
The Strongest Keeper

"You're the Keeper damn it! Act like one!" "I don't even know why I was chosen!" In the midst of war in the continent of Welmar between other races and humans, the Gods had suddenly glanced down at the pitiful beings and decided to grace them with the little peace they all wanted. A Keeper.

AngyWriter · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1, When the Gods gaze upon us

In this world, two things exist, the human and the "others".

This perspective of that, humans are far superior to others, and that they are the true children of the gods, the real survivors of the fittest when it comes to living. But the "others" beg to differ, those were just a concept that they tell upon themselves to hide their true weaknesses, these "other" races are being called, monsters. 

One of them is the Elves, despite their flawless look, the human has turned their image to the younger generation as scary, ugly long-eared people, only because a human King had proposed to marry an elven princess and was rejected on the spot, they use the concept that the elves wore an ugly mask when they are out of their home, after all, no one has ever resisted the looks of an elven. Those who have seen it never married or had a divorce with their current partner.

The Beastkin is derived from different kinds of species from small reptiles and amphibians to large mammals and felines. The Beastkin was seen as nothing but a mere servant, a tool for the humans to use- and of course, this enraged the whole kind. Each Beastkin follows their own god and beliefs, yet they unite to pray for two particular gods, the God of Fertility and the God of Chaos.

The last one are diverse creature known as the Demons, they are beings that were a descendant of a few fallen gods, the blood from their corpses. their flesh from their rotting body turned into a new life, birthing different and various kinds of species such as Dragons, orcs, goblins, and many more.

The three major species stood against human abuse and abasement and declared war, and this made the Gods in the cosmos glance at them, amused by this little war they had going on, the Gods had given them a solution for their problem, a Keeper.

"Act like one! You are the most important person in the whole world, your every decision can cause consequences"

"Wh-why is this happening to me...?!" Standing in the middle of a large room with a very high ceiling, complemented by a shiny chandelier with orange glowing crystal, the colored glass window mimicked the new Keeper's appearance, a woman wearing an all-white cloak reaching down on the shiny marble floor, see-through clothing made out of thin silk draped over her shoulder like a delicate web hanging on a branch. Her long jet-black hair reaching her waist was neatly cut to perfection, and her ruby eyes were shrinking as she continued to panic.

"Bishop! you have to get me out of this situation!" She quickly knelt in front of the man, gripping down his white robe, and pulling and dragging him with her yet the man kept standing still, unbudging. "I can't live a life like this! I wanna go back to being a peasant!" she cried.

With a sigh, the man pried his clothes from the Keeper's strong grip. "Ahem- as much to my own dismay" he mumbled softly. "It was the gods who have decided that you will be the new Keeper..." The man dared not to say his disagreement out loud, what the Keeper hears, is what the God hears as well, and defying them would be the biggest mistake you would ever make, unlike the God in this world, the God in the cosmos was far stronger.

With teary eyes, the Keeper collapsed on the floor, completely defeated by her situation. "What am I gonna do now" she whined, her cheek against the cold white tiles, Bishop could sigh at the image of the current Keeper, what was the Gods thinking? choosing someone like her- what's worse is that she's a peasant, with no family background, and not one ounce of magic in her blood.

"First things first" the Bishop spoke crossing his arms. "I'll have to educate you about the history-"

"Nooo!" The Keeper whined again, she looked like a turned-over bug on the floor, flailing.

"..." The Bishop already looks defeated, sighing heavily. "Keeper, please, you have a very important role now, from now on you'll have to meet various people and species and aid them with their problems-" Out of nowhere the Bishop took out a long scroll consisting of all of the reports for this month's workload. "Such as assisting the orcs with their current problem implementing human law to theirs, the Bird kin requesting your presence to talk about...flying permit issue, and many more" The Bishop closed the scroll and slapped it to his hand to get the Keeper's attention, who's face still on the floor.

"Just kill me..." The Keeper said, her voice muffled by the floor.

"That would result in a world conflict, bringing back the dark ages and war that the many previous Keeper tried to prevent from happening," The Bishop said, holding onto his glasses as he spoke. "Therefore, no"

"Then" The Keeper looked up to The Bishop. "What happened to the previous Keeper?"

Silence fell in the white room.

"That..." The Bishop paused, unsure, placing his index finger and thumb under his chin whilst he brooded about the subject. "Only the Gods know..."

There was a long pause before The Bishop spoke again, clearing his throat. "Ahem, well let's forget about that, what matters right now is that you are the new chosen Keeper, it's only been a day after your choosing, the King had informed me earlier that a celebration will be held after two days so look forward to it"

"What...hold on, everything is so fast, let me- let me think!" The Keeper said slowly standing up on the floor, sighing as she held her arm. "Can I rest?"

"Certainly" With a snap of a finger, the door in the room opened, and two huge bulking knights whose whole body was covered in a thick layer of titanium, adored with the fluffy coat behind their back, a large shield attached to their arm and a huge sharp sword clipped on their waist. "The knights will escort you to your room," The Bishop said and the two shiny large knights quickly but gracefully knelt in front of the Keeper, their right hand placed on their left chest as they bowed their heads. 

