
The Strongest Thief

What could be worse than death? The answer was the loneliness of never being able to die. Of billions upon billions upon billions of creatures across worlds and realities, no matter how powerful they were they would always be consumed by that feeling. It was the true terror that would devour any living entities until their mind shattered and turn to void. What happened if there was a creature, a person, a human who could overcome the fear of nothingness? In the world of Loriana, the world of magic, the world of endless battles between heroes and demon lords. The young boy Torei summoned with his group of friends and his unrequited love. Like any Isekai transmigrators, they were given powers and fame. Well, except for Torei his class was a thief, a lowly infamous class only for thugs, and criminals. What could Torei do in this cruel world filled with endless hatred, suffering as a thief? Cough cough I stare at myself in the mirror for a long time after writing this synopsis. I think I'm serious this time about WSA contest I'm not a native English speaker so expect some grammar errors in my novels I will try to improve with time. If this goes well I'm gonna update a more thoughtfully editing version later. Q&A: Will this has harem? (a small and complicated harem I would say, cause at least one of them was just playing with the MC, even if there's a harem MC gonna choose only 1 love interest, there'll be no harem ending) Will this have NTR? (No) Is the cover yours? (No, I'm just borrowing it please don't kill me) Final word I'm a newbie writer so please be easy on me.

AngryBamboo · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

We have special powers? What's wrong with being a thief?

" Hey, Sarila chan ~ We have special powers right? Wouldn't all warriors sent to another world be granted miraculous powers?" - Okura

" That's right Okura kun. What you said was not wrong at all. In fact, you guys already have it. You just haven't known how to use it yet." - Sarila

The goddess smiled, and from her hand, a radiant light enveloped the group.

" Well, it's like a video game in your world. Imagine a status table in your mind." - Sarila

Though didn't know how Torei could understand how it worked like breathing. A blue status board appeared before his eyes with rows of numbers.

" You guys seem to have seen your stats. However, it's entirely your right to show it, we won't force you. If you want to show it, just materialize the status. I think you've already known how." - Sarila

Sarila was looking at Torei when she said that. There was a hint of sadness in her gaze. Torei didn't understand what that meant.

" Some people in this world have the ability to see the stats of other people. It also depends on the skill level of the person that they could detect or not. In this room, only I can see your stats and I won't make it public." - Sarila

To show that she has no malicious intentions, the goddess Sarila said that.

" However, if you decide to fight in the future, I think it's best to let your comrades know what you're capable of. It is dangerous to work in a group without knowing the abilities of your teammates." - Sarila

After the warning of the goddess, Torei hesitated, meanwhile it was Haruki who first showed his status to the surrounding.


Class: Hero [Lvl 1], Magic Swordsman [Lvl 1]

HP: 650

Mana: 500

Strength: 50

Magic: 50

Vision: 20

Agility: 25

Passive: [Divine Blessing], [Divine Exp Boots], [Weapon Mastery], [Magic Mastery], [Party Exp Boots], [Plot Armor], [Devil Lord Slayer]

" Ohhhh!!"

Everyone in the room's mouth was wide opened.

" As expected Haruki kun is the key to this war!"

" Sorry but I don't know much about this "Passive". for example what is "Divine Blessing"?" - Haruki

" If you click on the screen, it'll display the information for you." - Sarila

" All right." - Haruki

Divine Blessing: Resists all toxins, resists dark energy, dark energy attacks halve effect, neutralizes attacks with dark energy below level 6. All buffs effectiveness x 2 and extend x 2 times. Healing effectiveness x 2.

Divine Exp Boots: Exp x (5 to 50) depends on the quest and the type of monster killed.

Party Exp Boosts: The party's Exp will be plus 50% of the total Exp the hero receives

Weapon Mastery: Proficient and can use all types of weapons.

Magic Mastery: Can use all types of Scroll and magic.

Plot Armor: Always free from adversity, cannot be killed under normal conditions.

Devil lord slayer: You are qualified to kill the Demon King. Power against those using black magic x 3

" It's crazy, multiply by 50 times the amount of Exp achieved."

" In this world, only 2 people've been recorded with this much Exp boots!"

" It is true that many heroes from the past were not Divine Exp boosts, they'd just closely reach to Lengdary class. Haruki kun's compatibility with mana was the third in history." - The king

" Hahaha."

The gazes of admiration were directed at Haruki, admiringly, and then, each person in Torei's group simultaneously showed their index boards.


Class : Sword Master [Lvl 1]

HP: 500

Mana: 100

Strength: 40

Magic: 10

Vision: 30

Agility: 35

Passive: [Sword God Blessing], [Devil killer], [Intution]

Sword God Blessing: The person chosen to become the strongest swordsman.

