
The Stranger In My Bed (MxM)

NOTICE: This is a gay Novel and it includes gay sexual content. The story is about a lonely boy who just wants to be loved. ****"""" It all started when He felt something next to him, it was touching his body but when he opened his eyes everything he felt was gone but the touch he felt still lingers... -------- Nicolas is a twenty two year old living in a small flat and works at a local restaurant while studying to finish his university. Growing up Nicolas was bullied in secondary school because of his sexual orientation and for coming out as gay which lead to him to change schools. As a result he stopped trusting people and became a closed off person. Jasper He is an Alpha of a Red Moon Pack who is straight and he doesn't like humans because of his past history with them. He was born differently from any other werewolf and he has been looking for his mate ever since he turned eighteen but now he is twenty six and still searching. He still has hope that one day he will find her but what happens when he indeed finds her and finds out that his mate is actually a he not a her and he is a human; the species he hates the most. (Thank you for giving my novel a chance; I will work hard to improve my writing!)

Ryder6641 · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

New Found Friendship


Since I told Andrew about my flat being haunted we haven't talked about that matter for a while now he didn't even bring it up at work or ask how the whole thing is going I just think he is preoccupied with his boyfriend and all.Since he found that boyfriend of his he hasn't had much time For us to meet up again like we used to although we see each other at work but that's it.I have tried to make arrangements for us maybe see our favourite animation but he said he is busy.

What I don't understand is how can a person change their lifestyle because of someone else. I do understand people call it love and they want to be with the one they love but come on you change your life because of someone else.

I thought if you find the one you love that person should accept you for who you are and you should not to forget yourself and live to please someone else. In life I can't just leave and follow someone choices if that's what people do in a relationship then I don't want anything to do with it. I will rather stay single For the rest of my life I will be happy as long as I have Ellie by my side.

I on the other hand I have been busy also with school my job and my other things.I have again a second best friend Ellie the dog he has been hanging out with me a lot for the past three days.We always go to the woods near the park on my day off or when I get off work early now and since I figured it will be strange for people to see a huge giant dog walking around also I don't want to get any unwanted attention. I also need to tell Andrew about Ellie since the last day we meet I didn't tell him I figured it was not important.

I have also been witnessing things that are going on with Ellie they call it heat if an not mistaken I don't know and don't let me get started what I witness the other day.

The other day I saw something disturbing it had to do with Ellie it was late at night I got up to use the toilet I saw Ellie having what looked like a conversation with the other huge dog I didn't know.

Being me I just shrugged it off. I had no knowledge on how it got into the house but it was there in living room I thought it was just a dream because it didn't last long the minute I came out of the toilet it was not there I tried to ask Ellie about it but he looked like he didn't know what I was saying so I let it go.

Strange things have been happening in my house I have notice a couple of them maybe it's the man who comes in my dream that means he is back cause the other night I herd a voice of a male moaning then I went back to sleep I was too tired to care.

Ever since that incident I have notice a few things that are odd about my Ellie for once he likes to sniff me a lot not just here and there but a lot and it's not normal for dogs to do that. To add up he also like to watch me when am getting dressed I have tried to remove him from my bedroom when I want to dress but he whines through the door until I let him in.

I think it's not normal for a dog to do that and I could have sworn that I saw a smile on his face when he whines to be let in and I let him in. I have searched online about things dogs do and there strange behaviour but nothing like that ever came up and I think it's getting worse since he have taken it too far and sniff me in my private part then moan afterwards after I have just gotten out of the shower.

So I don't think it has to do with smelling bad but something else.


It was nearly lunch time I was about to take my break when I saw my new co-worker coming my way too close to my comfort with a smirk plastered on his face.W polo oke were in the kitchen and there was no one around us which made feel unsafe around him.

He was the only person in the whole restaurant I did not want to be near me, the only person in our restaurant I did not like or feel safe around but can you blame me he has shown me his true colours, his true self to me in the shot time since has been working here.

He looked kind of creep and a whore at the same time I have notice him licking his lips when our eyes meet and every chance he get he would try and to get in my pants or say something sexual.

He has already told me that he doesn't do long time relationship he just want a one night stand then move on to his next toy and he had the guts to tell me that to my face the nerve of that man. He even offered to pay me if I let him have his way with me I said no off course.

Ever since then I have come to dislike. I try to stay away from him as much as possible but when we work at the same place it's nearly impossible to do that. I talked to Ellie when he can the other day about this same co-worker his reaction. was priceless if looks could kill he would have died already.

I knew to me it's a serious matter Since no one has ever taken that kind of liking towards Me.After I had told the dog I felt somewhat relieved that am not alone in this matter. I may be getting harassed at work even when people at work don't take it serious I know my dog took it serious by his growls.

I didn't know what had happen to him, he took off immediately after I had told him.