
Bringing Back Sasuke and ???

It was so sudden, the invasion, everyone was so focused on eachother, and battling out the enemy forces, one of the few, like Naruko gaped at the power that was shown, when a person, they thought was from civilian origins, take down a biju like it was nothing. Though they refused to believe it was like nothing, because such a thing was impossible to do, no matter how big or different he has gotten.

Sasuke was one of those people, as he stared down at those...those deadlast.. he demanded to tell them how they got that power, only to be...he clenched his fist, pushed a side, like he was some nameless orphans...

The village, they trained outside the village to get this power? Than he will not stay in this village much longer, he needs the power, he needs it to defeat....

His mind flashed back to his older brother, "Foolish little brother...you lack hatred..."

"Him." Sasuke's Sharingan activated.

Shiro and Naruko went to the funeral to pay their respects, they ignored the whispers as usual. The Sandaime, although he made many mistakes, he tried his best to make up for them, and that meant a lot for him, it would be selfish for him to keep him alive, though, he needs to rest in peace, stay with his wife, and his family.


Sasuke happened, does shiro really need to say anything else? Shiro got up from his seat. But Naruko grabbed him, and shook his head, She stood up.

"Naru..chan, are you sure..." Naruko smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheeks, "Alright..." Shiro sighed, "But finish him quickly...he will kill you if he get's the chance."

Naruko smiled, before she disappeared in a flash.


It didn't take too long, Naruko was seen caring a bloodied and beaton sasuke on her shoulder s like a bag of potatoes, her clothes were ripped, but her wounds healed nicely, thank you kurama. ' she thought, Sasuke put one hell of a fight, but in the end, he wasn't strong enough to keep up with her, but it was as to be expected, she hates it when she tried to reason with him only to be attacked, that's how she got those wounds, but they aren't wounds any more...

"Naruko carried Sauske through the village, ignoring the peoples shocked looked and whispers, and took Sauske to the hospital, before leaving, and heading back to ichikaru Ramen, where Shiro was there waiting...He raised an eyebrow, before he looked her up and down, "Nice..."

Naruko smiled, and was about to say something when an emotionaless voice interrupted him.... "Naruko Uzumaki, the council requests your presence..." A grab on the shoulders, and they vanished in a swirl of leaves...


Shiro was very worried....when Naruko came back, she looked conflicted, and somewhat Hollow, and it was painful to watch...

"Naruko..." he said softly, "Tell me what happened...."

"I..." she swallowed, "I think...I'm banished..."

I told you they would be leaving the village right? This is there start, so , how was it? If you like it, comment, let me know what you think, and vote powerstones, have a good day

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts