
Red Dragon

Crowded streets, so I had to park in a parking garage down the road, and walk the rest of the way to the Red Dragon. I could have used my name and status to get a valet to do it for me, but I wanted to try and keep my name off the record for tonight. I grabbed the gun I kept in my glove compartment, and hid it in my waistband. I then made my way to the club.

Along the way I saw several groups of men and women, making their way to the busy club as well. Even though it was a Monday, the club was still a popular place for young adults to frequent, regardless of the day. I was casting various basic spells, whispering the incantations to myself, trying to confirm what type of magic I was able to use. 

To others I just looked like I was mumbling like a crazy man, but I didn't care. After possessing this body, I cared little about what others thought of me. I experienced a type of, unchaining of my inner psyche, allowing me to feel more free than before. 

I was walking past the line at the Red Dragon, when I felt a surge of heat pass through my body. 

'Blood magic!'

I had just used the basic spell [Blood Rush]. I felt my physical capabilities enhance. My steps became stronger, I walked faster and further with each step. I felt as if I could punch a hole through the brick wall outside. I cancelled the effects of the spell, because I knew it used my own blood as fuel for the spell. That was a drawback to Blood Magic, however I would solve this problem soon. As I said, this novel was full of exploits. 

When I got to the front of the line, I simply handed the doorman two $100 bills, and he let me through. The people in line were upset, but no one voiced it. It was clear by my appearance and the $200 that I had money. I walked into the club and began to make my way to the bathroom. I knew there would be a fight in the bathroom, and that was where our friend Wesley would lose his life. He would get attacked while using the bathroom, and after a short fist fight he would die at the hands of a low level invader. Currently the weaker invaders were the only ones being sent to our planet, much like scouts, so I knew this invader had the same weakness as most humans.

He wasn't bulletproof. 

I neared the door to the bathroom and heard two men talking, so I waited for them to leave the bathroom before entering myself. No one else was inside, so I simply sat in a stall and waited. While I waited, I began to play with the magic more, to fully awaken it.

After about 30 minutes, a notification finally appeared.

[Unique Blood Magic Tree has been unlocked.]


[Blood Magic]

[Known Spells: Blood Rush, Drain]

[Unknown Spells:]


I would be able to unlock more spells later, as my body discovered them naturally. With reaching a basic understanding of a skill, I would be rewarded with the spell being imprinted on my mind, allowing me to cast it more efficiently and effectively.

A simpler way to understand it, was that I would have to manually guide my mana to use a spell I didn't have known, and the would lose mana during the process of using it. However once I understood the path I had to move my mana, and the amount, along with the intention of the spell, I would be able to cast it using the shortcut it would implant in my mind.


Another ten minutes went by when I heard two people enter. One man started using the urinal, while the other... Stood in the middle of the bathroom, staring at the back of the other. 

"Yo, dude you gonna keep watching me piss or are you gonna like, I don't know, use the bathroom??" I heard a voice call out. 

"You're... a danger to the invasion. Your life will end here." 

True to his claim, he then charged at the man using the urinal and began to beat him up.


The sound of flesh being hit disappeared, and it now sounded more like someone hitting a brick wall. 

"I see, you can harden yourself, I'll have to use more force." 

Then I heard Wesley's cries of pain again. 

'I think that's enough. I shouldn't have a hard time convincing Wesley now.'

I walked out of my stall quietly, where Wesley made eye contact with me. I put a finger in front of my lips, and pulled out my gun. Wesley understood and stayed quiet. 

I put my gun pointed to the back of the invader's head, and pulled the trigger. A hole appeared but the man didn't go down. 

[Blood Rush]

I immediately felt the rush of power consume me, and I used my power to punch their head into the wall above Wesley. 

I grabbed his head and pulled it free from the wall, before punching it while holding him in the air. The gunshot would draw attention, so I needed to finish this quickly. I stomped on the invader's neck, and unloaded the rest of my mag into their skull. The movement stopped after the fifth bullet, but I used the rest just in case.

"Let's go, before the cops show up." I said to Wesley, helping him up from the ground and heading out a back exit. I looped towards the parking garage, and helped Wesley get into my car. I then promptly drove back to my house.

"Who are you? Why'd you help me? Also you got any idea how this mother fucker took a bullet to the head and lived?" Wesley was a little frantic.

"First, shut up. You're in shock. Second, I'll explain once we get to my house. When we get there, you don't talk to anyone about what happened, and you don't touch anything." I stated, looking him dead in the eyes as I spoke. I quickly navigated the road as we listened to the radio, which Wesley annoyingly turned on. 

"I would walk... A thousand miles..."

I shut off the radio.

"Hey! I was listening to that! If you're not going to talk to me at least let me jam." Wesley complained.

"God you're annoying. We're here. Get out." I said, as I parked in my garage, and got out of the car. Slamming the door as my [Blood Rush] was wearing off. I still had the adrenaline coursing through my veins during the car ride home, but now it wore off and I just felt a wave of fatigue hit me.

