

Hua Chang felt that changes in his body stopped after about an hour. He found that his physical body's strength increased to a normal F-Grade Evolutioned body. Hua Chang sighed at this " strength earned in honest way sure is different from power gained in other ways... As there is no side effects". He is confident that with strength of F-Grade Evolutioned body he can defeat any of the F-Grade and E-Grade Evolutioned students, as for

D-Grade that's something he is not sure....

Hua Chang knows that if he used Nether Lion Evolution Gene he could have gained more strength but he did not regret his decision. Because whenever a person takes Evolution Gene, it not only enhances the person's Abilities and physical growth but also there is chance to obtain the Ability of spirit present in the Evolution Gene, under normal circumstances when spirit is completely suppressed by the person's Bloodline rather than taken as food by the Bloodline which completely depends on the Nature of Bloodline. Hua Chang knows that he can 'luckily' suppress the spirit and gain its Ability from fusion so he selected Illusionary Wolf to gain it's Illusion Ability as it also enhances his other Ocular Ability. Many people might think his decision is foolish because Illusion Ability at Max can delay oppenent for few moments where as Nether Gaze Ability when activated can locate the weak points of the oppenent and also doubles the power for a single attack , it's only weakness is huge energy loss after every time it is used. But for Hua Chang altering someone's judgement and delaying strong oppenent for few seconds is most beneficial.

Hua Chang gained Illusion Ability as expected from the Evolution Gene. He practised it few times on some random people walking in the corridors of dormitory. Whenever he used illusion ability his brown eyes turned light blue and there is a semi-transparent image of Illusionary Wolf behind his back showing his gain of a spirit Ability. He controlled the appearance of image in the next try. Then he called his family and showed the image of Illusionary Wolf to the little girl through VNCD, which she liked very much and wanted to catch as a pet. He promised that he will bring her a good pet and ended the call after about an hour under the reluctant gaze of his family members.

Around 8:00 PM the scar face, Mr. Xiong assembled everyone in training grounds in their track suits. Many boys gazes focused on the girls team especially at Cao CongXue and Bai Qi , they looked too good in body fitting track suit showing their perfect curves. As usual Hua Chang arrived just before 8:00 PM and he was the last to arrive. Many people looked the late comer and couldn't help but appraise Hua Chang's thin but perfectly fit and firm muscular body showing how vigorously he trained . Along with his handsome looks and perfectly trained body Hua Chang attracted many gazes from the girls even Cao CongXue and Bai Qi are not exceptions.

At around 8:00 PM Mr.Xiong said loudly which is as good as barking

" Attention everyone! Before starting combat section everyone should run 50 laps around the training grounds as warm up! First fifty students are allowed to continue class while next fifty students should run entire 2 hours class. And you can use whatever the means you've got but harming others is a violation. Now! get ready! Start!". Most of the students wanted to ask some doubts after the end of speech and shocked to find some students started running just after the end of speech, leaving them behind. Hua Chang didn't start at first because he wanted to check the speed of other students, he soon found based on the speed output there are 2 D-Grade Evolutioned students, 17 E-Grade Evolutioned students, among them 5 are at the Peak, almost reaching D-Grade, 15 students are at the Peak of

F- Grade while remaining students are just F-Grade, not much competition to him. So with his F-Grade Evolutioned body he can be in the top fifty without much difficulty if he put some effort.

At first his position is around 70's. Many students used their abilities during first 20 laps and exhausted at the end. Finally he reached at 42nd place with relaxed pace. Mr. Xiong looked pleased at his performance and really wanted to test his limits. So after finishing first round of warm up he gave punishment to last fifty students and asked to do second round of 50 laps for first fifty students with same condition saying last 25 students receive same punishment for one hour. Hua Chang could only sigh and curse scar face at this...