
The Strategy of washing clean a Slag Shou (QT)

All credit goes to the author and the editors , i am merely a fan and just want to share this awesome story . Introduction: Su Yang was bound to a ‘Slag Shou Redemption System’. Every world he entered as a Slag Shou who has been spurned by the Gong. In order to return home as soon as possible, he began the cautious journey of strategizing to take down the gongs who no longer love him. Later, he discovered that these mission targets who were supposed to have normal attributes were all freaking abnormal! In the face of this rabid bunch of bigshots, Su Yang was forced down the road of ‘You abuse my body, I abuse your heart, after all the abusing is done, I make a run for it’. ╮(╯▽╰)╭ This story is also known as: “I say I’m not a slag shou, do you believe me?” “The days of being a scapegoat in different worlds.” “One word out of line will trigger Hell mode.” Tentative Worlds: The President’s Unfaithful Lover The Wángye’s Runaway Fiancée The Crime Lord’s Undercover Boyfriend The Ghost King’s Cold Scholar The Emperor’s Trusted Eunuch The Marshal’s Adopted Omega Son The Lord of the Apocalypse’s Zombie Lover Only available till Arc 3 ............. NOT MY STORY!! JUST UPLOADED FOR FUN !! SUPPORT ORIGINAL TRANSLATORS AND AUTHOR !! TRANSLATOR - https://deepdreamtranlations.home.blog/the-strategy-of-washing-clean-a-slag-shou/#:~:text=Introduction%EF%BC%9A,who%20no%20longer%20love%20him.

Study_Bytes · แฟนตาซี
120 Chs

Ch 28

The Wángye's escaped fiancée (Arc 2-11) Part 1

Clearly, Jing Cheng and Su Yang have very different definitions for the word 'bully'.

When the whole topic inexplicably swerved to the R18 category, Su Yang was calm. He was composed. He most definitely did not lose his cool!

The system: "Stop your legs from shaking first…."

Su Yang: "As I've said, physiological responses are out of my control."

I'm obviously still an innocent baby, how can I be exposed to such adult rated content? I really want to leave a bad review!!

He turned around indignantly and began thumping Jing Cheng's chest with a soft little fist, insisting in a righteous tone, "No, you're not allowed to bully me!"

The strength of his punches was comparable to that of a little girl's. Jing Cheng did not stop him, and even seemed to enjoy it.

"Why can't I bully you?"

Su Yang's bright eyes darted around evasively. He dithered for half a day, seemingly unwilling to spit out an answer. In the end, he caved in and said hesitantly, "Because you like me a…."

His tone was timid, full of uncertainty.

Jing Cheng couldn't hold back a chuckle. He tilted Su Yang's chin up, lifting his brows as he asked, "When did I ever say I like you?"


Su Yang's face slowly turned red. His eyes glimmered with tears as he stared at Jing Cheng miserably. He was the very picture of a little puppy who had been cruelly abandoned by his owner, with a small tail swishing dejectedly, hoping that a kind person would take pity on him and give him a home.

——To win the tyrant's sympathy, acting spoiled and cute is the way to go!

Jing Cheng was hit with a face full of cute. His mind buzzed as he felt a strange warmth in his nose.

{T/N : Nosebleed lol lol}

System prompt: Current progress 42%.

Su Yang was startled. This-this, what kind of strange fetish is this!

Jing Cheng pinched his nose. He held Su Yang in the crook of his arm as he said, "I certainly like you, which is why I want to bully you even more."

Su Yang pretended not to understand, and answered in his foolishly innocent way, "But Mother said, if you like a person, to be nice to them, don't ever bully them!"

"Those are your Mother's beliefs, not mine," Jing Cheng sneered. "In my domain, the person I like must suffer, and made to cry, and they must never be allowed to leave my side in their entire life."

What kind of brutish logic is this! Su Yang shivered as a chill ran down his spine. Help, someone save me from this strange uncle!

{T/N: Strange uncle is also a slang for pedophiles}

Jing Cheng smiled gently. "It's alright if you don't understand now, one day you will understand."

Su Yang: "..."

I really don't want to understand, alright!


After regaining his freedom, Su Yang was now faced with a second major crisis—– to defend his chastity!

He was a bundle of nerves for a good number of days, but Jing Cheng did not seem to be in any hurry. The man continued to shamelessly take advantage of Su Yang, petting and teasing him as usual, but did not overstep the limits. It appeared that he was patiently waiting for Su Yang to 'grow up'.

If one had to pin a description to it, it would be akin to a gardener painstakingly cultivating a one of a kind rare flower, watching over it, watering and fertilising and removing pests, occasionally sniffing the bud's scent and kissing its petals, sparing no effort in this extraordinary care. Simply the epitome of patience.

But it is clear that the day the flower blossoms, it would not escape the fate of being plucked.

Jing Cheng is the patient gardener, and Su Yang is the flower that will be plucked.

