
The Strongest Arms Dealer

Tang Dao had come a long way from his humble beginnings, and he had no intention of stopping now. He relished the moniker of "The Lord of War," even if it came with a certain notoriety. To him, it was a badge of honor, a testament to his success in the world of international arms dealing. As he read the headline in "World People Weekly" declaring that his most significant achievement was toppling Locke Martin, a sense of satisfaction washed over him. It was a reminder of the power he wielded, the influence he had over world events, and the wealth he had amassed. Locke Martin, a rival arms dealer of considerable renown, had once been a formidable competitor. But Tang Dao's shrewd business acumen, his ability to adapt to changing circumstances, and his unwavering determination had allowed him to outmaneuver and eventually depose Martin from his lofty position. For Tang Dao, every fighter, every weapon, and every deal was a means to an end. His focus was on profit, influence, and achieving his objectives. He had built a vast network of contacts, navigated the treacherous waters of international politics, and exploited the chaos of conflict zones to his advantage. He was not just an arms dealer; he was a businessman who saw opportunities where others saw only risks. He had the ability to turn strife and turmoil into lucrative deals, and he reveled in the challenge. In the world of arms dealing, Tang Dao was a force to be reckoned with. He was a man who had risen from obscurity to become a power player on the global stage. And as long as there were conflicts, wars, and those who sought to profit from them, Tang Dao knew that his place at the top was secure. The world might bow down to him, or it might fear him, but one thing was certain: Tang Dao was a master of his craft, and he had no intention of relinquishing his position as the Lord of War.

DaoistnuoHBq · แอคชั่น
160 Chs

Chapter 23

Tang Dao's heart raced as he watched Conan Klein throw a stack of $20,000 on the table. This sudden influx of cash was a testament to the serious interest the buyer had in the potential transaction. However, Tang Dao remained cautious and aware of the risks involved in arms dealing.

As Osborne prepared the car to transport Conan and Tang Dao to the warehouse, Gould, who had been initially surprised by the mention of tanks, had now fully recovered his composure. He realized that this deal could be monumental for both Tang Dao's budding arms business and the organization he represented. Therefore, Gould decided to accompany them to the warehouse, as he understood the importance of these negotiations.

The journey to the warehouse was made in silence, with occasional glances exchanged between Tang Dao and Gould. They both knew that they were venturing into uncharted territory with this deal, and the stakes were high.

Upon reaching the warehouse, Tang Dao opened the large doors to reveal the six BTR-40 armored vehicles, lined up neatly. He watched as Conan Klein's eyes widened with intrigue at the sight of the Soviet-era military vehicles. The buyer approached the nearest one, examining its exterior with a critical eye.

Conan turned to Tang Dao. "Can I see the interiors?"

Tang Dao nodded and opened the rear door of one of the vehicles, revealing the surprisingly spacious interior. Conan stepped inside, inspecting the seating arrangement, controls, and overall condition.

After thoroughly examining the first vehicle, Conan moved to inspect the others. Tang Dao and Gould watched closely, knowing that the decision to proceed with this deal hinged on Conan's assessment of the vehicles.

Finally, after inspecting all six BTR-40s, Conan stepped out of the last one and looked at Tang Dao. "They appear to be in good condition. What's the price?"

Tang Dao had prepared for this moment. He had a number in mind that he believed would be fair for both parties. "For all six BTR-40s, along with any spare parts we have, I propose a total price of $200,000."

Conan Klein raised an eyebrow, clearly considering the offer. After a brief moment of contemplation, he spoke. "That's a significant sum. But I see that the vehicles are well-maintained. I'm willing to offer you $180,000. Final offer."

Tang Dao weighed his options, recognizing that he was dealing with a savvy negotiator. After a brief pause, he extended his hand to Conan. "Deal. $180,000 it is."

Conan firmly shook Tang Dao's hand, sealing the agreement. The negotiations had been intense, but in the end, both parties were satisfied with the outcome.

As the paperwork and financial details were sorted out, Tang Dao couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. This deal represented a significant step forward for his arms dealing business. He knew that building a reputation in this industry required successful transactions and the ability to navigate complex negotiations.

With the deal concluded, Conan Klein and his team prepared to transport the BTR-40s to their destination. Tang Dao and Gould exchanged final words and handshakes, acknowledging the successful partnership.

As Tang Dao watched the convoy of armored vehicles drive away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism. The world of arms dealing was treacherous, but with determination, resourcefulness, and a little bit of luck, he believed he could carve out a successful path in this challenging arena.

With the echoes of the departing convoy fading in the distance, Tang Dao and his team turned their attention to their next opportunity in the unpredictable landscape of the African battlefield.