
oops+ chap 5

Oopsy forgot to update for 2 months tehe 💀

Lucifers pov:

I stared at the younger boy in shock, I can't be mated to nico he's a dominant and soon to be alpha there's no way to produce heirs, I looked towards the Luna who seemed just as confused as her mate, I gulped and walked over to nico his scent consisting of honeysuckle and lavender, odd for an alpha but still enticing as every, I stared down at him silently until he let out a soft whine I thought to be of disappointment only to find it out of submission "Nico, your my mate?" he simply nodded and I looked over to the alpha and Luna staring dumbfounded, I was just as confused as them, nico paused and looked down sighing " i guess i should explain".

Nicos pov:

They sat down waiting for me to begin, I sighed and started; "well, I'm a submissive." they were silent "Uhm.. I-im fertile and I'm unable t-to produce an heir the way an alpha would, instead I would be bearing the child for the dominant of the relationship, I produce slick and have the same reproductive system as an omega" they stay silent for a while before Lucifer gets up and hugs me, my dad says; " we need to talk" will I still be alpha tomorrow?

Author: ehdvjdjvksm

Nico: fucc u u Stoopid hoe

Luci: smacks Nico "bad boy"