Even in his dreams, Su Yang could see himself pressed down beneath Jing Cheng's body, doing unspeakable things. When he woke up with a start, he found Jing Cheng silently gazing at him with an unfathomable look in his eyes.

They say that men are like wolves in their 30s and tigers in their 40s. Jing Cheng is currently in his early thirties. At this age when he is full of youthful vigor but had to repress himself, how would he fare in the long run? Su Yang would like to express that he was sorry for Jing Cheng, but he placed greater importance on his own survival, and so he decisively closed his eyes and went back to sleep. Jing Cheng was left to struggle with insomnia till dawn.

This must be what a love-hate relationship is like!

At first light in the morning, Jing Cheng left for the office of the Ministry of War again. Recently, the hostilities at the South China Sea have been escalating. The situation was tense, to the point where some of the news even managed to filter through to Su Yang, who was generally ignorant of worldly affairs.

Right now, in the entirety of Greater Ming, only the Róng Wáng Jing Cheng, and the Great General Wu Xingde, have the capability of leading their troops to war.

Wu Xingde was devoted and loyal to the Emperor, there was no way the Emperor would allow him to leave the Imperial City. He feared that once Wu Xingde stepped out of the city, Jing Cheng would come marching in from the rear to seize the throne.

But Jing Cheng has been back from the Northern Desert campaign less than half a year ago. If he were to deploy Jing Cheng out to the South again before his men even had a chance to rest and recuperate, Jing Cheng may very well refuse. It may even cause the soldiers and officers that Jing Cheng had rallied to his side to be resentful of the Emperor as well.

As of now, there really is no one capable of forcing Jing Cheng's hand. Unless the man volunteered himself, no one could coerce him.

Early summer has arrived. The sun grew more blisteringly hot as the days passed, but Su Yang wore two to three layers of outer garments every day.

It's not that he didn't mind the heat. It's just that there was a handy anti-sunstroke suitable-for-summer device clasped on his wrist—- the Tianshan Xuansuo, providing you with 24 hours air conditioning, clean and environmentally friendly, the must-have commodity for home or travel use.

At that time, he had felt that it was odd when Jing Cheng had unfastened the chain from his wrist without a fuss. Turns out the Tianshan Xuansuo's main essence lay in the bracelet instead of the chain. As for this unassuming looking silver bracelet, after having worn it for so long, he discovered that his body temperature was much lower than the average person's.

But it was marvelous to have in the summer, like a mini portable air-con, keeping him cool and fresh.

Su Yang crouched down and tossed out some fish food at the edge of the pond. When the shoal of carp came rushing up, he quickly picked up the fish net that lay by his side, and, in the blink of an eye, netted himself a few struggling red koi.

He gave a whoop of excitement. "Granny, let's have sweet and sour fish for lunch!"

Granny Wu wiped away her cold sweat, and cajoled him from the side, "Poppet, you can have any fish you want, why do you keep eyeing the koi in this pond. The Wángyé specially ordered for the fry to be transported from Jiangnan, and it took a lot of effort to bring them back alive. If you eat them, the Wángyé is sure to eat you."

Granny Wu was only trying to scare him, but Su Yang was exceptionally high-strung these days, and his thoughts inevitably landed on a different meaning.

He immediately dumped the fish back into the pond, squatting by the pool looking lost and sad. "You're just like me, no freedom, just being fattened up to be someone's dinner."

His voice was as low as a mosquito's whine. Granny Wu only thought that he was sulking over not being able to eat the fish, and spoke a few more words to pacify him.

Two maids suddenly came running over from the front yard, calling anxiously, "Wángfēi niángniáng, the Head Eunuch from the Imperial Palace has come, he says he is here to escort you to the Palace!"

Su Yang did not even lift his gaze. "What Head Eunuch, I don't know him."

However, Granny Wu's expression changed. She exclaimed, "Master, for the Head Eunuch to send for you, it must be that His Majesty wants to see you. Hurry and follow this old slave, we need to change your robes to the court dress before we go."

Su Yang obviously paid no heed to this. No matter how you looked at him, he was obviously an idiot, and idiots do not understand the rules, much less abide by them. Hence, the Emperor could neither accuse nor punish him for not adhering to the usual rituals and etiquette.

As the last descendant of the Wu family, and also the beloved zhèngfēi of the Róng Wáng, the Emperor would like for nothing more than to see Su Yang topple over dead. With one fell stroke, the Wu family line would finally be broken, and Jing Cheng would also be ruined. Therefore, for the Emperor to seek him out, nothing good lay in store for him. Why would Su Yang rush to serve himself up on a silver platter? He is just faking idiocy, it's not like he was truly that stupid.

{T/N : Zhèngfēi, like Wángfēi, refers to the legitimate wife of the king.}

Su Yang grabbed another fistful of fish food and hurled it into the pond crossly, "Granny, Yu-er doesn't want to see any Head Eunuchs or Majesties. Yu-er wants to wait for Fūjūn to come home."