I walked to my room, ignoring the looks I received from my sisters as I walked by them, and ordered the butlers to bring food to my room as soon as possible. For two.

"Sis... Is Darius... Gay?"

"I-I don't know..."

My sisters annoyed me with that comment, but I ignored it. 

After we entered my room, I shut the door and lay down on my luxurious bed.

"You can lay on the couch over there, I promise you its comfortable. Ask me what you want to know." I said, lazily from my bed.

"What was that thing that attacked me? I don't think it was no human, also you, how were you so strong? You look like a wimp."

I turned my head to glare at Wesley, to which he simply shrugged as if saying 'What? It's true.'

"That thing was an invader. Alien species that is coming to take over our planet. People like you, and me, have awakened our mana. Allowing us to fight back." I gave the SparkNotes version of the explanation. 

"Hm. Okay, so now what?" He asked, looking at me.

"We get stronger. Find more allies. It's only going to get worse from here. That one tonight? The weakest one they have. So what will they do when their weakest scout somehow doesn't come back? They'll send a stronger one." 

A maid knocked on the door, delivering our food to us. Wesley thanked her and she left with a small smile on her face. I saw Wesley's eyes lingering on her after she turned around to leave.

"Do you only think with your penis? Or are you capable of governing your own choices?" I asked.

"Hahaha! I am only trying to live in the moment. Now that I know the world might end? Why shouldn't I try and get as much ass as I can while it's still here? Also, you seem to know more about everything that's going on, what should I do?"

"Hm, well, just practice your magic. I'm going to rent an office space tomorrow, so you'll have a place to hang out. For tonight, just sleep on that couch. Tomorrow you can drive me to school, then use my car for anything you need. Just make sure to pick me up. If you're late, and I have to waste my time at that stupid school, I'm going to take back my keys and you'll have to find your own ride. Got it?"

Wesley stopped to think for a moment, and he eventually decided to agree.

"What's your name dude? I really appreciate the help tonight... I think... That thing was going to kill me. And well, I just wanted to say thank you."


"Huh? This dude really fucking fell asleep? God... Whatever. I'll just help myself to his food too." Wesley then began to munch on the salmon that was brought to us, with some rice, and some crisp vegetables. 

Shortly after there was the scene of Wesley with a piece of cucumber in his mouth, snoring away on a couch.


"Yo, time to get up you gotta get to school or something your alarm goin' off."

I woke up to Wesley shaking my shoulders. This dude was the last person I wanted to wake up to. 

"Get away from me, your breath stinks. Also you have lettuce in your teeth. There is a second bathroom over there, new toothbrushes are in the drawer, help yourself." I pointed to the opposite side of my room, while I entered my master bathroom, and got ready for school.

As I stood in the shower, I began to formulate how I was going to talk to Riley today, along with 'accidentally' running into Alice before class. It was going to be a tiring day, and I just wished I could skip all these monotonous shit. I came out of the shower, and grabbed a large tan cable-knit sweater. I wore a luxurious black shirt underneath, and a pair of black cotton slacks. A pair of tennis shoes to finish the whole outfit. 

I saw Wesley coming out of the bathroom, looking at me who seemed to have made a complete transformation, and then at himself.

I laughed a little.

"We will buy you some new clothes as soon as we start making some money. Oh also I need you to go talk to the Triad for me today. Make a transaction for me, I already made the deal last night but you do this for me while I'm at school and you can pocket 10k. The other 40,000 you put into my account. We're going to start a clan." I explained. Wesley was annoying, but I liked him so far. He was a genuine guy who was just straightforward. 

I don't know if he had any loved ones, but I noticed that he didn't seem to have anyone who cared if he had come home last night. Wesley was a character who was supposed to die, and he never got a background. However I now stood before him, and realized he was a living breathing person who was a unique individual. 

We made our way downstairs and towards the garage. Along the way I ran into my father, walking with the head butler Charles Dunney. 

"Well well well, Darius, is there something you would like to confess to your family?"

"It's not like that and you know it. Charles, this man is my personal chauffeur. Please let the rest of the staff and security know he is allowed entry to the mansion along with my room. I'll have him drive me around and I will sometimes send him to retrieve things from the house."

"Hm. You know we have other qualified chauffeurs right? You sure you don't want a different one?" My dad suggested.

"I assure you, none of them are as reliable as this guy. He just looks like shit." I said, as I walked away from my father.

Charles had a tense look on his face as I had just cursed in front of my father, however my father simply laughed and ignored it.

"Hahaha! That kid has gotten funnier in the past two days than the past 18 years. Give that other boy access. I'm sure we will come to learn Darius's plans later on."

"As you wish, Master Adam."

Wesley then drove my car to school... Dude drives like shit.

Also, doesn't have a license.