
Obito Uchiha and New Team

Ryu was staring at Obito in disbelief.

Obito Uchiha what the heck is he doing here, shouldn't he be somewhere assembeling the Akatsuki. Also he has both eyes, damn this world's history is completely screwed up, wait a minute. Lee told me that an Tailed beast attacked the village then who was the one controlling it.

While thinking about all of this Ryu introduced himself.

Ryu > "Hello my name is Yagi Ryu and i guess i will be your student from now on.

''Oke nice to meet you. I have to disscus something with Lord Fourth for a second, than i will bring to meet your new teamates.''

Ryu nodded and went outside and waited for a few minutes. After the door open Obito came out and told him to come along with him.

"So Ryu I have read it in your file that you only use Taijutsu."

Ryu > "Is thatgoing to be a problem."

"Not really, I know someone that also only uses taijutsu and he's pretty strong I can guarantee you that with enough work and dedecation you could also be that strong."

Ryu >"So where will we be going."

"To to our headquarters but the others in the squad just call it the clubhouse."

Ryu >"Can you Explain More about the responsibilities of this Squad."

"Sure this court is responsible for investigating all disturbances outside of the the village, that could potentaily do some harm to the village."

Ryu >"But is that not the Ambu's job and could'nt this mission just givin to high-ranking Ninja than a low-level genning like myself.

"Well you see, the thing is because you are low level that this might work out and even if they found out that you are from The Hidden leaf, because of your low-level they won't do anything to you, sinds they don't wanna break their coverand if they do attack we have two chuunin in the team and the rest are all Gennin, not to mention that i an jonin is watching your back.

So motto of this team is, if you're going to hide, hide in plane site. Besides we are mostly responsible for minor disturbances or threats that could happen to the Village from the outside. Yes from time to time we will have fights on our hands so you better be prepare.

Ryu told Obito not to worry sind his Taijutsu is pretty small and when it comes to stealth and tracking he would not lose even to a chuunin. Right after they finish talking Obito and X stop in front of an old wooden house.

Ryu looked at the house and thought: shouldn't this be a little better if we aren't investigation unit

Ryu opend the door and walked in, right when he enterd the house he felt something shift between his feet because of fast reflexes he dodged Kunai's that were aimed at his vitals.

Just after he dodged he triggered a pitfall trap beneath his feeth as he fell he saw spikes below. As Ryu has not learned how to use his chakara to stick to walls he had to come up with a different solution, he used chain he kept hiddes in his sleeve to stop fallin than he used it to get out.

Just as he climbed out, smoke bombs were thrown right in front of his feet his vision was completely blocked. Right after he could'nt see anything he heared an attack coming from behind his back and he could also feel one coming from under his feet. Again his fat reflexes showed them self before the attacks could hit hi he was somehow able to doged both of them by jumping high in the air but sinds this was a house he could not jump to high, so he decided the best course was to jump in front.

As he landed he quickly gather chakra to strengthing his hands and then he clapped. The clapp was so loud that it not only distract his opponents but the force of the clapalso dispursed some of the smoke .

As the two assailents were still holding their ears in pain Ryu quickly attacked while his body was still strenghtend not expecting this the two could not doged. Ryu knocked one out by aiming at the neck and the other by aming for the chest.

When the smoke cleared up he saw the faces of his assailents, they were kids and by the looks of it they were twins one was male and one was female they both had orange hair white skin brown eyes and they were both wearing the same oufit and black windbreaker.

Suddenly Ryu heard someone clapping, he turned his head and then saw a group of people walking out of an different door.

In the front of the group was a handsome looking teenager with his black hair tied his eyes were also black and he was wearing an in a blue windbreaker and an standerd chuunin vest. The way the others were walking behind them it seemed like he was the leader, the other's behind the leader of were wearing the same black windbreaker as a twins that had suddenly attacked him.

"So you must be Ryu, not bad my name is Soma Nara and i am the vice captain of the investigation Squad.

"The twins that you just knocked out are Akame and Akihisa, the two ordinary looking guys in the back with brown and blue hair wearing glasses are Shinji and Shoji, the big dumb looking oaf here is Kaiki, the skinny guy with the creepy smile and slit eye's is Hajime and the small cute looking girl here is Mai.

"As he was introducing them everyine besides the little girl looked dissatisfied at Soma and Ryu became even more confused sinds he could not understand what was happening."

"Representing everyone here I like to welcome you to the...Smack

Obito smacked Soma on the head.

"Oi, What do you think, you are doing to the new recruit You

Crouching and holding his head in pain Soma could not help but say Sensei this was our welcoming ceremony for our juniour and not only that you were the one that appr........Smack

Soma was smacked agaain by Obito, this time Obito was blushing a bit.

Making a fake cough. Obito tried to change the subject.

"Where is Shinobu."

"I think she went out to buy Sweets again answed Shinji.

" There She Goes Again, that girl always had a mighty sweet tooth." said Obito sighing.

Obito looked at Ryu and the said

"If you are wondering Shinobu is the captain of the team.

All right since Shinobu is not here Soma you'll start fillin the rookie in on all the details of the investigation Squad and provide him with anything he needs.

Yes sir said Soma said still holding his head so grimacing in pain

Soma explained everything tha was needed to noow as an member of the Squad to Ryu. They talked all the way until it became dark.

Ryu could not help but stop Soma's explenation and asked.

"Could you tell me more about Obito to sensei.

" About Obito sensei let's see what you already know is that he is an Uchiha that means he has the Sharingan, I think I think they already taught you this in class so I won't go into details about the Sharingan. Obito Sensei is also the student of the fourth Hokage along with his fellow student Kakashi, together they are known as the twin calamities of the Hidden leaf.

"Why twin calamities you might ask? said Soma looking smugly at Ryu.

" They have an success rate of 100% when it comes to their missions each and every time they have to fight other ninjas especially when it's one of the other four great villages there's no one left alive. Because of that they were nicknamed the twin calamities for the fact that they will bring a calamity to any ninja that try to fight them when thay are on their mission, they were given their respective nickname's lightning Calamity, lightning fang Kakashi and a fire Calamity Vanishing Blaze Obito out of fear by the other ninjas."

"Lets see what else, oh yeah Obito Sensei aspires to be the next Hokage right after Lord Fourth, so if you feel like you want to become Hokage you got your work cut out for you."

Suddenly Soma and Ryu heard a voice coming from he balcony. "hey guys it's me open up."

Ryu went to open the curtains to see who it was when he oped them he saw an beautiful blond hair girl with green eyes and her hair in an ponytail was tied to the side and she was wearing the same black windbreaker as all the others.

Ryu was still mesmerized by her when Soma patted his shoulder and said,"Ryu let me introduce you to our captain Shinobu Yamanaka."

Yo Zaver here

Sorry it took so long. I can't do the double release like i promised so i can only give you one for now.

Because i checked my writing speed and also the fact that some of you asked, the release sheduale is going to be 2 chapters every 2 day's. I would make it 1 every day but the story's quility would go down

Zavercreators' thoughts