His words did not seem to hold any other meaning, but it inadvertently served to remind Granny Wu of something. These days, they are living in the the Róng Wáng's residence. Regardless of whether they harbored any treasonous intent or not, in the eyes of the Emperor, they were already firmly in the enemy's camp. This summons may yet hold a deeper meaning to it.

Granny Wu acted quickly, and called over the little maid who was standing nearby. She whispered softly, "Go look for Deputy General Cao now, tell him to hasten to the Imperial Palace to report to the Wángye. Tell him that His Majesty has ordered for the Wángfēi to be escorted to the Imperial Palace."

The maid nodded, and left promptly through the side doors.

Granny Wu began to put on a show of persuading Su Yang. "Master, please stop playing, we're wasting time. If His Majesty gets angry, we'll be in trouble."

Su Yang refused to budge from the edge of the pond. He even took off his shoes and socks and started paddling his white little feet in the water, teasing the fish.

The splashes startled the koi, sending them darting away in all directions.

He continued playing around cheerfully in the water, but the Head Eunuch who came bearing the imperial summons grew increasingly impatient. In the end, he lost his temper and stormed into the rear court gardens. The shadow guards that Jing Cheng had left in place to watch over Su Yang have always been tailing him closely. Upon seeing this sudden intrusion, they appeared in a flash to confront the Imperial martial experts.

{T/N: 大内高手 (Dà nèi gāoshǒu) : Basically these martial experts, unlike those from 'outside', belong to the Imperial Palace. So it's like a homegrown brand of experts, lol.}

The Head Eunuch sneered, "To defy His Majesty's decree, the Wángfēi niángniáng is truly bold. Do you not know that defying His Majesty is grounds for the Nine familial exterminations!"

{T/N: 诛九族 (Zhū jiǔzú) – The punishment involves the execution of close and extended family members, including the criminal himself. It extends to the criminal's spouse, parents, grandparents, children, siblings and siblings-in-law, grandchildren, aunts/uncles and their spouses, cousins and the spouse's parents}

Su Yang asked innocently, "What is a decree? What is Nine familial exterminations? Why is it Nine, can't it be Eight or Seven?"

The Head Eunuch: "....."

Granny Wu nearly laughed out loud. Such threats may indeed work on others, but her little Master was well known as an idiot. Even if he was really flouting the rules, the Emperor could not justifiably pronounce Tao Ziyu of being guilty of insubordination, lest he be denounced by the common people for bullying a muddle-headed little idiot.

The Chief Eunuch realized this problem as well, and decided against wasting any more words, opting to directly seize Su Yang instead.

The day was growing late, the Imperial Court session that Jing Cheng was attending would be adjourning soon. Seeing this, Su Yang said, "Alright, don't fight, I'm going I'm going."

He sat down and slowly pulled on his socks and shoes, carefully patted the dust from his clothes, and turned around to wave goodbye at the cute little fishies in the pond. Clearly, he has forgotten that not too long ago, these cute little fishies were nearly made into sweet and sour fishies because of him.

Despite Su Yang's best efforts at dawdling and delaying for another hour, by the time he had to leave, Jing Cheng was still not back. Granny Wu kept mopping away the cold sweat from her brow, watching helplessly as Su Yang climbed into the royal carriage.

Su Yang chewed on some candied fruit as he tried to engage the Chief Eunuch in conversation. "Your name is Chief Eunuch? Why is it only two words? My name has three words."

{T/N: Chief Eunuch in chinese (tàijiàn zǒngguǎn) actually has 4 words, just so you know.}

The Chief Eunuch's lips thinned. "This servant's name is Chen Erbao, it also has three words. Chief Eunuch is my title. The Wángfēi niángniáng can just refer to this servant as Xiao ChenZi.

{T/N: 小 (xiǎo) – literally means little. 子 (zǐ) – suffix for children or little things. So it's 'Small little Chen', but it's not meant to be a cutesy name. Eunuchs in Imperial China are always called Xiao ——Zi. If you've ever watched period dramas and hear someone called Xiao ——Zi, that guy's definitely a eunuch.}

"Oh, so your name is Xiao ChenZi." Su Yang nodded thoughtfully, then asked again, "Then is His Majesty's real name also Xiao BiZi, or XiaoXiaZi?"

{T/N: This joke was actually a good one, but too bad it's lost in translation. 'His Majesty' in Chinese is bì xià (陛下). Su Yang, disrespectful critter that he is, basically called the Emperor a eunuch.}

Eunuch Chen: "¥#&¥%"

Su Yang added as an afterthought, "Do you know my Fūjūn? Everyone calls him Róng Wángyé."

Eunuch Chen answered thoughtlessly in a fawning manner, "Naturally I do. His Royal Highness the Róng Wáng is our Greater Ming's God of War. From Zhongyuan to Jiuzhou, who has not heard of him."

Su Yang said happily, "He's very powerful, but his temper is very bad. He's very scary when he's angry. Once, someone accidentally spilled hot water on me, Fūjūn was so angry, he killed the man."

Eunuch Chen: "...."

