
The Strands Of Love

The strands of love causes us many emotions and causes many choices to appear, which leads to the phrase, "Sometimes love isn't for everyone."

Shmilygtic · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
13 Chs

Story 1: Chapter 4 (First Love Is The Worst)

A Hour later:

Mi Mi and Zu Zu were walking around in the shopping district, when they saw some students from their school in a cafe talking and laughing.

"Mi Mi, let's go in!" Then without waiting for an answer Zu Zu started dragging Mi Mi into the cafe and where the group of students were at. Mi Mi sliently sighed and nodded at the students as a greeting and some waved and nodded back at her.

One of the girls in the group acted like she didnt see or hear the two girls and igored them. The girl's name was Lily, Lily's friend notice her ignoring Mi Mi and Zu Zu. She poked at Lily signaling to her that there's new arrivals at their table.

Lily snorted and said a sarcastic hi at Mi Mi and Zu Zu, then she continued ignoring the girls. Zu Zu and Mi Mi noticed Lily's behavior, but they didn't give a damn. They knew they were better than that to scoop down to Lily's level so they too, igored her. Then they continue socializing with the other students.

Lily noticed that they didn't say hi back and wanted to put them on the spotlight and make them look bad. Then acting like an inncoent wronged girl she said loudly, "Hey~ Why didn't you say hi back to me?" She pouted and her eyes looked teary.

Zu Zu being shorted temper said, "Who wants to acknowledge a dumb bitch?" Zu Zu sneered. The other students started quietly talking about Lily's failed attempt of trying to embarrass the two girls, while Lily turning red from embarrassment.

Mi Mi too giggled but stopped and poiltely said to Lily, "Sorry for Zu Zu's reply it was too straightforward-" Lily hoping to recover her reputation cutted Mi Mi off and said "I know her brain can only work for so long."

Mi Mi frowned and stated, "No. Though what she said was too blunt she was right you are quite a useless white lotus, but I guess some people have uses for people like you. Also... We only reply to those that are my friends and of importance."

Mi Mi then sat down next to Zu Zu, Mi Mi then smiled at everyone signaling the end of the show and picked up the menu. After singaling for a waiter and ordering for Zu Zu and herself, Mi Mi noticed that Zu Zu was talking to the boy next to her.

Mi Mi then whispered at her bestfriend and said, "Don't break his heart too soon." Mi Mi smiled, Zu Zu grinned and sent a text to Mi Mi:

"Don't worry." Zu Zu then whispered something to the boy and he looked like a puppy getting a treat. But that treat was gonna be a lesson he'll keep with him forever. "Mi Mi, I'm going out for a minute with him. Scoot over, so we can go."

Worried flashed through Mi Mi's eyes but she saw Zu Zu's playful grin and lost the worried eyes. "Okay. But come back soon or I'll eat your cakes." Zu Zu nodded and left with the boy.

Will Zu Zu cause trouble again? Will the girls deal with Emma? Let's see this story unfold.

Shmilygticcreators' thoughts