
The Strange Family(Process of rewriting)

There lived a peaceful neighborhood with kind neighbours, the community was very close to each other so much so that they always play and visited each others houses. But one family was not like the others this family was so different that the whole neighborhood avoid them, "The Colossins" just by saying that name sent shivers on people's spine. Why is this family different? What secrets are they hiding? Are they really what people say? Read to find out

Sleepy_Bun · ไซไฟ
7 Chs

Chapter 1

In a household that holds a very mysterious and scary vibe was a very happy family whose father just return from a very long trip "im glad you return home dear" said Mary Lovingly "yes father, its nice to finally see you have return home" said his son matt(manner much -_-) "YAYY!!! father is home!!! said Lily happily "im home my lovely family" John responded.

While they're having a family time like eating together, playing monopoly and stuff like that let me explain about the colossins family. The colossins families are the most feared family in the neighborhood and other people who lives near them tend to avoid them at all cost cause there have been false rumours about them being cruel and all those nonsense stuff (poor colossins :'( ) anyways, people immendiately just because they're house looks very scary on the outside but, when you see the inside its a really welcoming home. despite all this false rumours, the colossins live a very happy family life. OKAY!!! enough talking! back to the story at hand! *_* let's do this hannds!!( my hands are already hurting from writing this stuff :( but this is for you guys out there !!! )

After they're done with having fun and eating big feasts, they go to bed for their next adventure!!! in the next chapter of course! my hands are already hurting from writing this!