The Keeper who was overwhelmed, looked down at the two knights with caution and unsureness, she was never given such respect until now. "Yin and Yang, escort The Keeper to her room, please" The two knights quickly stood up after the order was given, the black knight, Yin, marched behind the keeper while the white knight, Yang, stood in front, the two didn't move an inch unless the Keeper started walking. "Go ahead, Keeper"

Hesitately, The Keeper started walking and so did the two knights, as if matching the way she walked. "Have a good rest, Keeper" The Bishop bowed as the figure of the Keeper disappeared behind the closing door. 

The hall of White Dome is decorated with greenery, pillars adorned by the growing vines with its flowers blooming brightly as if showing off their beauty to the new Keeper passing by. 

"..." She looked outside through the glass window, and all she could see was down the horizon were clouds, fluffy white clouds that at the bare touch were cold as the river during sunrise. They soon arrived in front of a large, polished marble door, a carved image of a sword in the middle while two hands on each side of the double door were reaching for it. 

"Rest..." Yang said, their voice doesn't seem possible for a human to have, it's low and bellowing. They stood beside the door and Yin opened it for her. 

"Ah...eh" Was all the Keeper could say before walking inside, her eyes wandered around her own personal room, something she never had before, the alleyway was like a dorm shared with other people. Thud! She flinches when she hears the door behind her close, Yin and Yang stand right in front of it, facing the hall.

The Keeper strode towards the bed and sat down, the white sheet was the softest and most comfortable clothing she had ever held before, and to think- the nobles would sleep every night on them while she had to live through sleeping on the floor, having a cartoon is already a luxury for those who lived in the street.

"Oh, man..." She let herself rest on the bed, arms spread. "I shouldn't have gone to the Arena that time..." she said, remembering yesterday's event when she was suddenly picked by the Gods. But that story is for another time.

There is something that the luxury of being a Keeper couldn't replace, and that is familiarity, at least in the street she knows what to expect, what to do, and how to do it, but right now...

"What the hell am I supposed to do..." 

She has no idea what is a The Keeper, from what she has heard, peace exists because they exist. But that peace is about to be disrupted because the Gods chose the wrong Keeper. 

With a grunt, she quickly sat up from their bed and marched to the balcony, with a huff, she screamed at the Gods. "WHY ME?!"

The Bishop looked up from his book, suddenly hearing a scream made him startle for a bit, he arched an eyebrow before going back to his reading. 

"THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE MORE WORTH THAN ME!" A bewildered look came across the Bishops face, from his office, he stood up from his chair and walked to the window to open it, the wind blew hysterically, swirling right in front of the Keeper, and the Keeper herself was oblivious to this as she poured out her complaints to the Gods.

"That-! Dear God what is she doing...?!" He said, completely and already distressed. "i-i gotta stop her!"

"YOU GUYS ARE THE GODS BUT I CAN SEE YOU'VE MADE A POOR DECISION CHOOSING ME! I THINK YOU GUYS ARE GETTING TOO OLD FOR THIS!" She screamed, her black hair flowing with the howls of wind, the once white cloud suddenly turned black, and thunder and lightning roared in the sky. 

"Eh," she blurted out, finally realizing the cause of her words, in front of her was a large swirling cloud, and white lightning as eyes were staring right in front at her. A hand formed out of the clouds, swirling and circling to make the shape, the large index finger pointed right to her heart. 

"Chosen one..." Several voices spoke, female, male, deep and high pitched voices, all spoke at the same time, giving The Keeper a shake to the bones. She only saw them once yesterday, and their presence is still as overwhelming as before.

After that...they just, disappear. 

Her hand grabbed her chest, clutching it. Was that a warning? why did they suddenly appear? just because I yelled at them? I already yelled at them before I was a Keeper! Is it because I'm the Keeper now that they've responded?! Well damn!

"Keeper!" The Bishop, with his once nice and clean haircut, turns into a mess from running and sweat. "Wh-what happened?! Why were you screaming at the Great Gods!?"

"Cause they suck" The Keeper scoffed under her breath, she received a blow of wind behind her back- as if the Gods were teasing her, causing her hair to be a mess and her clothes to be wrinkled.

They...responded? The Bishop was bewildered once again. 

"I-I'm sorry for causing trouble, Bishop..." The Keeper said looking down, fixing her hair.

"It's...alright, I guess not everybody is happy to be the Keeper, honestly I thought you'd be overly excited to be one due to your...well, status," The Bishop said with a hint of hesitation, after all, his not sure if the Keeper does think about status in a critical condition.

"Heh, not to brag, but I like being a peasant," She said proudly, placing her hands on her hips, puffing out her chest as she boosted about herself being a peasant before. 

The Bishop begs to differ but decides to stay quiet as the Keeper has suddenly started to become more comfortable, maybe screaming at the Gods helped her.


"Thus...the new Keeper has finally been chosen..." The woman in a red crimson dress hugging her curves, sits right at the opposite of her opponent as she moves a pawn on the board to D4. The man on the opposite, wearing a messenger's clothes was shaken down to his knee as it was his turn to move a piece.

"Y-yes..." he moved his pawn to E7. "Th-this is a great chance, right? We should strike now while the new keeper is still weak and unwise!" 

The woman smiles, one that is so captivating until you figure out the reason behind those curved lips. "It would not be diverting...is it not?" 

With a final move, she checked his king, by moving the Bishop to G5. "Let her bloom, give her enough time...I want to witness her journey" She sat back on her chair, looking outside her balcony, dark lands filled with unpure intentions across the horizon.

"Will she forsee the truth, or...turn into a blind justice just like the others?"