Su Yang's mouth jabbered on. "Do you know what 'killed' means? Granny told me, killed means dead, gone, finished. Can't eat, can't sleep, and can't talk to others. My Fūjūn has killed so, so many people, too many to count. I'm also scared of him. Xiao ChenZi, are you scared of him?"

Eunuch Chen's foot slipped. Swallowing nervously, he said, "Of course, this servant is scared."

Su Yang's voice remained innocent and naive. "I know right? There's no one who can defeat my Fūjūn, everyone is scared of him!"

Such meaningful words, the listener would naturally pay heed. In the Imperial Palace, the one who manages to climb to the seat of the Chief Eunuch, would definitely not have a head full of ideals of loyalty. Rather, one would have to be skilled in observing which way the wind blows, with good insight of where the currents of the political situation may turn.

Chen Erbao quickly made his way to the front and had a few words with the carriage driver. The speed of their procession suddenly slowed down significantly.

This could be considered as doing Jing Cheng a favour.

Su Yang quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Life is really full of hardships.

The Wángye's escaped fiancée (Arc 2-11) Part 2

Su Yang nibbled absent-mindedly on the candied fruit as the Imperial City came into view. In the end, the legendary all-seeing, all-knowing, omnipotent His Royal Highness the Róng Wáng, failed to show up on time. In fact, as a BL's Gary Stu, he really fell short of expectations. Must leave another bad review!!

{T/N: For the Chinese, their version of Gary Stu is called a Jack Sue. 🙂 And er, for those who don't know what Gary Stu is, he's the male counterpart of Mary Sue. BL = Boys Love}

After silently cursing Jing Cheng as a SOB, Su Yang slowly got down from the carriage. And did he quietly follow Chen Erbao into the Imperial Palace?

{T/N: Su Yang actually called Jing Cheng a 'mmp' (mā mài pī / 媽賣批), a slang which means 'Your mom is a whore'. SOB = sonofabitch}

Of course not!

He bent and stretched his muscles a little, and then….. made a run for it!

His running posture was full of courage and determination, bursting with perseverance and resolve! Every step reflected humanity's rebellious spirit and struggle in the face of tyranny and oppression! This is a declaration of war against the vicissitudes of fate!! This is the yearning for light and freedom!! This is the rallying cry of the weak and the vulnerable!!

Such a deeply moving scene shook Chen Erbao. He watched on silently.

After a while, having determined that it was nearly time, he waved his hand, "Bring him back."

A few minutes later, Su Yang was carried back by the Imperial martial experts the same way one would carry a chicken.

If it wasn't because he had to play at being a sweetly naive fool, he would have started shouting his head off at the front of the palace gates: "Lǎozi is the Róng Wángfēi, who dares to touch lǎozi, my Fūjūn will chop you up!"

{T/N: 老子 (lǎozi) – I, your father. Used in arrogant contempt.}

Chen Erbao looked at Su Yang in a somewhat pitying manner, and shook his head, "Wángfēi niángniáng, you..."

Su Yang's face was haughty and indifferent. Don't say anything, I know trying to run away was absolutely stupid okay!

But then he heard Chen Erbao give a 'pfft' of stifled laughter. "Your speed was only a little faster than that of a snail's. If it wasn't because His Majesty is waiting to see you, this servant would not have bothered to catch you."

Su Yang: "...."

Is the lack of exercise my fault? Is gasping after running a few steps my fault? Did you know that the two words 'spoiled rotten' was made-to-order for this Young Master!

Obviously, Chen Erbao wouldn't know. He covered his mouth, tittering. Su Yang was so furious he wanted to punt him to the sky with a kick and then take him down with a flying scissor leg to teach him a lesson!

{T/N: Scissor attack : go to 0:39}

After this failure of an escape attempt, not only did those guarding him not raise their vigilance, they actually seemed even more relaxed.

Such naked scorn!! Intolerable!!

{T/N: Apparently, Chinese netizens can't use the word 'naked' without being censored. So we have 赤裸裸红果果 (Chìluǒluǒ hóngguǒguǒ). Chìluǒluǒ means stark naked and hóngguǒguǒ (red fruit fruit) is the slang that they use to bypass the censorship, because the characters look vaguely similar. Smh.}

Su Yang began to throw a tantrum. Like a broken record, he began chanting, "I don't want to see Xiao XiaZi, I wanna go home, I wanna go home, don't wanna see Xiao XiaZi...."

{T/N: Xiao XiaZi refers to the Emperor. Refer previous chapter for explanation.}

Chen Erbao said, "Wángfēi niángniáng, when you meet His Majesty, please stop using such impolite words. If you offend the Emperor, do not blame this servant for not having warned you."

Su Yang paid him no heed. The Emperor already has plans to deal with him. Between offending and not offending him, it doesn't make a hoot of difference.

These days, in the face of such grave difficulties, the Emperor would not dare to openly harm him, else he would not be able to explain himself to Wu Xingde and Jing Cheng. But it is possible to take Su Yang as a hostage to blackmail Jing Cheng into taking up the campaign to the South.

