
The Strongest Old Man

Rayleigh an old man with a violent past now leads a quiet life. But when he hears that his family and home were destroyed, losing him his only grandson, He returns to the world with only a single purpose. Vengeance.

In10nse · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 1

When the sun rose high in the kingdom of Avalon.

Ray's day would be as monotonous as it could be, every morning he would wake up and head to the forest to look for some Ashewood. This was a rare and highly flammable wood loved by black smiths but it did not come easy. Therefore it sold well and this was his way of life. He had a way of finding it that stumped many of his competitors that were established organizations.

This was what old ray was known for in his village.

"Old man, I see you are headed to the market again, let me help you with that." Said Jippy. He was a new kid in the village brought over by his father, a farmer to help out during the winter season. The villagers looked at Jippy with a playful look. It was because he didn't know.

"Thank you, young man but are you sure?" asked Ray in doubt.

"Yes sir, I'm pretty strong plus I help out my father all the time, this won't be a problem." Said Jippy as he moved to carry the chopped wood at Ray's Back. When he finally shifted the luggage to himself his whole face turned purple as the weight of the wood began to sink into his hands, He struggled to hold on to them "Urk what the.."

"Thank you young man, carrying all this wood is tough for one as old as myself." Said Ray as he began to walk ahead of young Jippy who had at this point began to sweat. He began to wonder if ray was even old to begin with, all this wood was heavy. And that's exactly how it was.

Ashenwood had a different consistency to other wood, not only was it flammable, it was heavier and that's why smithies liked it, it burned hot and lasted longer. Not only was it hard to find but it was a lot of work to chop it down.

"Ray, don't mess with my boy." Jippy's father Allister brought a cart and gave it to Jippy. "Here this will help." Jippy could only look at his father with grateful eyes.

"Youngster's aren't the same these days." Commented Ray.

"No, you just aren't normal Old Ray." Snorted Allister.

And that's how Ray got help moving his Ashenwood logs that day. At the very least his shoulders would not ache that day.

Ray was a 65 year old man, with average height, long grey hair with streaks of black and an athletic but slightly bent back build. He had once worked in the military. He had worked hard and risen to a very high rank thanks to a stroke of luck that allowed him to contribute a lot to the kingdom during a military campaign. This had been the peak of his life. It didn't take long for him to raise a family and live an honest life.

As he got older he struggled to keep up with the changes in the military. Although he was known as one of the most brilliant strategists of his time. He could not compare to the insanely powerful young commanders that could level castles alone. Following the loss of his job and subsequently his family. Ray could only come to this remote region to get away from it all and live out the rest of his days peacefully.

However this did not mean that ray had given up on his body. After spending 40 years in the military - Hard work was ingrained within him, and that's why if you asked all the villagers who knew Ray they would tell you that his body was chiselled like a sculpture. Ever since he arrived to this village he did nothing but chop wood and sell, therefore physically speaking he was in a far better position that most men his age.

The market was a bustling place with people moving around the stalls and stores. The street was called the golden strip by merchants. It was just one highly developed Road with stores along the side and ends of street. The wide road of the street was paved and full of stalls from merchants of all levels. It was supposed to have been used by carts and horses but since barely any affluent nobles even came to this backwater region, this once great street was now a treasure for the governor. The merchants here all payed tax that saw the governor's pockets. This was a requirement if you wanted to sell here.

The stores were well done. One couldn't complain about the overall design.

Ray and Jippy arrived at the smithy within the golden strip not long after they left the village. Ray had Jippy stand outside while he completed the exchange before coming out with a sack of coins and a smile on his face.

"Take a look around kid, we'll meet at the gate in 30 minutes. "Said Ray as he gave Jippy a few coins.

"Yes sir." Jippy happily accepted them and went deep into the market.

Ray decided to take a leisurely walk around the market as he searched for food and items he would make use for the rest of this week. For starters he needed a new whetstone because his axe had started to go blunt.

And thus Ray began to weave through the market, buying food, odds and ends. He had to double back to the smithy to buy a whetstone. Something he had wanted to do but forgot about earlier due to his failing memory.

When he left the smithy, he saw a small crowd gathered around a stall. And people there shouting in wonder. Out of curiosity he went closer to observe what was going on.

A man dressed in unfamiliar garbs was moving around cards. He picked up a card, and since the card looked ominous the crowd murmured. The card reader was of course a fortune teller. He was gazing at a man in front of him who seemed spooked.