Devil Killer: Power against those who use black magic x 2

Intuition: Increase the efficiency of the sixth sense x2.

" Oh though Shizu kun's stats are not as high as Hero's, but at Lvl 1 you're already equal to normal warriors in this world. And especially [Sword God Blessing] that was a skill that only appeared a few hundred years ago by the holy sword." - The king

" Shizu san will definitely become one of the strongest." - Sarila

" R-Really? But there are many things I still don't understand. Like what's [Intution]?" - Shizu

" Sometimes the system won't explain it thoroughly, but I believe Shizu kun will realize by yourself." - Sarila

" W-What? What the hell is this ?? There's definitely a mistake! Why would I …" - Satsuki

Satsuki growled at Shizu.

" What's up? Did you get some weird skill?" - Okura

" Gruuuhhh yeah!" - Satsuki


Class : Elemental mage [Lvl 1], Sage [Lvl 1]

HP: 300

Mana: 800

Strength: 20

Magic: 70

Vision: 15

Agility: 20

Passive: [Elemental Blessing], [Devil killer], [Destroyer], [Magic Resistance], [Insight]

Elemental Blessing: Can use magics of all elements

Devil Killer: Power against those who use black magic x 2

Destroyer: Effect of magical attacks increased by 100%

Magic Resistance: Attack magic effect is reduced by 50%

Insight: The ability to understand language, and magic x 10

" Why the hell I am a mage ?????" - Satsuki

" I can't believe her stats are higher than a hero and she's even a Sage."

" Her magic stats were on par with the elite students of the magic institute, even though it was only Lvl 1." - Azael

" This's can't be real! This's can't be real! I'm on the girls' track and field team of the school, how on earth did my stamina lose to Shizu?" - Satsuki

" Satsuki kun, I think there was nothing wrong with that, in your world magic doesn't exist, so you can't prove your magic compatibility." - Sarila

" Then why is Shizu a Sword Master? That girl has never even touched a sword." - Satsuki

" In this case, according to my research, it seems that Shizu kun's ancestor might've been a master of swordsmanship." - Sarila

" Haha, I still often hear my grandfather told that story but I never put any thought to it." - Shizu

" That's not fair!" - Satsuki

" Satsuki, your stats are higher than Haruki kun, what are you complaining about?" - Okura

" But ... " - Satsuki

" Now it's my turn!" - Okura


Class : Buffer [Lvl 1], [Debuffer Lvl 1]

HP: 250

Mana: 200

Strength: 20

Magic: 20

Vision: 10

Agility: 15

Passive: [High Spirit Buff], [Low Spirit Debuff]

High Spirit Buff: The better the mood is, the better the buff will be

High Spirit Debuff: The worse the mood, the higher the Debuff's effectiveness.

" Ahh, why… why am I a Support ??" - Okura

" Hmm, how should I say it? His stats are just average, and even his magic stats are a bit low, however, the other two skills cannot be underestimated. But on that condition, it's a shame that one can be used at a time." - The king

" Hahaha Okura, what the hell with your stats, so low! This way, you will die in a blink when you enter the battlefield!" - Mitsuru

" W-What! What with that big mouth of you, show me your stat!?" - Okura

" Ehehehe watch this!" - Mitsuru


Class : Arcane Knight [Lvl 1], Protector [Lvl 1]

HP: 600

Mana: 200

Strength: 30

Magic: 25

Vision: 20

Agility: 20

Passive: [Damge Absobtion], [Devil defense], [Devil killer], [Arcane skin], [Master defense], [Adapter]

Damge Absorption: 30% reduction in all damage

Devil defense: Damage from dark energy reduced by 50%

Devil killer: Counter against those who use dark energy power x 2

Arcane skin: Neutralizes physical damage that has lvl below 5, or magic that has lvl below 5, reducing physical and magic damage by 20%

Master defense: All effective defense skills x 2

Adapter: + 30% of all stats on you when meeting a stronger enemy.

" Oh, an Arcane Knight! We're in luck to have another Arcane Knight in the kingdom. And especially that Adapter ability, in terms of skill, he can catch up with the hero!"

" It's great right?" - Mitsuru

" Yea...." - Okura

" What now Okura? Are you jealous? This result's only natural, I'm even surprised that it's a bit weak." - Mitsuru

" Come on, Mitsuru kun. People will hate you if you keep that attitude." - Midori

" Hahaha joking, it's just a joke!" - Mitsuru

" Okura kun, don't be sad, Buffer is an indispensable role in a party." - Sarila

" I-It's my turn then." - Midori


Class: Holy Maiden [Lvl 1], Emisary of Light [Lvl 1]

HP: 300

Mana: 600

Strength: 15

Magic: 50

Vision: 25

Agility: 15

Passive: [Child of light], [Nemesis of evil], [Lesser Divine Blessing],

Child of light: Healing magic, and effective light spell x 5, capable of purifying dark energy

Nemesis of evil: The damage inflicted on demons x 4, neutralizes all dark spells below Lvl 6, resists 50% of damage caused by dark magic.