But, would Jing Cheng agree?

Leaving Jianzhou now was tantamount to forfeiting the opportunity of making a pre-emptive strike. Regardless of whether he was victorious in the battle of the South China Sea or not, it was inevitable that he will still suffer some losses and be worn out. When the time comes for the final confrontation, he would have lost what advantages he had painstakingly gained.

Even if he returns triumphant and wins the hearts of the people, the loss of his troops would make it difficult for him to form a proper defensive and offensive array. Victory would no longer be certain.

History is written by the victors, and the losers are vilified. This truth has ever been constant. Once one is given the role of a villain, who would know that the man had once dauntlessly faced their enemies in defense of their country, laying waste to all foreign threats. Who would seek the truth, and fight to clear his name and redress his grievances.

Jing Cheng is a sensible man, he would understand this all too well. And it was precisely because of this, for the sake of his current plans, that he should sacrifice Su Yang.

This is the correct move to make. He does not blame Jing Cheng.

Just as Su Yang's imaginings began to grow wilder, they arrived at the Hall of Heaven and Earth. Chen Erbao bowed slightly, "Wángfēi niángniáng, please wait a moment, this servant will inform His Majesty of your arrival."

Su Yang nodded, and watched as he went inside the magnificent palace. This place deserved its praise for its imperial glory and breathtaking majesty, truly a dazzling sight to behold. The lavishly imposing style, with a sense of power emanating from every aspect, stunned the eye and gave birth to veneration in the heart.

Thus the Emperor bears the mandate of Heaven, maintaining the natural order and will of the universe, and representing their people in the face of the Gods.

It was no wonder many crave for the throne, how many could resist that kind of allure?

Su Yang waited for nearly an hour under the scorching heat of the sun. He didn't really feel hot, but he was somewhat dizzy. It was probably because he had been standing for too long. And this is why all those refined and over-pampered young masters are really a coddled lot.

He thought dazedly, if Jing Cheng really decided to wash his hands of him, he'd really be in hot soup. If he was not put to death, then he would probably have his skin flayed off, at the very least.

His vision gradually blurred, then went dark. It felt like there was only air beneath his feet. He fell backwards.


Su Yang dreamed that, a long time ago, he was filming for an adventure and discovery series in an ancient jungle. But the aircraft that they had boarded suddenly suffered a malfunction, and there was a violent explosion.

He thought he had died then, but he inexplicably ended up in a strange place where time and space twisted and blended together, and was told to perform strange tasks.

According to the system, his body was rescued and placed in a dormant state. He would wake up once his soul returns to his body.

But the system also told him, that if he dies during any of his missions, his soul would disappear, and he would then die for real.

He can't die, he has to go home!

Jing Cheng frowned. "What is happening, why does Wángfēi keep sweating."

Several Imperial Physicians shivered on the ground. "Answering Wángyé. Wángfēi niángniáng suffered from over-exposure to the sun, and has mild symptoms of heatstroke, he should be waking up soon. As for the cold sweat, he may have experienced a fright. I will prescribe some calming medication for him."

Jing Cheng waved his hand. As if granted the grace of mercy, the Imperial Physicians fled helter-skelter.

Jing Cheng seated himself by the bedside, wringing a wet towel with practiced ease before wiping the cold sweat away from Su Yang's forehead. His eyes were dark and icy, full of murderous rage.

Su Yang's thick lashes trembled, then his eyes opened suddenly. He saw Jing Cheng sitting upright by his side. The bed he was lying on, was the same bed they shared in the room in the Róng Wáng's palace.

All his previous fears and worries came rushing over, overwhelming him. Su Yang sat up on the bed, and threw himself into Jing Cheng's arms.

He voice was aggrieved and choked with sobs, "I waited for you for so long, but you didn't come. I tried to run, but I was too slow, and they caught me and carried me back. They said His Majesty wants to see me, but I don't know His Majesty ah, I really don't know him…."

Jing Cheng felt like his heart was stuck full of needles all over like a pincushion. Jing Qian and his son will pay for this a hundred times over!

He hugged the frightened child, coaxing him gently, "It's alright, you're safe now, I'm here with you, no one would dare to touch you again."

Su Yang suddenly grabbed on to Jing Cheng's hand, and said solemnly, "Fūjūn, there is a eunuch called Chen Erbao, he laughed at me. Fūjūn must teach him a lesson for me!"

Jing Cheng naturally agreed to this. He said grimly, "Chen Erbao, is it? I will send my people to bring him here, and let you deal with him as you please."

Su Yang shook his head. "No, I don't want to see him. You make him run a lap around the Imperial City."


Jing Cheng was confused for a while, and thought that he had heard wrongly. Then he recalled his silly little puppy saying how he had tried to run away but was easily caught, and understood.

He couldn't help smiling. "Just one lap? How about ten laps instead."

Su Yang broke into a wide grin as he thought about it. "The Imperial City is so big, ten laps will kill him. Make it three."

