he rises in status and power by using Milfs updates:Mon-Sun(12/week) - Magic: Yes, magic will be present in the story.(even more later in the story) - Romantic Preferences: The MC will typically pursue older women, with one exception." Support the Author with PowerStones and Golden tickets 50 Powerstones = 1 Extra chapter 200 Powerstones = 3 Extra chapters Bonus chapter(s) will drop at the end of the week.

Shadowwarrior_007 · สมัยใหม่
166 Chs

Chapter 7: The System's Revelation

The sun had risen over Brookville, casting a warm glow over the town as people began their daily routines. The sound of cars driving by and birds chirping filled the air. In a hotel room, Roman lay alone in a messy bed, the evidence of a passionate night with Sophia still visible. He woke up, his eyes heavy, but as he sat up, his mind suddenly cleared, and he remembered the events of the previous night. He had spent the night with a beautiful older woman, and the memories came flooding back.

Roman looked around the room, noticing Sophia was no longer there. He assumed she had left, and he got out of bed, heading to the bathroom. "Fuck, last night was hot," he said to himself, turning on the cold water in the shower. As he stepped under the water, he thought about Sophia's body and the intense pleasure they had shared.

Suddenly, he thought he heard someone speak, and he turned off the water, shouting, "Sophia!" But there was no response. He was about to continue showering when a pink and blue holographic display appeared in front of him.

[Hello, host. My name is Sugar Sweetened System, but you can refer to me as System.]

Roman was taken aback, but he knew exactly what was happening. He had read about it in web novels before his parents passed away. He was familiar with the concept, but he never thought it would happen to him.

He took a deep breath, calming his nerves, and asked, "You said I'm the host. What is your function, System?"

[Sugar Sweetened System is a part of a universe's core that merges with its host. The host is chosen randomly and the chance of the universe core splitting is close to null , with a probability of 0.000001%. You can consider yourself lucky. As for the function of the system, it is chosen after merging with the host, and depending on the circumstances, the host was having copulation with a female older than him, and the host has desires to be rich and powerful. So, the system will grant you rewards after you sleep with older women.]

Roman was stunned, unsure what to make of the System's words. He had always wanted to be rich and powerful, but he never thought it would come with such an unusual condition.

Roman's eyes widened as he listened to the System's explanation. "So, let me get this straight. I can get multiple rewards, and they can be anything from money to abilities to pills? And the main reward is money because of my desires when we merged?"

["That's correct, Roman. And as for your second question, yes, if you had desired to have the strongest powers in the world, the system would have granted it to you. However, it wouldn't be instant power. The system would assist you in becoming the strongest while providing the necessary tools and resources."]

Roman's mind was racing with the possibilities. "So, do I have a status or something to see my stats?" he asked, thinking about his experience with games and systems.

[ "Of course, Roman. Here is your status page]

Name: Roman Vitali

Currency: $ (linked to your bank card)

Wealth: $85,000


Strength: F rank

Speed: F rank

Stamina: ∞

Charm: D rank

(Beginner's package!)

System name: SSS (Sugar Sweetened System)"

Roman's eyes scanned the page, taking in the information. He was surprised to see that his wealth was already $85,000, and he had a beginner's package with unlimited stamina. He also noticed that his strength and speed were both F rank, which he assumed was the lowest rank.

"What do the ranks mean, system?" Roman asked, curious about his abilities.

[] "Ah, good question, Roman. The ranks are a measure of your abilities, with G being the lowest and S being the highest. As you complete tasks and achieve goals, your ranks will increase, and you'll become stronger and faster."]

Roman nodded, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation. He was ready to start his journey and see what the Sugar Sweetened System had in store for him.

Roman noticed something on his status and addressed it, "Hey system, what do you mean by unlimited stamina, is it actually unlimited!?"

[Yes, the host's stamina is unlimited, it is a gift given to the host to help with his quest, it would be an embarrassment if the host burned out during sex, so it helps you go longer, but host must remember that the stamina aims at the body, so while host can do things without being tired, the same cannot be said for the mind, mentally your stamina is not unlimited.]

Roman nodded, understanding the clarification. "So how do I grow stronger then, you said that I have to complete tasks and get rewards, is that the only way?"

[Yes, that is currently the only way.]

The system beeped again, and a message appeared: [The System voice has been disabled, the voice is a feature only used for tutorials, and will appear when the system upgrades.]

Roman was shocked and disappointed, feeling a bit abandoned. It seemed he had to understand the system on his own from now on. He looked at his status page again, trying to make sense of everything. He noticed a few more details, like a task list and a rewards section.

As Roman looked around his status, he saw that he had missed something written there. It was [Beginner's Package]. He knew what it meant, but he had no way of pressing it since he didn't know how.

Roman thought about those novels where the MC only had to think about it and it would happen. So, he did that, focusing his mind on the package.

It was weird at first as he was unable to do this before ,but after a few tries, to his surprise, it worked! A bunch of words popped up on the screen, announcing his gifts from the package:

[Beginner's Package has been Opened]

Your support means the world to me, and any gifts you choose to send are a wonderful surprise. They truly make my day and help me stay motivated to keep writing. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope you enjoy the story!

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