Lesser Divine Blessing: 50% effectiveness of Divine Blessing.

" Goddess gracious! A Holy maiden!"

They all knelt down in front of her.

" Eh Ehhh? Wha-what's happening?" - Midori

" Holy Maiden has always been together with the hero for generations. They are symbols of the church, the Holy Maiden's religious influence is even greater than the Hero." - Sarila

" But aren't you a god? Why are you kneeling as well Sarila?" - Satsuki

" Maybe it's because of the difference in customs. I am showing my gratitude to the person who'll inherit my power. Actually, I cannot participate in this battle. It's a law enacted by this world, but I can transfer a part of my power to you." - Sarila

" W-What's with the talk about Holy Maiden with the hero?" - Midori

" Ah about that …" - Sarila

Sarila glance at the girls in the group and smiled.

" In almost all heroic tales, the Hero and the Holy Maiden usually married." - Sarila

" What!" - The girls

They were all exclaiming. Haruki and Midori blushed and looked away from each other.

" There'll be no such thing right Haruki kun?" - Midori

" Y-Yeah, it is too early." - Haruki

" H-Holly Maiden so what?" - Satsuki

" Ahh…" - Torei

Satsuki shifted her annoyed gaze from Shizu to Midori. But what caught Torei's attention was Shizu's reaction. Her eyes repeatedly flipped between Midori and Haruki with a worried expression and that made him feel like something was stuck in his throat.

" Ah, finally it's my turn." - Torei

" Are you sure?" - Sarila

Sarila looks worriedly at Torei. Although he didn't really understand when looking at his status window. But from Sarila's reaction, Torei could guess that there was something in his status that shouldn't be seen by others.

" What's it, Torei? Are your stats bad?" - Okura

Okura put his hand on my shoulder, he must be looking for someone worse than himself.

" Oh, Torei? You make me curious!" - Okura

" Didn't you hear what Sarila san just said? The decision is entirely up to him." - Midori

" Yes, there's one thing I want to announce." - Sarila

Sarila once again bowed.

" We won't force you to join this battle. If you choose to give up, we can try to provide you with a peaceful life and protect you from dangers as an apology for this world. However, you should understand that protection lasts only until the demons prevail. We'll do our best but we can't promise how long we will hold out. Still, we beg you to save us." - Sarila

" You don't need to do that Sarila san. No one is at fault … I'm gonna save you all! I promise!" - Haruki

" Haruki kun …" - Midori

" Torei, you guys don't have to be involved in this. After all, we just need the Hero to defeat the Demon King, right?" - Haruki

" That's correct." - Sarila

" N-No Haruki, I won't let you do this alone. I mean it would be much more efficient if we teamed up, right?" - Satsuki

" We're always welcome you, your abilities are all unique in this world." - The king

" I will also participate." - Midori

" Me too!" - Shizu

" Hmm for such an interesting adventure, how can I sit still." - Mitsuru

" Hahaha, there's just a little bit of a mistake in my stats! I'm definitely the kind of hidden hero whose special ability only shows up in dangerous moments. I'll be the main character that has a harem hahaha!" - Okura

The discomfort engulfed Torei. Why would everyone risk their lives for this strange place? For the people, they didn't even know. He thought about withdrawing but now he couldn't. It was not an issue about solidarity, justice, friendship, beliefs, or anything. There was only one reason why he was sitting at the same table with this group. The person he care about most was about to be in danger because of someone else. He couldn't stand that.

" I will follow everyone. So…" - Torei

A 3D screen appeared in front of everyone.


Class : Thief

HP: 150

Mana: 150

Strength: 15

Magic: 15

Vision: 60

Agility: 20

Passive: [Eagle Eyes], [Reflection Buff], [Smell of Fortune], [Steady Hand]

Eagle Eyes: See everything clearly day and night. Reflection Buff: Reflection x 1.5

Smell of Fortune: Identify things worth money.

Steady hand: Effect of pickpocket skills x 2

" Hahahah! What the heck?? A thief!" - Mitsuru

Not only Mitsuru but Okura couldn't help but laugh. Alexandra, the princes, the princess, the mage, and the redhead woman looked at him with a complicated expressions. While the soldiers clicked their tongues discussing something. Sarila looked at him with a sad expression. Torei didn't think his class would leave such a bad impression. Of course, he knew it'd be no good, but in the fantasy worlds, he read it was not uncommon to have a thief in a team of heroes. Torei didn't know that all of these were just the beginning of an omen that would happen to him.