
The Strongest Necromancer in a World of Magic

After an accident, Drogo found himself in the magical world and inherited the legacy of a necromancer. Was it destiny or a coincidence? "Underworld general! My bodyguards!" "Princess! Come over here and massage my shoulders!" How did he grow into a world-renowned necromancer? A legend is about to unfold.

MoonTreeBA · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

Skeleton Warrior (2)

Drogo continued to cast the paralysis curse repeatedly and ran away every time. However, he knew that this curse was not lethal and could only act as a supportive measure. He couldn't kill the Poison Arrow Iron Armored Beast with the curse alone, and he was only trying to buy time to escape the beast's territory with Elaine.

As time passed, the Poison Arrow Iron Armored Beast grew more and more furious, and it even started to adapt to the effects of the paralysis curse, reducing the hesitation time.

Finally, Drogo found a new opportunity to use a spell he had prepared for but had no chance to cast before. He waited for the right moment when the beast was at a distance from them, and he quickly chanted a low-pitched magic spell. A strange and eerie light rapidly condensed where he pointed his hand, even darker than the darkness itself.

As Drogo completed the last syllable of the incantation, his eyes widened, and he shouted, "Summoning Spell - Skeleton!"

Summoning Skeleton Warriors is the signature ability of a necromancer. What makes it unique is that it is a natural progression of magic. For a novice necromancer, their summoning spell is also a novice spell. However, for a mid-level necromancer like Drogo at the moment, his summoning spell has naturally become an intermediate-level spell.

The biggest difference is in the summoned Skeleton Warrior. The stronger the necromancer, the more powerful the Skeleton Warrior becomes.

While the paralysis curse was taking effect, Drogo was already preparing to summon a Skeleton Warrior. With his current strength, only by summoning a Skeleton Warrior could he possibly hold off the Poison Arrow Iron Beast and give him and Elaine a chance to escape.

Elaine, who had been gently placed down by Drogo, stared fixedly at the dark mass in front of him. Drogo himself was also nervously watching, silently praying.

This was his first time using summoning magic. Even though he had practiced it silently in his mind several times before when he was running for his life, he still had no confidence that he could succeed. But he had no choice but to give it his all.


Just then, the dark mass that had condensed suddenly collapsed inward, but a strange energy like a sound wave rippled out towards the surroundings and far away.

"I did it! I did it!"

Although he had not yet seen the Skeleton Warrior's figure, Drogo suddenly let out a cry of joy. Because he suddenly felt a strange thought linking him and the summoned creature.

This feeling was like the mental communication he had with the little girl before, but even more closely connected. It was as if the other party and Drogo were originally one body, only the hands and feet were exposed.

This strange feeling also caused Drogo to be momentarily distracted, and he didn't even notice that the Poison Arrow Iron Beast, which was originally charging towards him, suddenly paused in surprise when it was swept by that sound wave-like energy.

Then, the small black dot that had collapsed suddenly swelled up again. Although it was only a moment, it produced a thunderous and earth-shattering sound that seemed to have resounded through endless eons.

Black light - shattered.

"What is this?"

Drogo was stunned, and even the little girl Elaine was stunned. Even the Poison Arrow Iron Beast, which had charged towards them again, also fell silent.

In front of the two humans and one beast, a humanoid skeleton stepped forward from the black light and it looked very strong just from its body size. But this was the Forest of the Kings where the sun never shone. It was still in the middle of the night, in the Forest of the Kings where you couldn't even see your own hand in front of your face.

The creature that Drogo summoned stood out so much because it was emitting a bright light that completely pushed back the darkness around it. In the light, it was clear that the skeleton warrior was missing a finger bone...

"This... " Drogo was surprised. Before the creature appeared, the black light was even darker than the darkness, but after it came out, it was more dazzling than the light. He could understand the darkness, even if the other person was covered in black bones, Drogo could accept it. But what was with this bright light?

In the world of elements, there was no exception. Light and darkness could not coexist. Death magic was a branch of dark magic, and Drogo possessed the power of an intermediate necromancer, theoretically able to use magic of almost all attributes, except for the light series. Conversely, an intermediate light magic mage could also use magic of almost all attributes, except for the dark series.

This was the iron law of the magic world, and no one could violate it. But now the skeleton summoned by Drogo was clearly a rare exception - a luminous undead creature? Even though Drogo now had three hundred years of memories, he couldn't find any clue.

But rules were rules, after all, and this thing was still his property. For Drogo, an outsider, it was not yet scary enough to make him stop in his tracks. Besides, he didn't have the time or mood to think about these things right now.

"Attack! Kill it for me!" Drogo gave the order directly, and the skeleton warrior didn't hesitate at all, rushing straight towards the Poison Arrow Iron Beast. As for Drogo, he didn't even look at it, just picked up Elaine and prepared to continue running away.

As for waiting for the skeleton warrior and the Poison Arrow Iron Beast to fight it out? Are you kidding me! Drogo didn't even dare to think about it. He didn't believe that the skeleton he summoned had the ability to take down the Poison Arrow Iron Beast.

But once the skeleton warrior was crushed, everything would be over. So, the most important thing was to escape as soon as possible. As for the skeleton warrior, pray that it could hold on a little longer...

However, just as Drogo picked up Elaine and was about to run, his face suddenly changed.

"What's going on? My strength..."

Drogo's mind buzzed. It was only at this moment that he realized that not only were his legs almost powerless, but even his spiritual power in his head was almost empty.

"Summoning magic! It's the silver light from earlier!"

Drogo realized that it was the summoning magic from earlier that had drained almost all of his spiritual power. Especially in the moment when the skeleton warrior emerged from the dark, his spiritual power had poured into the skeleton warrior's body with an almost imperceptible silver light. And he didn't immediately notice it because of his tense emotions at the time.

But how was this possible?

Summoning magic was not a profound magic. It required a bit more spiritual power than curse magic, but it should also be limited. How could it have almost drained him of his spiritual power, and where did the power come from when there was no spiritual power...

"It's over!"

Drogo's mind was instantly in chaos. He thought of the feeling of falling from the Dubai Tower before. It was no different from now - death. Which was worse, falling to death or being bitten to death by a monster? Drogo couldn't compare because he didn't die from the fall, but now being bitten to death by a monster, it seemed to be a foregone conclusion...

The only difference now from before was that he was alone then, but now he had another person with him, little girl Elaine. If he died, he would just die. But if this cute little girl who had escaped from Matthew's clutches died in the mouth of a monster, that would be too cruel.

He would never allow such a thing to happen!

With all the strength he could muster, Drogo pulled Elaine behind him and shouted, "Run, run as far as you can. I'll control the skeleton warrior to stop that beast..."

Drogo's words were shouted out, but he had no confidence. Could the skeleton warrior stop the venomous arrow armadillo? Drogo didn't have any hope. He only hoped that after the beast killed the skeleton warrior, it would be attracted by his own "fresh meat," and then Elaine could escape far away.


But just as Drogo pushed Elaine with force, he heard a surprised cry from Elaine. And Elaine's gaze was clearly not on Drogo himself, but in the direction of the skeleton warrior. Her gaze was full of surprise, and there was clearly a sense of excitement in it.

Following Elaine's gaze with doubt, Drogo looked over for the first time. And with just one glance, Drogo suspected that he was having a hallucination.

At this moment, the skeleton warrior had already collided with the venomous arrow armadillo. He had no weapons, just a fist made of bones. He was facing the razor-sharp claws of the venomous arrow armadillo.

However, after a loud rumble, the situation that Drogo imagined, where the skeleton warrior would be crushed into bone meal with one blow, did not happen. On the contrary, the skeleton warrior, who was clearly more than a size smaller, stood steadily in place.

And the venomous arrow armadillo was directly punched by the skeleton warrior's fist and flew away!


The venomous arrow armadillo tumbled in the air, and its body, which was illuminated by light, dimmed all the venomous arrows on it. It broke a tree with a diameter of several meters and then fell heavily to the ground.

Dust, dry branches, and fallen leaves covered the area like an explosion.