"Mister it seems you have had a dark cloud following you around. " said the fortune teller.

"Um yes...Yess it's been difficult. " replied the man who seemed to have been mystified by the person before him who could tell that he's been having a rough week.

"Well fear not, this can all go away if you drink my Dawnbright elixir. Trust me when I tell you, everything will be right into place within a day, of which by my reading, your dark days will only last for another month. After that you'll be so fortunate you'll wonder if all the luck of your alternate lives has converged into you. "Said the fortune teller with a bright smile as he shook around a glowing pink liquid in a vial.

The man in question didn't even ponder, but asked how much the elixir was and bought it on the spot. As far as he was concerned he could not have another week similar to his past week, he was determined to stop it.

Rayleigh scoffed, he was a very logical person and had seen many things in life, in that same vein many fortune tellers and he only had one impression of them. They were all scammers. Fooling people into giving them money.

However clearly his scoff had been loud enough. Because the crowd was now looking at him with a tinge of hostility and derision.

"Sir, it seems you doubt my fortune reading skills. "Said the man as he gestured for Ray to come closer. Ray moved closer and joined the crowd and quickly found himself in front of the fortune tellers stall.

"It's not doubt. I just don't believe in people who read the fortunes of others. If god or the universe has set our path. I refuse to believe it could be read by the likes of you." Responded Ray as he picked up the fortune tellers cards and looked at them as though he were thinking of buying them.

"I understand. We the people of the Aztec faith do not shy away from those who don't believe in what we do. We are not fortune tellers yes we don't read fortunes. We are those that read divination's. I am a vessel of Knowledge and as we speak I have caught upon a divination for you." Said the Aztec Diviner. Ray was only wondering why the man had changed the way he spoke? Does he think that will make him more mysterious? He wondered.

"Let thee speak, for I shall hear what thou shall say." Replied Ray playfully. Yet the diviners face had turned frigid at that moment.

"Your life will be forfeited before the end of the day." Said the diviner.

Ray laughed and said "Kid, every day I marvel in shock when I wake up every morning. Even I can't believe I'm still kicking." He left the crowd and headed towards the gate. The aztec diviner was surprised that someone walked away before he finished his divination, it infuriated him and had nothing to say to such a response and honestly didn't want to.

By the time Ray got to the gate, Young Jippy was already waiting for him. They both headed to the village. "What did you buy kid?" asked Ray as young Jippy began to unleash his market item collection and prattle on about it in pride.

When they got to the village, Young Jippy headed home and Ray went to his little hut at the far end of the village. It was a modest place with everything that Ray needed. A bed, a picture of his family and some odd items here and there. After dropping his shopping items he headed towards the river a very short distance from the village.

This river was part of the larger river in the region, this was of course the village's source of water. Women could be seen in the distance carrying buckets and headed back to the village.

Ray had a spot he liked, there was a boulder there. He would set his fishing line here and do whatever else he wanted to do. However today he didn't come to do any finish. It was just him and his Axe and the river. And so he sat on the boulder and began to sharpen his Axe with a whetstone while gazing at the distance. His back seemed so lonely at this moment but a butterfly came to rest on his shoulder 'Thanks for accompanying me little one' he thought. He stayed there for the rest of the day, deep within his thoughts as he sharpened his axe.

When the sun began to set, it was time to go home. He grabbed his stuff and began to walk towards his hut.

However at this moment something fell on top of him. All he saw was black, then red and then nothing as his consciousness stopped working. A woman had fallen on top of him with such force it had broken several parts of his body including his neck.

"Ugh…" a beautiful woman with blue and red hair struggled to get up, she was disoriented. When she saw that she had fallen on top of an old man. She felt very sorry. She may as well have killed him. He body was bent weirdly.

"This is all I can do for you at this moment." She grabbed a dagger and slit her wrist and dropped a copious amount of blood into Ray's mouth. She chanted something and her Blue strands of hair began to lose some of its color turning red. Soon after she stood up, took a glance at Ray again worriedly and proceeded to run in a direction, zipping past the river and seemingly disappearing into the distance.

Leaving old ray laying there. A short while later some men appeared at Ray's location looked around and zipped in the same direction the mysterious woman had run to.

No one noticed this but Ray's broken bones started snapping back into proper shape. His body seemingly repairing itself.

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