
Chapter 2 - The Great General of the Noord.

3 weeks passed sins Zero took over a lot of demon around the realm tried to take over but zero destroyed them all but now something stronger is coming towards zero.

Old village man walked towards the castle "Young king can you help me" and zero walked toward the old man "what is the problem old man" the old man walked toward zero"My grandson went to the forest but he didn't return can you send someone to search for him I'm scared that something happened to him". Zero looked at the old man and start thinking to himself "I really need some workers I can't rule the Noord alone this is too hard".

Zero grabs the old man's hand "Sure il go look for him" and zero left and started his journey towards the forest. "It's quiet" Zero started looking around the forest but even the bird are gone "this is strange where is everyone" Zero felt someone watching him "So it is you" and someone started walking towards zero.

"Darkin it has been a long time" and the won't they called the Darking king a man who should have been a demon king but took the job of general of the Noord "May I ask what you are doing here young prince" Zero walked towards Darkin "nothing much I'm looking for a boy who went missing a few days ago and what are you doing here you were gone for 2 years." Darkin looked around and turn around "I don't really know sins I entered the forest it was like a ghost town it's like everything died or disappeared around here." and they started walking towards the middle of the forest and both of them started feeling a very strong chakra "it cant be" Zero started running toward the middle and he stops in silent and Darkin walked toward zero "it's a stone of your father sword that's why everything is dead his power sucked every living thing around here". And the demon who was doing this started looking towards Darkin and zero "Who are you two you wanna die two I am the new demon king around here with this power no one can beat me now WHAHAHAH" Darkin walked forward slowly " I guess I should kill you before you complete the sp...." Zero flashes forward and grabbed the demon by the head and slam him down and throws him toward a tree and summon a big fire meteor above his head and throws it towards the demon the entire forest was destroyed by the explosion of the meteor.

Darkin used his chakra shield to keep him safe from the damage of the explosion "that was overkill I think zero" and zero turns around and walked away towards the village "I will never accept someone using my father power without his permission" Darkin grabs the stone and walked towards the village. and zero walked to the old man house "I'm sorry old man your grandson has died in the forest by a demon his life was avenge so he will rest in peace from now on" the old man looked up toward zero and Darkin "Thank you" that's the only thing that came out of the old man mouth and so they started walking towards the castle "Darkin will you follow me as you did my father" Darkin did not expect zero to ask that "So you really wanna take over are you sure you're ready for this." Zero turns around "I'm ready its time to take back everything that was ours, after all, I am the son of the strongest demon king that lived and the son of the demon goddess of the demon world with my power I will take over everything" Darking grabbed hold of his sword "I swear that I will protect you as I did your father and I will follow your order my king I cant wait to see how you will turn out". And so it begins the Noorden king journey has started to rule the demon realm.