
Chapter 37 Heaven's Chosen




Lightning crashed to the Earth as if the heavens themselves were descending, but there was no destruction, the complete power of the heavens concentrated on one being alone, Tang Yifei.

Chen Zemin and Mo Xiaowen were shocked at the sight. The girl who was about their age was being struck by bolt after bolt of lightning, but rather than a pained expression on her face, there was an apathetic look.

Her once dark black hair, was slowly turning eyes, while her eyes slowly changed colour from black to gold.

Seeing this transformation Chen Zemin was the most worried. 'I told Grandpa Tang I'd protect her, don't tell me she's going to die?' He thought anxiously. Although so far she was unharmed, not knowing what was happening was a terrible feeling.

On the other hand Mo Xiaowen was concerned, but for different reasons. 'With such a disturbance she's going to attract a lot of people, they might not necessarily be good people.' Just as Mo Xiaowen was about to mount Black Flash and head to Old Ox, the lightning stopped.

Tang Yifei floated up about 5 meters above the ground, her now golden eyes gazing towards Mo Xiaowen. "For harming my Big Brother Zemin, I deem you guilty!" She said, her eyes turning colour once again to a blood red hue.

They then began to glow before a beam of red energy shot through the air towards Mo Xiaowen. Naturally he wasn't just going to sit there and get hit by this beam, but when he tried to make any movement he felt as though he was completely locked in place.

But before the beam could reach him a sturdy figure appeared before him swinging his mighty axe. This was obviously Old Ox. Without a sound the red beam collided with the axe, coating it in a red light which then transferred over to Old Ox.

Less than a second later the light dissipated, and he seemed completely fine. "YOU! YOU KILLED GRANDPA!" Tang Yifei roared, but out of nowhere a beam of yellow light descended from the heavens colliding with Tang Yifei and Chen Zemin.

In an instant the two disappeared leaving Mo Xiaowen and Old Ox utterly confused. "Explain to me what happened once we get going. We need to leave now." Old Ox declared before jumping onto Black Flash.

The two then rode off into the Verdant Forest. Mo Xiaowen then proceeded to explain what had occurred, from meeting the pair, to the brief clash, the descent of lightning and the girl's drastic transformation.

"We may have provoked a blessed child of the heavens today." Old Ox chuckled seemingly without care. But in his eyes there was definitely a trace of shock and even fear. A blessed child of the heavens, especially one that could cause such phenomena wasn't someone to take lightly.

"Well hopefully we never meet them again. Besides that what happened there? Why did you want us to retreat so badly?" Mo Xiaowen asked curiously. Obviously he understood that the phenomena was an issue but it seemed as though that wasn't the only reason.

"The mission has changed. And a retreat order from Red Apple Village was issued. Qi Gathering Realm enemies have appeared." Old Ox explained succinctly, his eyes giving way to his concern.

"What do you mean by enemies, are they not bandits?" Mo Xiaowen replied picking up on the wording.

"No they're not bandits, its logically impossible for there to be Qi Gathering Bandits here. Where would they find a cultivation technique? Lets say they did find one there'd be no point in being a bandit anymore, especially causing such a large coordinated disturbance. While I was only informed briefly, its obvious that this isn't a simple bandit issue anymore." Old Ox explained as best he could.

In truth he was gone from Mo Xiaowen's side for a bit more than 10 minutes but in that time he had managed to collect the necessary information.

"So what now, we head back to the Sect?" Mo Xiaowen asked retrieving the map to plan their next steps.

"That'd be for the best, it would pretty stale to die out here in the Verdant Forest." Old Ox answered, before beginning to doze off. "Not like this Old Ox will ever die, who can deflect my Mountain Sundering Axe?" With that last sentence he drifted off into dreamland.

Normally Old Ox would then fall onto Mo Xiaowen's back, but this time his body fell straight off Black Flash. "Fuck!" He cried rubbing his chin which had just met its new best friend, aka the cold hard ground.

Stopping Black Flash, Mo Xiaowen then helped Old Ox onto the horse. "I am surprised this didn't happen sooner to be honest." The boy remarked to the dismay of Old Ox. This junior brother of his barely gave him a break.

"You're just riding Black Flash irresponsibly." Old Ox replied trying to push the blame onto Mo Xiaowen.

"Sure keep telling yourself that, I've been riding this horse for almost a year, in that entire time my riding has varied but its always been good. The only things that's been constant is you falling asleep like a dullard." Mo Xiaowen rebutted.

Old Ox was about to make a reply, when they passed under a branch that was just high enough to miss both Black Flash and Mo Xiaowen, but still hit Old Ox right in the face.

"Ow! Damn it are you doing this on purpose? Does this Senior Brother need to teach his Junior a lesson?" Old Ox said angrily rubbing his nose.

"Pffff, I honestly didn't do that on purpose. You just seem to be unlucky today." Mo Xiaowen defended himself as they travelled through the forest.

As the sun was soon setting and the two were quite far from any villages, or exiting the forest, they settled in a nearby cave.

It was quite damp, and frankly just unpleasant, but the three made do. "Haa, I can't wait to get back to the Sect." Mo Xiaowen sighed, gazing out into the forest.

"Why? Are you feeling homesick?" Old Ox questioned as he rested on his axe.

"Yes and no. To be honest this trip has been.....scary, compared to the Sect bullying and competition, this is much scarier. People killing and dying left and right, all this suffering. I miss just training everyday and then going to Sea Glass City." Mo Xiaowen responded longingly.

"Don't worry, things will go back to that soon." The man declared, before looking towards the boy. He had already fallen asleep before he could even hear Old Ox's words.