
The Student Nurse and her Alpha Mate

This is a story about Danielle Wise who lives in the English countryside and is a student nurse studying hard to get her career. She is a sweet, kind girl with no Idea that werewolves exist though soon in the story something happens and she meets Jake an Alpha of the nearby pack who seems really interested in her. where will their story go who knows will Danielle settle into this new world and find what she needs.

Abigail_Wade · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 9 - Escape and Evidence

I was currently sat in the room I'd been staying in mulling over what I had been told. Locked in once again of course, after I'd burst into hysterics Jake had stormed out of the room leaving me alone once again. I was laying on the bed staring up at the ceiling just thinking.

I've been kidnapped by crazy people werewolves aren't real and what on earth does he think a mate is isn't it just a friend and I am not a friend to him he took me from my life there is no way we are becoming friends, but what am I feeling for him there is something there pulling me towards him and making me think about him what seems like all the time, what is going on here?

I got up after that thinking there must be something in here which can help me to escape, I can't stay here with crazy people. So I went around the room trying all that I can and ended up back at the window which I had tried smashing the other day, I tried the handle on it, the button pushed in, yes this looks like a good chance pushing the window it opened.

I looked at the clock, it's 10 am no one will be here for a while if it's like the last few days people bringing me food at mealtimes and that's it.

I looked down out of the window, I am on the second floor it seems but luckily there is a tree quite close to the window which I can hopefully grab onto and climb down.

With no one outside at the moment it's the best time to try and escape without someone seeing me hopefully well it'd probably be better in the dark but then I wouldn't be able to see where I was going.

"here goes" I whispered to myself bringing my courage up.

I leaned out of the window grabbing for the tree and managed to latch on stretching as far as I can, I pulled myself out of the window hanging from the thick branch then pulled myself towards the tree to try and wrap my legs around and stabilise myself. I started to feel my hands slipping.

"no, you can do this just a little further" I whispered desperately to myself.

I finally managed to lock my legs around the tree then wrap my arms around the trunk hugging myself as close as I can to the tree, I started climbing down slowly branch by branch bring myself closer to the ground.

I heard a throat clearing below me I was still a way up but I looked down.

It was Jake, no I've got to get away he can't keep me here forever, I kept myself hugged as close to the tree as I could not moving at all, I now had tears running down my face.

"I'm never going to get away from here" I shouted out in frustration, tears continued to run down my face.

"Come down, Danielle." Jake shouted up to me sounding worried.

"I can't, you'll take me back to that room and lock me up" I shouted back out of breath. It was getting harder to hold on to the tree.

"come on, you're going to fall and get hurt again." Jake shouted up to me sounding annoyed.


I go to take a step onto the next branch only for it to snap when I let go of the trunk of the tree.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion, I started falling my foot getting caught on one of the branches on the way down, a screaming in the distance and then I was in someone's arms, still screaming though it sounded like it was coming from closer now.

"shh, you're going to be alright it's only a broken bone" I heard whispered into my ear with more calming words which I didn't hear properly through the screaming. Then I realised it was me who was screaming and there was pain shooting through the foot which I had caught on the branch. I looked down to see my foot at a strange angle whilst trying to calm my breathing and stopped screaming though my breaths were still coming out strangled with sobs.

I was now settled on the ground though looking at my foot had made me dizzy mixed with my strangled breaths and sobs, I laid back trying to breathe through the pain which was starting to get unbearable.

"the doctor is on their way; you need to keep still so they can check you out" Jake told me trying to concentrate on calming me and keeping me still so I wouldn't hurt myself anymore.

I had tears running down my cheeks and I was getting pretty dizzy by the time the doctor got here, the pain was really getting to me and I couldn't concentrate on what Jake was saying to me.

"Danielle, can you hear me?" the doctor said to me trying to look me in the eyes.

"I can hear you, it hurts" I whimpered out to the doctor who was now surveying my body looking for the problem.

"what happened?" The doctor asked this time not looking at me but at Jake.

"she was climbing down the tree and one of the branches gave out under her making her fall, I think she caught her foot on a branch and may have hit her side too on the way down, I caught her before she hit the floor but there was still quite an impact" Jake reported to the doctor.

I don't remember hitting my side I thought though going to touch it I flinched back hissing in pain, I must have done then.

The doctor came back over to me starting at my foot he examined every inch of my body with me hissing and whimpering in pain a lot from his touch. I felt a hand reach for mine and hold on probably trying to comfort me though with this it felt like some of the pain went and I started to relax a little more.

My eyes were starting to drop the last thing I heard was "we need to move her to the infirmary so that I can set her ankle correctly and wrap her ribs, I'm not going to be able to do that unless she's awake though"


Now I was in the Infirmary as they called it and I was writhing in pain as they said they couldn't give me anything until they'd set my bones back in place.

Soon the doctor came back in followed by Jake who was chewing his lip. They trailed something behind them though I couldn't see what it was yet.

"Danielle, Jake's going to wrap your ribs up now then I'm going to reset your ankle, I've brought some Nitrous Oxide with me to help with the pain whilst I do this then you will have to go back to the pain killers you had before and your ankle will be in cast for probably 6 weeks whilst it heals, I will give you some crutches to get around, ok?" The doctor asked me.

"fine" I replied subdued; I was never going to get out of here.

First, he got Jake to wrap my ribs tightly with some bandages under his direction I had to lift my top for this. I heard growls coming from Jake's chest, but I was in too much pain to question anything at the moment. Once they were finally wrapped up, I pulled my top back down and relaxed back onto the bed where it was most comfortable.

The doctor soon got to his thing and had started manoeuvring my foot though I was crying out in pain, in agony from this then I saw the mouthpiece in front of me Jake pressed it to my lips telling me to take deep breaths so I took a few deep breaths on it and tried to relax back though I was still in too much pain to relax.

"I'm done" The doctor said now going to get the plaster to wrap my foot up.


Once all had been done and I was plastered up Jake took me back to the room from before where the window had now been closed and probably locked.

"it seems I'm going to need to provide you with evidence that werewolves exist" Jake said not looking me in the eyes, he started taking off his clothes, leaving him in just his boxers. He started shaking then the next thing I knew his body was morphing and his outline changing, I blinked to clear my vision and there was a wolf standing where he had been.

"what? This can't be real" my voice wobbled out. I closed my eyes keeping them closed thinking once I've slept everything will be back to normal.

"it's real baby" Jake said back in his deep voice making me open my eyes back up he stood there in a new pair of boxers and was stepping closer to me.

"no, stay away" I said panicked.

"I'm not going to hurt you, but I need to give you your pain meds you're in a lot of pain, the doctor gave me something stronger for you just for tonight okay, I'll give you it and then I will just go back over to the sofa to sleep" Jake said slowly holding his hands up showing me the pills which were in his hand.

I let him come closer and took the pills then drank down the water which he had passed me afterwards. Then he slowly backed away from me back to the sofa as if he was scared of my reaction if he moved too quickly though I don't have any idea what my reaction would be right now I don't even know what I'm thinking.

I laid back down onto the pillows behind me with my mind blank.

The pills must have taken effect as the next thing I knew was blackness once I had fallen asleep.