Jing Cheng kissed his cheek and said, "As you wish."

At this time, the medicine prescribed by the physician was ready. Jing Cheng held a bowl of the dark brown concoction in one hand, and a candied fruit in the other. He smiled gently, "Come, drink this up."

Su Yang promptly clasped his hands over mouth, shaking his head frantically. Be it physically or mentally, he was absolutely unable to accept the taste and smell of the traditional medicinal brew!

"I'm not sick, I don't need medicine!!"

The two confronted each other for a moment. Then Su Yang scrambled down from the bed and made a wild dash for the rear gardens. Jing Cheng said nothing, quietly giving chase. It was only when Su Yang had one foot out of the Mo-Lin palace hall, that his already limited patience finally ran out.

"You stop right there! Either you drink it yourself, or I'll feed it to you."

Su Yang: "..." Isn't there a third option QAQ

The Wángye's escaped fiancée (Arc 2-11) Part 3

Su Yang lay stiffly on the bed for a long while, pretending to be dead. He refused to look at a certain ruthless, tyrannical, cold-hearted man.

Jing Cheng laughed, "You will not recover if you do not take medicine. Come now, stop sulking like a child."

Su Yang continued to ignore him.

Jing Cheng heaved a particularly exaggerated sigh. Of course, his acting skills were nowhere near to Su Yang's level.

But then he said softly, "I will be leaving Jianzhou in two days. I wanted to accompany my stupid little puppy in these last few days. It's a pity though, that he does not want to see me at all. Never mind then. It was my fault for forcing him."

Su Yang thought, who's the stupid little puppy? Wait wait, the main point should be—– leaving Jianzhou?!

He jolted in shock, then asked in a fluster, "Why, why are you leaving?"

A hint of bitterness flickered in Jing Cheng's eyes. He said, "Isn't it all because my stupid little puppy was tricked into entering the Palace? In order to retrieve him, I had to agree to join the battle at the South China Sea."

Su Yang's heart trembled. This, this was done for his sake...

For him, Jing Cheng actually agreed to this all loss and no gains deal.

Seeing his stunned expression, Jing Cheng smiled and pulled him into his arms, "Silly, I was just pulling your leg. Defending our territory has always been my duty. I have long intended to put an end to the Wōkòu pirates at the South China Sea, all you did was light the fuse."

{T/N: Wōkòu were pirates who raided the mainland from islands in the Sea of Japan and East China Sea.}

He may have lit the fuse, but it was still a fuse that will cost Jing Cheng all his hard-earned ascendancy.

{T/N: In short, Jing Cheng is comforting Su Yang by saying he did not cause anything to happen that would not have eventually happened, but it does not change the fact that the timing was terrible and puts Jing Cheng at a severe disadvantage.}

Su Yang leaned against his chest, listening to the man's rhythmic heartbeat. A rare sense of guilt and shame rose in him.

He asked, "Then, then, when will you be back?"

"Heh," Jing Cheng chuckled. "I have not even left yet, and you're already planning for my return. Taking all things into consideration, it would probably be half a year. After all, I can't bear to leave you at home for too long."

Su Yang fell silent. Half a year, just half a year. By the time Jing Cheng returns, what would the circumstances in Jianzhou city be like.

Would he be joyously celebrated, just like back when he returned from the Northern Desert campaign, with all the officials falling over themselves to congratulate him, and the streets thronging with the common people to welcome him home?

Or rather, would he leave the city as a hero, but return to find himself branded as a filthy traitor, and in the end, be dragged to prison for his accused crimes.

The rims of Su Yang's eyes turned red. He grabbed on to Jing Cheng's robes tightly, refusing to let go.

He said, "Half a year is too long, can you not go? I don't want you to go."

"This time, I have to go."

A sharp, penetrating light flickered in Jing Cheng's dark eyes. His voice was resonating as he spoke, "Greater Ming was founded by my Jing clan. No matter whose hands it falls into in the end, foreign enemies must never be allowed to take a bite out of it! Those Northern barbarians and Southern midgets, I have already dealt with the Northern barbarians, the Southern Wōkòu pirates are of no consequence. I want our beautiful nation to be whole and intact, not a single plot of land can be taken!"

{T/N: 南倭北蛮 (Nán wō běi mán) – lit. Southern dwarf (derogatory, referring to the Japanese) Northern barbarian (referring to the nomads/Mongols). A bit of history compressed into 4 characters. The intrusion of the southeast coast and the Mongolian cavalry in the northern border, were two major problems that have long plagued the Ming court and threatened the community of the Ming Dynasty.}

Unlike his cold-faced indifference and austerity when dealing with outsiders, or even the occasional gentle warmth that leaked through when he was with Su Yang, this declaration was brimming with sharp intent, full of hot-blooded vigor and resolve.

Su Yang looked at him, blinking. Jing Cheng lowered his gaze and laughed softly. He gently cupped Su Yang's cheek, and pressed a light kiss to it.

