
My Magic

"Welcome to Intro to Sociology, a pre-requisite course to Psychology I, and so on. I am your professor, Professor Thane, and I will potentially be your Psych teacher in the future, as I am also one of the professors for that course as well. Now this year..."

Professor Thane continued talking, but I ignored him. I began to look around the class and inspect the other students. I payed attention again, as the Professor began to take roll call, to see if there were any names I recognized.

"Andrea Rodriguez?"


"Tyler Russel?"


"Alice McCree?"

"Here, sir."


Alice McCree is a minor heroine. She had a heart of gold, but she was easily misled. She was naïve, and she eventually died because she was betrayed by a villain. I liked her though, as a character, for she was naïve but she was a good person. Someone who had the power to protect others, and so she did. Her only fault was that she was too trusting.

But I could help her. I had already decided to help her. She had a powerful trait.


Designate an area to become a sanctuary, fortifying the land to be resistant to attacks from those deemed as enemies, while also barring those with malicious intent from entering the sanctuary.


A powerful skill, that when nurtured she would be able to cover a much larger area. She is able to become a last line of defense for us, the human race.

'I'll have to make the effort to befriend her later.' I thought, as I heard another name I recognized.

"Alan Triscall."


A disinterested voice sounded out. It was a ugly guy with a cleft chin and shaggy brown hair. He was a social reject. A loner. He was a prime example of someone who blamed society, and when given the strength to strike back he took the chance to.

'Unfortunately there is no redeeming him. He has too much hate and misdirected anger towards innocents, that he will ignore the attempts of the main party to help him.'

He was easy to deal with though. All of the villains were. Once I gained magic, I would just kill them. It was so simple to deal with these nobodies, it was ridiculous that the main party didn't. 

I also knew I wasn't the kind of person who could get along with the main party either, for I wasn't a good person. I just wanted to live, and for that I would do whatever I needed.

Class carried on with self introductions and other introductory stuff. I needed to get a laptop for class, and get ready to take notes thereafter. 

During class however, I noticed a woman was sneaking glances at me. I don't know how she didn't think I would notice, since I could see her turning towards me every few minutes. She would do something like push her hair behind her ears, or drop her pencil on purpose. Just to look at me, but I caught every movement.

She had an enamored look, however I don't recall seeing her ever. I was also getting a weird feeling from her. Like I could sense something emanating from her.

Her name was Cherice Orlando. 

'What an ugly ass name. At least she's kind of hot? I don't know why she keeps staring at me though.'

I kept these thoughts to myself, and ignored her for the rest of class. After class ended, I promptly got up from my seat and left the room. The rest of my classes were mostly unfruitful for finding anyone else. 

I did meet Riley Yuri, a woman who's unique magic was controlling the element of thunder. A useful magic because it was able to disorient enemies, but more importantly it was loud. Loud enough to mask other sounds. People would simply assume a storm was brewing, not that shots were being fired. 

I could use her as a smokescreen when dealing with villains or invaders. 

'I've been thinking about murder a lot today... I should... Chill.'

I didn't find any others who had the same classes as me, which I figured since they were all centered around pre-med courses, so I wasn't too surprised. I knew what clubs they joined, but even then I didn't have to join any of them. I would simply run into them by 'accident', when they had confrontations with invaders. 

As such, I knew of one such instance that would happen tonight. At a nightclub called the Red Dragon, there would be an invader who would pick a fight with a side character named Wesley Napier, and he would lose his life tonight if I didn't intervene. Wesley was... a good tank. Really solid. 

So I left the campus, and headed out to one place before heading to the nightclub. I had told my father that I would make my own fortune, and I knew of one exploit I could take for myself early on.


In front of me was a rundown old house on a desolate hill, with no living vegetation anywhere to be seen, and no tracks that indicate anyone lives here.

I walked up and kicked the door open, already knowing it was empty and unlocked. The house was obviously abandoned, as all the furniture was moldy and the wooden walls warped. 

I walked to the fire place, and began to rummage in the ash. It was a minute or two more, before I finally pulled out a pair of silver earrings. These earrings were an artifact, they had the twin snakes from the Caduceus staff, one snake on each earring. These earrings were reinforced with mana, and given a secret ability due to the awakening of mana in our world. Things like this became Relic grade items. Items all had rarities, and Relic was a specific one that meant an item had existed in our world previously. These earrings were nothing more than a novelty, however now they had become the source of my money in the future.


[Earrings of Caduceus][Relic]

Allows the user to produce a minor grade healing potion every 8 hours. 


While that might seem pretty insignificant, and later on it would be, as of the early stages I was going to be the only producer of healing potions in the country. Alchemists took time to nurture, and they only had access to experimental concoctions that had random effects. They would later be able to produce potions but as long as I was the only supplier for now, I could gouge the market however I liked. 

So I put the them on and left. I made my way to a fancy restaurant, and ordered a nice steak dinner before getting another steak dinner to go. 

As I drove to the Red Dragon club, I stopped at a rundown Chinese supermarket. I went into the alley next to it, and saw an old man sitting among the trash.

I walked over, set my food down, and bowed.

"What is your name? Why would you give me food?" the old man asked, his eyes devoid of any emotions.

"Darius Cromley. I gave you the food so you will remember that goodwill in the future, and consider me as a potential ally. I pay respect to the Head of the Dragon."

The man's eyes became sharp, and he exuded a murderous aura. 

"Who sent you?"

"No one. I am creating my own faction, and business, I want to be left alone at the worst. At best, I would like to do business with you."

I stated calmly. I would normally be bothered by his murderous intent, however since possessing this body I felt as if my emotions were submerged in ice. I was unnaturally calm all the time, and able to view things purely subjectively. 

"What do you have to offer?"

"Minor healing potions. One every 8 hours. $25,000 for one. Heals cuts and bruises, realigns broken bones and fixes sprains. Broken bones will only take a month to heal from, rather than several."

"$25,000 a potion? You're insane."

"Then our talk is over. Raise your own alchemists." I began to stand up and turned to leave.

It was exactly four steps later that I heard a voice behind me.

"Okay you son of a bitch, deal." I turned and saw the old man shaking his head in disapproval. I knew he would accept, since as I said, I was the only producer in the country. He just wanted to see what kind of person I was.

"Sir, may I ask a question? Have you awakened yourself?" I asked. If he didn't answer it was fine, I was just curious if he had. I knew the Triad, who he led in this country, was one of the awakened factions. So I figured the higher ups had heard the news, but I was curious if he himself had awakened.

"Haha, maybe if I was younger I would have a better chance! But no. I didn't awaken. I'm just an old man." He showed a hint of regret.

"There will be opportunities later. Stay alive until then." I said, vaguely, and walked away. I entered my car and made my way to the Red Dragon.

I was about to get into the first fight of either of my lives, and perhaps even my last if things went wrong.