
76. True strength.


"It's him!"

Upon hearing Wang Yanchao's words, all the doctors suddenly lifted their heads, eyes fixed on Ye Xiu with a look of disbelief.

They knew exactly which suggestions Wang Yanchao was referring to. Just a few days ago, Wang Yanchao had gathered them for a meeting, explaining those suggestions and urging them to follow the recommended treatment plans and to study the suggested methods diligently.

Although their skills weren't on par with Wang Yanchao or Huang Maoqing, they were all trained and certified doctors with professional competence. As soon as they saw those suggestions, they recognized their exceptional and sophisticated nature.

It was this recognition that made them willing to adopt those suggestions and modify their treatment plans. They accepted the external intervention without objection because they were genuinely convinced by the quality of the advice.

They had always assumed that these suggestions were written by either Deputy Director Huang Maoqing or Wang Yanchao himself. They never expected that Wang Yanchao would reveal that the suggestions came from Ye Xiu!

Wang Yanchao's words were earth-shattering to them.

"Director Wang, is this true? Were those suggestions really written by Dr. Ye?"

Dr. Li, unable to believe it, glanced at Ye Xiu and then back at Wang Yanchao.

The other doctors, equally incredulous, also looked at Wang Yanchao.

They found it hard to believe that Ye Xiu could have written those suggestions. After all, he was so young. How could he have come up with such advanced recommendations?

If those suggestions were indeed written by Ye Xiu, what did that imply? It meant that Ye Xiu's medical skills were almost on par with those of Directors Huang and Wang!

"What do you think? Do you think I would be so bored as to lie to you about something like this?"

Wang Yanchao glared at him displeased.

"Doctors, I apologize. It was inappropriate for me to interfere with your treatments, but I thought that since we are all working for the patients' benefit, to cure them better and faster, it was worth it..."

Ye Xiu hadn't expected Wang Yanchao to reveal this publicly. He felt a bit embarrassed as he apologized to everyone.

Strictly speaking, his actions were indeed a bit out of line and didn't follow the usual protocol.

"Out of line? What nonsense. I approved this. If anyone dares to say you overstepped, they can come to me!"

Wang Yanchao cut Ye Xiu off, glaring at him.

Seeing Wang Yanchao's attitude, Ye Xiu could only smile wryly, saying nothing more. He was grateful, knowing that Wang Yanchao was standing up for him.

The other doctors, watching Wang Yanchao and Ye Xiu, listening to their conversation, were speechless. Their minds were in turmoil.

From their expressions and dialogue, they could confirm that the suggestions were indeed written by Ye Xiu. They also recalled some previously overlooked details, such as the handwriting on the suggestions, which differed from Wang's and slightly from Huang's.

Moreover, they trusted Wang Yanchao had no reason to deceive them.

Why would he? To promote Ye Xiu? For Vice President Zhao's sake? Ridiculous. Wang Yanchao didn't even cater to Director Zheng, who had once dismissed Zheng's nephew. He wouldn't suck up to Vice President Zhao by promoting Ye Xiu.

Having worked with Wang Yanchao for so long, they were well aware of his character.

The only plausible explanation was that those suggestions were indeed written by Ye Xiu. And Wang Yanchao had recognized Ye Xiu's medical prowess early on, which was why he valued him so much.

That's why, in the emergency earlier, Wang Yanchao immediately thought of Ye Xiu and called him over, fully trusting his capabilities...

The welcome banquet Wang Yanchao hosted for Ye Xiu wasn't a show for Vice President Zhao; it was a genuine welcome. Perhaps Wang Yanchao already knew Ye Xiu's capabilities back then.

His assigning Ye Xiu to the outpatient clinic wasn't to sideline him but because he believed Ye Xiu could handle the responsibility.

All these arrangements—giving Ye Xiu his own consultation room—were signs of genuine respect and recognition, not some hidden agenda...

From the beginning, they had fallen into a trap of their own preconceived notions...

Everything that had puzzled them before now made sense!

Realizing the truth, the doctors felt a mix of emotions. It was all so simple and obvious in hindsight. Given Wang Yanchao's character, how could they have doubted him? How could they have thought he would act for Zhao's sake?

Ridiculously, they had thought they were being clever...

"Do you still think Dr. Ye saving lives and receiving that banner was just luck?"

Wang Yanchao asked the silent doctors sharply.

The doctors glanced at Ye Xiu and then, ashamed, lowered their heads. This time, their submission was genuine, their shame profound.

Reflecting on their previous contempt for Ye Xiu, assuming him to be an incompetent trust-fund kid, feeling disdain, thinking his successes were flukes, even gloating at the thought of his potential failures—they all felt their faces burn with embarrassment.

"Dr. Ye, I'm sorry. I misunderstood you before and was disrespectful. I hope you don't hold it against me..."

Dr. Li, who had sat next to Ye Xiu in the office, was the first to muster the courage to apologize.

"Dr. Ye, we're sorry!"

With someone taking the lead, the other doctors followed suit.

In a hospital, skill is paramount. Especially under Wang Yanchao's leadership, the respiratory department's doctors had a strong sense of competition and respect for competence. They even looked down on privileged figures like Zheng Wenbo if they lacked skill.

Their previous disdain for Ye Xiu stemmed from believing him to be incompetent. Now, knowing he was far from that, knowing his skills were on par with, if not superior to, their own, their disdain transformed into respect.