"I know you don't understand, but I just wanted to tell you anyway. Everyone says that the Róng Wáng Jing Cheng is but an ambitious wolf with rapacious designs, who views the imperial throne as a purse to be plundered, but who truly understands my real aspirations? Jing Qian is a useless man who only knows how to dine and drink and make merry. Jing Sheng is smarter, but he is too short-sighted. These two plot to get rid of me, but they have not considered on who they would call on to defend our country in the future."

"Wu Xingde has spent half his lifetime in defense of Greater Ming, but ended up losing both his sons. With his own hands, he fed his daughter medicine so that she will be barren, all so to protect you, their sole remaining heir. And in the end, you still fell into my grasp." His gaze turned gentle for a moment on the last few words. He continued, "Wu Xingde is no saint, how could he not possibly bear a grudge? Once the occasion arises, he will spare no effort to destroy the country of my Jing family."

Su Yang's mind was in an upheaval as he listened. What does this mean? Not only was his grandfather not a loyal subject, he was a traitor who conspires to see the current dynasty overturned?

Jing Cheng saw the bewildered look on his face, and laughed again in spite of himself, "What am I saying, I should not be telling a stupid little puppy these things."

Su Yang muttered resentfully, "I'm not a puppy..."

Jing Cheng stretched out a finger and teasingly poked Su Yang's jaw, "Then who was it who started biting people when we first met?"

Su Yang blushed as he mumbled, "You bullied me, so I bit you. Before that, I've never bitten anyone!"

After saying this, he turned glum again, "Half a year, is a very long time."

This little creature who wholeheartedly depended on him, made Jing Cheng's heart go soft. He never wanted to let him go.


In the two days before Jing Cheng was due to leave for battle, Su Yang followed him like a shadow. The reason was simple. They would not be seeing each other for a whole half year, so he must make the best of time to increase the goodwill progress.

However, in the eyes of the spectating masses who do not know the truth, what was this if not love!!

The Wángyé is leaving to make war, the Wángfēi keeps close to him and constantly waits for him. See how their faces are full of sadness and reluctance over the upcoming separation. Watch how they struggle to express their yearning, yet hold themselves back each time. Listen to them exchanging sweet, honeyed words of love and promises. Those watching them play out the scene of star-crossed lovers were all struck with a face full of PDA, simply too blinding!

Within the capital, another new book sent waves sweeping through the literary publishing houses. From the earliest "The Cold Wángyé Neglects his Fiancée", to "The Wángyé Fell For Me", the latest release now was "Wángye and Wángfēi, Two Hearts as One".

The passion and sentiment depicted were deeply moving. In Jianzhou city, a loyal support party popped up, known as the Cheng-Yu Organization, which strongly endorsed the Wángye x Wángfēi pairing. The line up was totally awesome and formidable!

{T/N : Cheng for Jing Cheng, Yu for Tao Ziyu.}

It is a pity, that the happy days passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was time for the army to march for the Southern campaign. This loving couple was doomed to part in the end.

Su Yang cried till his eyes were swollen red as he bade them farewell. The sight of the tear-stained face of a beauty stirred pity in the hearts of those present.

"Fūjūn, you, you come back early, I'll be waiting for you at home," he sobbed and sniffled.

Jing Cheng couldn't help but laugh as he wiped away Su Yang's tears. "Alright, that's enough now. You have been crying non-stop since you opened your eyes this morning. What need to make a spectacle of yourself, aren't you ashamed?"

Su Yang was certainly not ashamed. He had cried the whole morning, and watched as the progress rose steadily from 48% to 67%. If this rate would continue, it's not a problem to cry himself blind!

This could be said to be little Su Yang's sense of professionalism!!

The oh-so-dedicated Su Yang buried his head in Jing Cheng's chest again. He had intended to lean his head against His Highness the Róng Wáng's solid armor, but ended up accidentally whacking his forehead instead. He lifted his gaze, his eyes glassy and red as a rabbit's. A tear was already rolling down his cheek.

——That fucking hurt!!

Jing Cheng only felt that his emotional defenses were crumbling bit by bit. This little animal barged in with no heed for rule or order, and began crying up a storm. In the end, he could only admit defeat.

He seized Su Yang's slender waist somewhat crudely, tilted his head up, and began kissing him fiercely. Despite having kissed numerous times before, it never seemed to be enough. These lips that were sweet as honey belonged to him, no one else could have them, no one else could covet them!

Regardless if it was Jing Qian who was sitting on the Imperial throne, or the Wu Xingde who was right now, 10 lǐ away, standing guard and ever alert.

{T/N: 1 lǐ is approximately 500 m, so 10 lǐ is around 5 kilometres}

When Jing Cheng ended the kiss, Su Yang's entire body was limp. He could barely stand upright, and had to lean on Jing Cheng's arm to keep his balance.

Su Yang's pretty lips were moist, and his eyes were dazed. He remained in Jing Cheng's arms with a foolish expression on his face.

Then he heard a soft, teasing whisper by his ear, "Silly little thing, how could I leave you here alone?"

From his early years as child, Jing Cheng has always kept a truth in mind; what was most important to you must be kept by your side at all times, to ensure its safety.

Since the Emperor has dared to threaten him with Su Yang once, there will be a second time. As for the old grouch Wu Xingde, he has been waiting for an opportunity for years, and the time has finally come. Unfortunately for him, the person he wished to place on the Imperial throne will be taken away to the South China Sea by Jing Cheng.

Su Yang has yet to regain his senses, when Jing Cheng lifted him over his shoulder. He was about to say "What?" when a person suddenly showed up within the pavilion. No matter in dress, style, height, appearance, features, even down to the smallest characteristics, this person was identical to him. For a moment, he was frightened speechless.

What, what the hell is this!!

Jing Cheng threw the person a cold look, a faint trace of disgust and revulsion on his face. He said curtly, "Do not be found out."

The person immediately answered 'Yes'. Even his voice was exactly the same!!

Su Yang looked at the person, the person looked back at him. He grinned, and it was immediately copied. If the other person had not been standing, whereas he himself was currently carried over Jing Cheng's shoulder, he could have believed that he was looking into a mirror!

This was beyond incredible, the people of ancient times' ways of changing their appearances were simply amazing, he really really wanted to apprentice himself to this master!!

Jing Cheng placed Su Yang into a horse drawn coach, and helped him settle down. From the outside, the coach looked like a run down, shabby little buggy, but it was completely different on the inside. The floors were padded with five or six tiger skin rugs, airy muslin hung above them to provide protection against the heat of the sun. Pastries, snacks and other little necessities were all present. To stave off boredom, there were even some illustrated books inside. Clearly, these were prepared for fear that he wasn't able to read.

After he was placed down, Su Yang finally blurted out excitedly, "That person just now, that person, he looks just like me!"

Jing Cheng frowned, "Just a shoddy imitation, it's nowhere comparable."

Su Yang: "...." Boss, how deep is your love for me!

The two looked at each other silently. Su Yang was waiting for Jing Cheng to explain this strange situation to him, but Jing Cheng did not seem to have any inclination to do so. The silence turned awkward.

Su Yang finally pried his mouth open to ask, "Fūjūn, am I going to, to war with you?"

Jing Cheng lifted a brow, "You're not willing?"

These past two days, he had been stubbornly clinging to Jing Cheng with a death grip, bawling his eyes out tragically, only stopping short of singing "Love you even unto death" at the top of his lungs. Right now, if he were to say he wasn't willing, Jing Cheng would most likely strike him dead on the spot.

{T/N: 死了都要爱 – Click to listen XD}

And so, he nodded firmly, "Willing willing, Yu-er wants to stay with Fūjūn."

Isn't it just experiencing the horrific cruelties of war for yourself? This little Master is not terrified at all!

Jing Cheng smiled, and reached out to gently stroke his eyelids, which were red and puffy from crying. There was an ache deep in his chest which he struggled to ignore.

He explained, "It was not my intention to deceive you, but if I did not do this, I would not have been able to take you with me while concealing it from those people."

Watching as Su Yang nodded in his understood-but-not-really manner, Jing Cheng added, "This journey will be long and difficult, we may have to suffer some hardships, but rest assured that I will not allow any harm to befall you. It is much safer than staying in Jianzhou city."

Su Yang gazed at him vacuously for a moment, then a sunny smile lit up his face, "Yu-er is not afraid of hardships, Yu-er is happy as long as Fūjūn is here."

The boy's bright, beaming smile captivated Jing Cheng. He almost threw aside his resistance, badly wanting to press Su Yang down beneath him and kiss him wantonly, but this was obviously neither the time nor place for it.

He struggled to keep a clear head, pushed open the doors of the carriage, and got down. Then he mounted his own chestnut stallion and waved his arm.

"Move out."

"Yes—–!!" The resonant cries thundered out and split through the skies.

These are the men that Jing Cheng had rallied to his army. Ferocious as tigers, tenacious as wolves, yet maintaining an iron grip on discipline. Every single one of them have been sharpened and polished by experience into keen, double edged swords. No mercy will be shown to their enemies.

This majestic assembly thus began their march to the South, and Jianzhou city's newest celebrity—– the Tao family's Young Master, was also unobtrusively stolen away.

Su Yang nibbled on a pastry as he enjoyed the lush scenery along the way. His heart was thrilled, there was a sense of embarking on an adventure, like they were sneaking away to elope. He was full of excitement, and would lift the window flap to poke his head out from time to time, sending coy little winks and making cute faces at Jing Cheng, flirting and teasing for all he was worth.

Jing Cheng also felt that his little puppy was exceptionally adorable, exceptionally obedient, and not in the least bit finicky.

Well, that was what he thought at first.

In the end, Su Yang was held tightly by His Royal Highness the Róng Wáng, and had the whole bowl of medicine forced down his throat mouthful by mouthful. Not a single drop was wasted. By the time the medicine was finished, he was already doubting his will to live.