
The Story Of The Black Angels

A mysterious town . Everyone knows the dangers of it . Dangers , in the form of anything and anyone . Everyone also knows that there are people to save them from the dangers . Angels , with amazing powers . However , their identities are unknown . Common people stay in their limits , don't show any unnecessary curiosity . Nothing matters as long as they are safe . It doesn't matter who is saving them . But ... Shouldn't they know the identity of their saviours .... .....or at least of their enemies ? How long will they live in legends ? Let this novel uncover the secrets of the town ..... ......... with the help of certain characters . Enilese has recently been added to the Angels group . She is always cheerful and friendly . She is the living embodiment of her Guardian Spirit . She has yet to know about their group's past , enemies and of course the secrets of the town . What would happen when she would unknowingly get involved with her group's worst enemies . Note 1 : no mature content and intense violence . Note 2 : main focus on mind , thoughts ,feelings and emotions .

Nabanita18 · แฟนตาซี
77 Chs

Who Told You , I'm a Gentleman ?

" Well ...say something . " , he asked her in the same tone , as if to mock her .

Enilese said , " Um... I wanted to see the colony . On the way I saw those creatures . Please don't go there , they are harmful ."

" Whatever ." Shawn said as he shrugged his shoulders .

' I should leave him to those creatures so that they can eat him up ' Enilese thought to herself as she was getting very angry at him . She thought what kind of person he would be who didn't even flinch hearing about the upcoming danger . Anyway she made her last effort as she said , " It's okay . I won't stop you anymore . But at least can you accompany me to the main road . I'm afraid that the creatures can be behind the bushes on the way back also . So can you ? "

" Didn't you come all the way alone . So what's now to be afraid of ? "

" It's getting dark . And why are you questioning this much . A girl is asking for help , shouldn't you help her as a gentleman ? "

At this Shawn's eyes turned cold . He stared straight into her eyes and asked coldly , " And who told you I'm a gentleman ? " with that he took a step forward toward Enilese . Enilese became very nervous at the sudden closeness . His beautiful eyes were now frightening her . She stuttered , " W..what are you d..doing ?" as she took a step back . She was thinking if she made a mistake by believing him when she heard him say , " Let's go . "

She saw that he already moved and started walking . Enilese followed behind him as a small smile of relief appeared on her face .


On the another part of the area , Selina was approaching a tree . She said , " Come out , I know you are hiding here . I won't hurt you as long as you are cooperative . "

She saw a frail woman figure coming out behind the tree . That figure said in hoarse voice , " Leave me , go away . I didn't do anything . Why are you chasing after me ? "

" You did nothing ? I saw you attacking a woman and you were going to attack a kid too . I can't let you continue with those things . You have to come with me . "

" I won't go ...you guys are bad people who kill us . I would never go with you .."

" We don't kill anyone as long as it's not necessary . You are causing trouble for people . You have to come with me ."

The frail woman started coming towards Selina and said , " I don't care about anything as long as I can live . And now you'll know what a wrong decision you made by following me here . "

Selina remained silent as she sensed other existences around her . She turned only to find similar figures like the woman were now gathering around her .

She sighed and said , " So you left me no choice . "

They didn't say anything just continue coming .

Selina realised that there's no point to hold back anymore . So she used her water power to wrap all of them together and then asked again , " I'm asking for the last time would you stop attacking people and come with me or ..." even before she could finish they shouted together " We won't , we'll kill you ... "

Selina knew that they wouldn't change so she ordered the water spirit to take them along with it . The water stream started flowing , taking them with it until Selina couldn't see it anymore .

She was standing still for some time when she hears light footsteps behind her . She thought ' so there's still more of them .' She sensed a presence very close to her . So turned back quickly and extended her hand towards the person . Immediately a stream of cold water got splashed at the man before her . All this happened within three seconds .

" What the hell ..." the man said in annoyed tone .

Only then Selina saw , Pierce standing in front of her , half drenched .

" You ! I ..I didn't mean to . I'm sorry . " she apologized with an upset look .

Pierce was trying to wipe off the water with his handkerchief as he said without expression , " You should have turned back earlier . " After some pause he said , " Today everyone has works to do . Since your work here is done , you are coming with me . We have to pick Enilese also . Any objection ?? "

Selina replied , " No ."

He nodded , turned back and started walking . Selina followed after him .

They were walking side by side with some gap between them . Selina softly said " I really didn't do it on purpose , I thought it was one of them . Pierce , I'm sorry again . "

He didn't say anything . His brows were knitted together as he was feeling very cold . It's already a cold night and the water was chilling as ice . Selina knew he would not say anything , so she didn't say anything further . They continued to walk on .