
A Lovers Reunion

Once, Shiro stepped through the portal, he took a deep breath and let out a sigh, "it is good to be back here.."

he looked around and saw that nobody was there, and nodded to himself, "Alright first things first, Naruko, then exams..." 'System, light up a path to Naruko's location...'


Shiro's eyes glowed green, a path lit up before him, Shiro smirked, before he took a step, and completely disappeared in a burst of speed, nothing but a gust of wind, symbolizing his departure.


Shiro stopped, at the gate of the Namikaze entrance, Shiro took another breath to hide his nervousness, it has been years since he last saw her, he has been thinking about her ever since he left... he took that deep breath to calm his excitement down... Naruko would probably look even more beautiful due to her training...

Shiro floated upwards from the ground over the gate, he didn't want her to find out she was here, he wanted it to be a surprise. he floated gently to a point where he was just floating above the ground...really therre were seals all over the place for alerting her of visitors and intruders, Shiro helped her put it there after all...

Shiro knew there was only a matter of time before she notices especially because he still has to unlock the door, so, the second he does, he will need to hurry a bit...so she won't be alerted and he can surprise her.

The moment Shiro unlocked the door,, he closed it and vanished, zooming through the hallways and the staircases like a lazer, He appeared behind Naruko, and hugged her from behind.

Naruko gave off a loud squeak as Shiro put his arms around her and hugged her tightly. Naruko struggled for a bit, but upon realizing who it was, she melted in to the hug, she was shocked at how much he has grown, why because she has grown herself, she had grown tall herself but Shiro he was a lot taller than her...and... his...his body is... She began to blush... Just what kind of training did he do?

Once Shiro let her go, she turned to face him, and was now finally able to get a better look, and she stared...Different, would be a huge understatement, she was right when she felt he had gotten taller, he was huge, and those arms.... Naruko's blush deepened as Kurama was not helping the situation, not only was she making lewd compliments, to shiro She was also sending mental images about her and Shiro in compromising positions...

Shiro looked at Naruko, he could not help but stare at her. She has grown a lot since he left, she was a lot more beautiful than she was before, she had grown taller, and her face has lost all of her baby fat, her breast were a lot bigger than before, even with the black battle kimono going all the way down to her ankles, she also wore black ninja sandals, and black fingerless gloves...Her skin was the usual tan, Shiro raised a hand on her soft whiskered cheek, and rubbed it gently, Shiro smiled slightly as she purred slightly.

He took a step forward, until they were nose to nose... Naruko swallowed nervously, Shiro smiled, though he too was just as nervous, but his happiness at seeing her again over shadowed his nervousness. It was a moment that passed, followed by another, before eventually, shiro leaned forward, and he kissed her passionately.

Naruko's eyes widened for a second stunned by the sudden action... before slowly, she began to melt into it, and kiss back, with the same amount of passion as he.

How was it? If you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, I. LOVE. POWERSTONES! Have a nice day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts