
Shiro's gifts

Shiro, Naruko and Hinata made it to a hidden Alley... Shiro glanced around, his sense told him that there were no life signatures here, so he figured that this was the perfect spot. It was going to be quick anyway.

'Alright system, give both Hinata and Naruko Eternal Youth, and Atomic Regeneration ability..."


Naruko's and Hinata's eyes widened, as all three of them started to glow....

It took a minute before the glow died down, Naruko glared at him, "what did you just do..."

Shiro sighed, "I wasn't kidding when I said there were people out there that can destroy Galaxies with just a sneeze, this universe is very dangerous, I just wanted to make sure that you were safe..."

Naruko's eyes softened, "I know Shiro-kun, I just want to know what you did, Kurama is panicking..."

Hinata looked to Naruko with a confused expression, before her eyes widened in realization,m"Ano, Naruko-chan, you wouldn't happen to talk about the Kyuubi right?"

Naruko winced but nodded, "Yeah, the Kyuubi was sealed inside my stomach at birth by my father, who is also known as the fourth Hokage..."

Hinata's eyes slowly widened, "Wow, to think the villagers banished the daughter of their favorite hero...and doesn't that make you a princess too?"

Naruko snorted, "Yeah well, I used to be, but now that they banished me I'm not to sure, I know I am a princess in Uzushiogakure...but I don't see myself as one."

"But you should," Shiro said with a grin, "You are also, my princess...no...my goddess as well, both you and Hinata-chan here....even if you aren't Konoha's anymore..."

Naruko and Hinata, both blush red, before they smile at him, "Thanks Shiro-kun, but you still haven't told me what you have done to us?"

Shiro nodded his head, "Do you remember when I told you about my wishes during my adventures here?" Shiro asked.

Naruko nodded before her eyes lit up in realization, Hinata was still confused she was glancing between us.

Shiro smiled seeing this and clarified to get Hinata to understand, "right, what I just gifted you was Eternal Youth, both of you, and another thing was atomic regeneration which means you can now regenerate, even when they're is one atom left in there body..."

"Naruko and Hinata gasped, "So, we are now immortal?" Hinata asked., "Same with me..." Shiro nodded, "So now, we can live together forever...without the fear of death."

Shiro's eyes suddenly widened as he was tackled by two blurs, Shiro picked them up and hugged them tightly, he patted them on their soft toned backs,

Naruko and Hinata both broke apart after a moment all three of them smiled at each other,

Yes, they all had the same thinking process, to be together forever, what more could they ask for?

Shiro grabbed their waist and smiled, 'system, tell me the location to Gine..light up the path ahead of me...'


Shiro's eyes glowed green, he glanced around before he smiled, grabbed onto their waste, and smiled, before he vanished

So, how was it? Comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, I. LOVE. POWERSTONES! Have a good day

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts