
The strongest fire lord

In a world filled with swords and magic, being strong is a must, because the weak will only be oppressed. Such a world order is not only caused by monsters or other strong races, but also the greed of humans to always want to be at the top, to rule and reign like a god. Flint is a part of this world, he chose to join a clan to follow a beautiful girl who was predicted to be the successor to the legendary ice queen, all because of her extraordinary ice magic talent. He follows the girl not because of her beauty or extraordinary talent, but because of a last request from his late adoptive grandfather who saved and cared for him since he was a baby. But because Flint possesses the rare and powerful ability of eternal black fire, he chooses to hide his power from everyone. Choosing to live as a weak character and always in the last rank, becoming a side character who does not stand out in the slightest so as not to overshadow the popularity of the talented girl.

Dark_King7 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs



"Fight with me!" The beautiful white-haired girl suddenly thrust her blue sword at Flint's neck, almost touching him.

A stinging cold aura came out of the blue sword as if everything it touched would instantly turn into a block of ice.

Flint gulped in surprise, it was too sudden. Previously he was too focused on the cold beauty, after all, he was a 17-year-old guy, and he thought it was natural.

However, the girl's actions were beyond his logic, what kind of freak would suddenly challenge him by thrusting a sword into his target's neck, especially since they just met and didn't know each other. Flint almost died of confusion and bewilderment.

The Phoenix King on his shoulder made an annoyed face, not because the beautiful girl tried to attack Flint suddenly, but because the Phoenix King was uncomfortable with the cold aura she gave off.

"Miss Elsa. He..." The guard tried to explain and hoped to calm down Elsa who suddenly came to challenge Flint. But his words were immediately cut off.

"Shut up! Don't interfere!" Elsa said in a cold voice, glancing at the guard and sweeping him with her sharp gaze.

"I understand!" The guard immediately shuddered in horror and dared not open his mouth again.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in fighting, I came here because of my master's last orders," Flint responded.

"Heh, you're trying to hide behind your master's useless name? What a piece of trash!" Elsa snorted, her gaze still sharp and cold.

Hearing that his grandfather was considered useless, Flint's eyes bulged sharply, returning Elsa's cold gaze. He was furious and could barely contain himself.

"Don't you dare say something you don't know, or it will..."

"Don't know? You're saying I don't know?... That cowardly old man, ran away from the clan and hid like a snail, and secretly trained a useless disciple, is that enough?" Elsa roared angrily, she didn't even care about the anger Flint was showing.

After saying that, Elsa drew her blue sword and suddenly slashed at Flint with murderous intent. Flint immediately parried her using the thin green sword left behind by his grandfather.

The sound of clashing iron could be heard and sparks instantly formed from the clash of their swords.

Flint who didn't put Mana into his sword was immediately pushed back a few steps. Clearly Elsa's strength could not be underestimated.

"Miss, stop... He's a disciple of your grandfather!" The guard couldn't resist saying that to Elsa.

Hearing that, instead of being surprised, Elsa's face grew grim, her eyes slightly teary. "I know!... That's why I have to defeat this damn kid!" Elsa roared again and lunged at Flint quickly.

"She... She's Grandpa's grandson?" Flint finally realized what was happening. The report about him being Mr. Gibson's apprentice had reached Elsa's ears, which was why she was so angry with him. Probably because her grandfather had never visited her.

With that in mind, Flint lowered his sword, and closed his eyes in resignation, letting Elsa cut him down.


Before Elsa's blue sword slashed Flint's neck, Elsa had already stopped, and her tears suddenly fell. A sob sounded.

"Why? Why did you come alone? Doesn't he miss me at all, I... I just want to see him once, I want to see my grandfather!" Elsa cried, her tears spilled and dripped on the floor along with her body which was also dazed and collapsed. She was crying her eyes out.

Flint could only stand still, he didn't know what to say. But clearly, he understood Elsa's sadness. Just like him when he saw the death of his adoptive grandfather.

"Miss Elsa..." The guard also wiped his slightly watery eyes.


Moments later, Flint was already in the clan chief's room, Elsa also with him.

Flint handed his grandfather's green sword to a middle-aged man with wavy white hair and a stocky build, he was the clan chief and Elsa's father.

The clan chief took the sword from Flint's hand, stroking the blade gently.

"So, your master is really dead? And sent you here?" The clan chief asked while holding back his sadness, while Elsa just looked down gloomily.

"..un..." Flint nodded.

"Huuu... About 17 years ago, when I returned from the mission, he had already left the clan and only left a letter. He was forced to leave the clan because he received a curse from a 9-star witch. If the witch searched for him and found him in this clan, then everything would disappear. So the only way to protect the clan is to leave it as far away as possible." The clan chief revealed Master Gibson's reason for leaving the clan.

Elsa's sobs started again, as if she couldn't bear to listen to the story. Even though she had previously read the contents of her grandfather's letter directly.

While Flint who just realized it looked brooding, he remembered what the curse that gnawed at his grandfather's body looked like, right on his chest. At first, the curse was just a dark red magic circle, but slowly over time, the magic circle turned into black rotting flesh.

"Do you know who did it?" Flint asked with a flat face. A flash of vengeance was clearly visible in his eyes.

The clan chief looked at Flint, "Don't think about it! It's not something we can handle, even with the entire strength of the clan members. I don't think my father mentioned it on purpose." The clan chief shook his head, he could guess Flint's thoughts.

Flint wanted to make an excuse to get an answer, but he knew the Clan Chief wouldn't want to reveal it, so he could only nod and thought he'd look into it himself.

After their conversation was over, Flint finally officially became a disciple of the Sky Sword Clan. And before leaving the room he handed over the green necklace that was left for Elsa.

"Grandfather told me to give this to you, he wanted to give it to you when you were born, but..." Flint was silent for a moment. "He was really sorry for not being able to visit you, it was his greatest pain, and hoped you would forgive him."

Elsa took the necklace with a trembling body, then the explosion of tears could no longer be contained. She burst into tears again.

Flint couldn't stand being in that state, so he quickly walked out of the room while wiping away his own tears.

"Grandfather I've arrived at your beloved clan, I've also met your granddaughter, she's really beautiful as you said." Flint pondered while looking up at the sky full of sparkling stars.