
The Reunion {2}

Gine smiled at him, it has been three short months, and it has never been the same since he left, she started to become...she wouldn't say broken, but...let's just say that it was a part of her that left with him.

Gine looked to the girl's clinging to his arm...mates. Well, he said he was going to bring one mate, I thought he only had one mate? Gine looked up at shiro confused, who looked kind of sheepish.

She looked at the girl's expression, the one with the weird eyes, was she blind? she was looking at her with a nervous look mixed in with that smile...

The other one, the red haired girl, she was the one that made her nervous for some reason, though she had on a smile, her eyes were a different story almost calculating...

"W-well, I think you both must be his mates...." Gine smiled nervously, "My name is Gine..."

Naruko analyzed her for a long moment, before she smiled at her, "Hello, Gine-chan, my name is Naruko...and yes we are his mates, as you put it, you also said you wanted to talk to me about something?"

Yes, that was the reason, Gine was very nervous now... she glanced back up at Shiro who looked kind of nervous as well...

Does he know... she swallowed, does he know she has feelings for him, is that why he is nervous?

Naruko smiled at her, "I do heard much about you, from Shiro-kun," Naruko said, "I can tell you that I am looking forward to having this... talk..."

Gine swallowed...if Shiro doesn't know, something tells her Naruko definitely does...

Goku glanced between Naruko and Gine with a look of confusion on his face,

"Mom, what's the pretty lady talking about?" he asked, causing Naruko's expression to brighten, she smiled at him.

"It is nothing that you will care about son..." Gine said eventually with a sigh, Goku eventually shrugged, he laid his head back on his father's chest.

Shiro shook his head and smiled softly... well, if you are going to talk, let's do it back at Gohan's house, how is he by the way?"

Gine smiled at him, "the old man is fine, he has been helping me with Kakarot when you left..."

Shiro looked guilty as they began to fly, "I'm sorry about that Gine, but you know I couldn't stay..."

"I know..." Gine smiled down at him, "I don't blame you for it..." she began to feel nervous again as she saw the sudden twinkle in Naruko's eyes.

Gine took a deep breath, and looked on ahead, the 5 took off towards Goku's house

How was it? if you like it comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, have a good day

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts