
7.Have a good life

Three months later.

In a somewhat old villa on the outskirts of Yanjing City.


With a breath of relief, Ye Xiu opened his eyes from meditation, a glint of excitement flashing in his eyes.

After a long period of stagnation, Ye Xiu finally felt some progress in the Longevity Formula yesterday.

This was extremely encouraging for him.

The Longevity Formula was a qi refining technique passed down to him by the old man. Initially, Ye Xiu was skeptical, but after experiencing its effects firsthand, especially in saving lives, he became a believer. However, progress was slow and difficult.

Today's breakthrough brought him immense joy.

However, his excitement quickly faded as he realized he was only at the first stage of the formula, far from the fourth stage mentioned in the old man's letter—the stage he believed he needed to reach to seek revenge. Progress seemed dauntingly slow.

But Ye Xiu refused to give up.

He took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and reminded himself to persevere. He knew that with determination, there was always hope.

Ye Xiu's gaze shifted to the rooftop as he resolved to continue his training.

The rooftop was equipped like a gym, with various exercise equipment scattered around. Since returning to China, Ye Xiu had bought this villa and built the gym according to the training regimen the old man had once given him.

"Inner refinement of qi, outer tempering of tendons and bones!" This was the old man's mantra.

Ye Xiu used to dismiss it, but after recent events, he regretted not taking it seriously earlier. Now, he dedicated himself to both refining his qi and strengthening his body.

After an intense workout lasting nearly three hours, Ye Xiu collapsed to the ground, exhausted but satisfied. He practiced a set of punches, feeling a deeper understanding of the techniques with each repetition.

After a quick shower and change of clothes, Ye Xiu checked the time on the wall clock.

7:40. Perfect timing.

With a smile, he grabbed his bag and headed out the door to start his first day of work.

Though still grieving for the old man, Ye Xiu knew he couldn't dwell on sadness and regret. He needed to live, to keep moving forward, until he could seek justice for his mentor.

After a period of intense self-discipline, Ye Xiu quickly pulled himself out of despair and found a job as a doctor. Today marked his first day on the job.