
Clark's Origin

"Shiro looked, at them all, he and his whole family was eating at the table, he taught them the basics of the kryptonian race, the codex, and everything, but now, he needed to tell clark his true origin, he needed to know, before someone else, tells him, and manipulates clark against him.

When Clark was finished, Shiro looked at him, "Clark." He said, catching his attention.

"Yes, dad?" he asked,

"There is something I need to discuss with you in private, would you follow me?"" Clark and the rest of his siblings looked on in confusion.

"Dad...Whats going on, Dattebayo?" Naruto asked, Shiro smiled at him, "I will be right back."

The two went outside and closed the door. The rest of the family frowned.

"Well, i'm gonna go see what theyre talking about, Dattebayo!

"Naruto, Uzumaki, Namikaze, you will do no such thing." Naruko's stern voice caused Naruto to wince, he put his head down, but his ears were still listening, as was the rest of the children.

"Yes, Kaa-san."


"Shiro and clark floated outside, "So dad, what do you want to talk to me about?" clark asked.

Shiro sighed, "Well, since you are older now, I figured it will be a better time, that I tell you..."

"that we are not human, I know dad." Clark said, "You told me about this remember?", Shiro frowned,

"No, this is not like that, what I meant to say is your origin, your coming of age now, and I wanted to tell you about your kryptonian heritage..

Shiro brought up clarks spaceship.from his inventory.

Shiro smiled at him, he was so nervous, and clark looked so confused, "This is the space ship we founded you in..." Shiro said, causing Clark's eyes to widen, "But...that means....if what you said is true... Clark looked like he was having a melt down. Shiro brought him into a hug, "You were not originally from this family, but your original father loved you, he loved you just as much as I did, he wanted you to survive, Kal, I told you about what the codex is right?"

Clark broke from the hug and nodded his head, "Yes, dad, I know what the codex is."

"Good." Well the codex was fused with in your bones, by your father."

Clark's jaw looked like it was about to fall to the ground...."But...but..."

"Why would he do such a thing?" Shiro asked, Clark managed to nod. Shiro smiled, "Well your father had good intentions, he mainly did it Both to preserve the Kryptonian race and provide you with the distinction of choosing your own destiny, you son, are the first natural birth krypton has ever had in centuries..."

Clark was trembling, he would have collapsed, if shiro wasn't there.

"That...I...I... "Shiro could clearly feel the tears falling down to his shoulders, "Can, I know..." Clark took a deep breath, "I know about...my heritage now, and I accept...I accept it, but,....I also, still...I still, Can I continue to be your son?"

Shiro smiled in relief, he could feel the weight leave him, now that the burden of that secret is over, and hugged him tightly, "You will always be my son." Shiro said, his tone showing nothing but tenderness, love, and care. he broke and gave his son a soft smile,

"Son, let's go back to the rest of our family they are probably worried about whats going on.."

Clark wiped the tears from his eyes, before he gave off a big smile., "Right, and Dad?"


"Thank you for telling me..."

Shiro's smile grew. before he nodded his head and smiled,

"Just remember son, we are still Kryptonian in blood, I and your siblings, you are not alone..."

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Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts