
The Strategy of washing clean a Slag Shou (QT)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Introduction: Su Yang was bound to a ‘Slag Shou Redemption System’. Every world he entered as a Slag Shou who has been spurned by the Gong. In order to return home as soon as possible, he began the cautious journey of strategizing to take down the gongs who no longer love him. Later, he discovered that these mission targets who were supposed to have normal attributes were all freaking abnormal! In the face of this rabid bunch of bigshots, Su Yang was forced down the road of ‘You abuse my body, I abuse your heart, after all the abusing is done, I make a run for it’. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ This story is also known as: “I say I’m not a slag shou, do you believe me?” “The days of being a scapegoat in different worlds.” “One word out of line will trigger Hell mode.” Tentative Worlds: The President’s Unfaithful Lover The Wángye’s Runaway Fiancée The Crime Lord’s Undercover Boyfriend The Ghost King’s Cold Scholar The Emperor’s Trusted Eunuch The Marshal’s Adopted Omega Son The Lord of the Apocalypse’s Zombie Lover Only available till Arc 3 ............. NOT MY STORY!! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN !! SUPPORT ORIGINAL TRANSLATORS AND AUTHOR !! TRANSLATOR - https://deepdreamtranlations.home.blog/the-strategy-of-washing-clean-a-slag-shou/#:~:text=Introduction%EF%BC%9A,who%20no%20longer%20love%20him.

Study_Bytes · แฟนตาซี
120 Chs

Ch 43

As a starlet who should not deign to quibble with petty mortals, condemning someone silently is the most basic skill one could have. Not only would this allow him to vent his frustrations, it would also significantly relieve his pressure. It is Su Yang's key to preserving peace and harmony and joy in the world while maintaining his youthful, optimistic cheer!

Hence before this, he had not expected that he would accidentally fuck up as badly as he just did.

Su Yang forced out an awkward laugh at Zhao Jue's question. "I was just kidding, maybe I didn't say that quite right, but I really really didn't mean that as an insult."

Fortunately, the Zhao family's second son is different from his irascible elder brother. Well, at least it seemed that way on the surface. He only looked at Su Yang stiffly for a brief moment, then very quickly regained his elegant grace and demeanour.

He smiled faintly and said, "I did not know Mr Xu has such a sense of humour."

With a face full of chagrin, Su Yang said, "Yes yes." Even I didn't know it myself!

Little Zhao Qi was worthy of being called a little wolf cub. After taking a nap and sweating through his clothes, his fever was already broken when he woke. As soon as he saw Su Yang, he immediately pouted, turned over and refused to look at him. Clearly, he was angry.

Su Yang was baffled. When did he ever piss him off?

He pulled little Zhao Qi over to him, put on a stern face and said, "What's the matter? Don't tell me that you've really been crying your eyes out because of me."

Zhao Qi's little face turned red as began spitting with rage, "I didn't cry, Xu gē gē is an idiot!"

Su Yang: "..."

"I'm an idiot?" Su Yang grew angry immediately. He picked up the ungrateful little wretch and said, "I have been taking care of you the whole morning, I've not had my breakfast nor my lunch. All this just for you to scold me? You ungrateful little brat, I'm done waiting upon you!"

Having said this, he turned around to leave.

Little Zhao Qi grabbed on to the hem of his shirt anxiously. "You can't leave! I won't let you leave!"

Su Yang was rendered helpless by his howling and flopped down on the bed with a sigh. "The big one and the little one are both equally unreasonable. Is your whole family made up of devils..."

Hearing him say this, the heartless little Zhao Qi giggled. He sat down next to Su Yang, his two short little hands still gripping Su Yang's shirt firmly.

Su Yang turned his head to look at him, and couldn't help chuckling.

"So, was there a reason you were angry with me? Even judges need to have material evidence before they dole out punishments, right?"

The little steamed bun puffed out his white, chubby cheeks. "You didn't believe me," he mumbled. "Hate you."

Su Yang frowned. "When did I not believe you? I..." He suddenly trailed off for a moment. "You mean, that thing about a person who looks like me sleeping in the ice?"

Zhao Qi nodded, pouting. "I saw it. I accidentally pushed a brush container in Zhao Feng's study, and a door opened up. There were a lot of strange stuffs inside, and it was bright and shiny like gold. There was a huge ice cube there, it was very very cold. That gē gē was sleeping inside, and he didn't reply when I tried to talk to him..."

{T/N : gē gē – Brother. Not necessarily biological brother, can be referring to any older male that is not old enough to be called an 'uncle' yet.}

He spoke clearly and in a well ordered manner, not in the least bit like someone describing a dream after having confused it with reality. In actuality, little Zhao Qi was an intelligent child. Many things that most other children would not be able to recall, he would be able to recall with utmost clarity.

Little Zhao Qi tugged at the hem of Su Yang's shirt persistently. "I wasn't talking rubbish, it's the truth!"

Su Yang thought with a headache, That only makes it scarier ah!

At Su Yang's silence, little Zhao Qi jumped down from his little bed and dragged Su Yang out of the room by his hand.

"Since you don't believe me, I'll show it to you!"

"Hey hey, behave." Alarmed, Su Yang immediately carried little Zhao Qi back to his bed. "You still have a fever, don't run around."

Little Zhao Qi's brows twisted in a frown and he demanded sulkily, "Are you coming or not! You don't believe what I said, and now I want to show it to you but you don't want to see it either. You're really harder to please than my dad."

Su Yang didn't know if he should laugh or cry. Reason told him that the Zhao family is one hideous mess of secrets, and rashly delving into it may very well lead to undesirable consequences. Emotionally however, he really wanted to see what kind of person could lodge himself in that big bad wolf Zhao Feng's heart and mind for so long.

He hesitated, then considered how only by understanding Zhao Feng's past, could he then strategize on how to take him down. This reasoning seemed completely sound to him. Su Yang finally nodded. "Okay, I'll have a look. But you need to put your shoes on first. Come, I'll help you."

Little Zhao Qi broke into a happy grin, before stretching out his little feet.


Zhao Feng's study was on the fifth floor, an area considered strictly off limits within the Zhao family. Besides Zhao Feng, no one else was permitted to enter. But Little Zhao Qi often played by himself at the stairs, sometimes sneaking to the fifth floor for short moments, and the people in charge of monitoring the security cams would turn a blind eye to his antics.

But this time was an exception.

Little Zhao Qi dragged Su Yang with him up the stairs, and just as they reached the fifth floor, a wailing siren sounded out abruptly. Less than half a minute later, the two of them were surrounded by over ten security guards.

Little Zhao Qi threw a tantrum right then and there. "If you dare to stand in my way, I'll tell my dad to send you all to Africa to drill for oil!!"

Su Yang: "..."

Faced with the baby of the Zhao family's hissy fit, one of the security guards said calmly, "Little Master, we answer to Zhao yé, not the old master. Please go back."

Little Zhao Qi was unwilling. He immediately dropped to the ground and began rolling around, unheeding of Su Yang's attempts at coaxing him to get back to his feet.

With so many onlookers standing by, Su Yang found his hands tied by the little brat he had brought with him. His face burning from embarrassment, he wished he could find a piece of cloth to cover his head.

"What's going on here." The sound of footsteps treading up the stairs sounded from behind him.

This voice... Su Yang went rigid. We're so dead.

Little Zhao Qi's eyes also widened, and he stopped his tantrum immediately. He scrambled up from the ground and dove into his Xu gē gē's arms for cover. Su Yang was so angry, he wanted to throw the brat down from the fifth floor. Why couldn't you have been this well behaved earlier!

He took a moment to compose himself before turning around. "Feng gē... you're back early today."

Zhao Feng frowned as he walked over and laid a hand on Zhao Qi's forehead. "Second said that Seventh had a fever, so I came back to have a look. But he seems to be fine now?"

{T/N : 老二 (lǎo èr) & 老七 (lǎo qī) – second child & seventh child. Kinda like calling them Number 2 and Number 7… XD}

The man did not behave any differently from usual. Su Yang gave a silent sigh of relief, then said, "His fever has receded but his tonsils are inflamed. He still needs to take his medicine."

Zhao Feng nodded, then changed the subject without warning. "What was that scene for just now, he's not fully recovered yet he was still rolling on the floor?"

Little Zhao Qi was too frightened to tell the truth. He buried his head in Su Yang's arms and played dead.

Su Yang gave a hollow laugh. "I've been here for quite some time yet I've never been to the fifth floor, so I let Xiǎo Qi bring me around to have a look. If you don't like it, I won't come here again."

{T/N : 小 (xiǎo) – little. Little Qi is what Su Yang calls Zhao Qi}

Zhao Feng looked fixedly at Su Yang's soft, pink lips moving as he spoke, then gave a low chuckle. "Your little mouth is truly sweet. Every time you speak, you make my heart soften and I'd be reluctant to punish you."

He was smiling, but the smile did not reach his eyes. His gaze was dark and cold, which brought a chill to those who saw it.

Sensing danger heading his way, Su Yang took a reflexive step back. Zhao Feng noticed his movement and immediately stepped closer, seizing Su Yang's wrist. "Is it so hard for you to be truthful to me?" he asked icily.

The feeling of his wrist being held in a crushing grip woke fear in Su Yang. "Feng gē... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been overly curious..."

"Enough," Zhao Feng cut him off coldly. "I've said it before, I hate people who lie to me. If you cannot speak the truth, it's better for you to shut up."

Before Su Yang could explain himself, he was suddenly slammed up against the wall, a squeezing force clamped on his delicate neck. Su Yang was in pain as he struggled to breathe. Frantic, he fought hard to break the hold on his neck, but Zhao Feng did not budge one bit.

Little Zhao Qi was terrified. He rushed over and clung to Zhao Feng's leg, sobbing, "No no, I was the one who wanted to show gē gē the ice cube. Let him go let him go wuwuwu..."

They were surrounded by bodyguards and a couple servants. Zhao Jue stood a little ways off, arms crossed over his chest as he watched the spectacle. The sound of little Zhao Qi crying could be heard. Su Yang's mind was in a complete mess, and his cheeks were flushed red.

Being disgraced in such a way in front of so many people made him feel terribly humiliated.

With helpless tears brimming in his eyes, he gave a low sob, "You said you wouldn't hurt me."

A cold light glinted in Zhao Feng's eyes. His fingers slowly tightened.

"Yes, I've said so before. But how did you repay me? From the first day you followed me, have you ever spoken a single word of truth!"

Su Yang could not understand why Zhao Feng suddenly seemed to have lost mind, but he knew that the man was truly furious. Not because Su Yang had trespassed to the fifth floor, but for some other reason.

Like an injured little animal, he squeezed out broken whimper, "I was a spy, you've known this for a long time, haven't you? But now, Feng gē, I really do like you..."

Zhao Feng remained coldly indifferent. "Do you still remember Qiao Yang?" he drawled.

Qiao Yang...

The gears in Su Yang's oxygen-starved brain turned slowly. This person was Xu Yanqing's boyfriend and first love. His parents were both high-ranking officials. When the two of them were at the police academy, they had been happy together. Later, Xu Yanqing was dispatched as an undercover agent, and the two of them separated.

To be exact, Xu Yanqing had been dancing at a bar and happened to run into Qiao Yang. With so many eyes on them, he could not explain himself and could only say that he was tired of their relationship, could Qiao Yang please stop harassing him? The two of them had a stormy split.

"It seems that he really loved you. When he received news of your death in the line of duty, he was like a rabid dog, chasing and biting everyone he sees. Because of him, Imperial Court has formally ceased operations." Zhao Feng sneered, "Well? Are you very moved?"

"Not, my, business."

Zhao Feng released him. Su Yang collapsed to the floor in a sprawl, coughing and gasping hard as he sucked in large lungfuls of air.

Little Zhao Qi ran into his arms, crying bitterly. Su Yang hugged the little steamed bun, eyes closed, looking tired and ashen-faced.

——FML, being an undercover agent is apparently not enough, now I have to deal with a first love boyfriend as well? Does someone think that I'm having it too easy or something?!

Su Yang's feeble look made Zhao Feng frown. Unhappiness suddenly welled up in him, from deep within his chest. "Get lost, all of you!" he snarled. "Bring the young master away!"

The servants hurried forward and carried away the sobbing little Zhao Qi. Everyone else immediately withdrew as well. A smile laden with meaning curled the corners of Zhao Jue's lips as he slowly strolled back to his own room.

Su Yang remained in a heap on the floor, his throat burning in pain.

Zhao Feng crouched down in front of him. "Since it's none of your business, then it should be fine if he dies."

"You said, you wouldn't commit murder..." Su Yang panted heavily and continued, "Don't, disappoint me, okay?"

He was taking a gamble. He wanted to know how much he was worth in Zhao Feng's heart.

"You really think too highly of yourself," Zhao Feng sneered. "Weren't you curious about the person in my study room? You should have guessed the truth by now, right? He is the only person I will ever love. No matter if it's you, or any of the others, you're all just substitutes of him. Nothing but objects that I can discard anytime I feel like it."

Su Yang's eyes widened, then he laughed bitterly. "So it's true..."

The hurt expression on Su Yang's face did not alleviate the pain in Zhao Feng's chest. Instead, it grew worse.

It made him hesitate. Ever since he learned of the relationship between Xu Yanqing and Qiao Yang, Zhao Feng had been consumed by rage. The thought of his possession having being touched by others filled him with such fury that he had wanted to destroy everything in his sight.

He had initially thought that as long as he hurt this stupid rabbit, make him pay for his lies, make him feel even more pain than Zhao Feng had felt, then he would be free.

Instead, he only felt his chest hurt, like a stab to the heart.

He tugged the dazed boy into his arms. "Even if you're a substitute, you belong to me," he said dully. "No one else can have you, no one."

Su Yang remained silent, fearful of accidentally stirring Zhao Feng into a rage again. Beneath all that anger was a man that he was deeply afraid of, and he did not wish to face him even once.

"Speak." Zhao Feng lifted Su Yang's chin, a barely discernible trace of panic flitting through his eyes. He gritted his teeth and demanded, "Say something! Anything..."

Su Yang lifted his eyes. Tears welled up suddenly and spilled down from his red-rimmed eyes. A bitter smile lifting the corners of his lips, he leaned up and pressed them against Zhao Feng's lips.

It was like a sacrificial offering, a kiss filled with grief and despair. For the first time in his life, Zhao Feng knew the bitter taste of tears.

"Being a substitute... is fine too," Su Yang murmured brokenly, his voice hoarse. "As long as Feng gē is willing to have me, it's fine. Because, I really do like you."

The anger gradually faded, replaced with a rush of warmth. Zhao Feng's arms tightened slowly around him.

"As long as you are obedient, I will treat you well."