
The story of how I became the number one

A man with unwavering motivation, constantly striving to become the top-ranked individual.

MrGluttony · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Prologue: 4 The dance of death

 Arleen Kimberlee

As Arleen was at the kitchen table, she didn't know what to think about the two new people.

She was lost in thought that she didn't even know that someone was trying to talk to her.

"Hey, Arleen!" he shouted, trying to get her attention.


Abruptly, a black-haired man was looming over her. 

"How were the two new friends of yours?" said a red-haired man sipping his tea, sitting luxuriously.

"They're not my friends," she said, frustration evident in her voice, "and one of them is a complete ass." 

 "Well, we all better get used to those two," he muttered under his breath, frustration evident in his tone. As Arleen gazed out the window at the garden, she could see the vibrant colors that surrounded them, a reminder that they would be together for a while. It was impeccable in every way. If one word could capture it, impeccable would suffice.

Caddel Francis

Two months before the war had started.

Each person had undergone training within the span of a single month. All the heroes underwent training with the instructors at the mansion, which doubled as an educational institution. Caddel promptly understood that when she crossed a few rooms shortly after entering her own. 

The camaraderie between her, the other heroes, and the students at the academia provided the much-needed motivation to persevere through the challenging training. In the presence of the king, they all knelt down before his majestic throne. 

"It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that your hard work will now be put to the ultimate test - we are sending you to war."

Caddel was walking with Aki. Aki seemed to be scared of what path she decided to walk. She was shaking, scared at what her future held for her.

"Aki, how are you holding it?" Trying to comfort Aki, who just seemed like a little child just now.

"I'm fine" was her reply, but it felt insincere, like it was just words and not her actual feelings. 

"Hey, Caddel"

"Yes, Aki"

"I…I have a little stepbrother, his name is Ryō Katsuo, he lives in Suncrest, if I don't make it but you do can you please take care of him, it's my dying wish."

"No, I will not,"


, "because you will make it out." This was Caddel's honest feelings. In the little time they had spent training, having conversations together, were all happy memories for Caddel. She finally had a person who she could call a friend. 

"I see, yeah, sorry. I guess I was just thinking of the worst. Thank you for being so optimistic, and for being a friend." Aki said the words that Caddel wanted to hear.

"Yes, a friend," Caddel said with a smile that shocked Aki.

"Y-yeah, well Caddel, let's do our best."

Everyone in the room was cheering for the heroes that would first hand experience hell. 


 Death all the heroes had the taste of, but one still stood on the battlefield, clinging to life. That was one breath from being taken away. But she still held on. 

"You are so irritating, you know that!?" he shouted. The clash of steel echoed through the air. Sweat dripped down their determined faces. A burning desire to win fueled each strike. He lunged, his sword a blur of deadly intent. Caddel deflected, his movements precise and swift. Their eyes locked, fierce determination in their gaze. He pushed forward, a relentless force of destruction. But Caddel stood strong, her resolve unyielding. Their swords danced in a deadly symphony of metal. The battles fought left a heavy imprint on him, weighing him down. Yet he fought on, refusing to succumb to exhaustion. Their swords clashed, sparks igniting the darkness. Each swing, a testament to their unwavering strength. His muscles screamed, begging for respite. But he ignored the pain, fueled by his past victories. Caddel's eyes gleamed with a silent determination. She matched his every move, her skill unmatched. The battle raged on, the world fading away. Only the clash of swords and the beat of their hearts remained. In that moment, it was clear - only one would prevail.

 The elf was supposed to hold the title of defeating all the heroes, but Caddel refused to let it happen because the mere thought shattered her pride. This fight between the human and the elf would determine the winner and loser of the war. It was the ending battle. They had lost track of time, unsure of how long they had been fighting or who would break first. Despite being wounded all over, the elf remained undefeated. The question of just how strong this guy was had already been answered. He surpassed any hero they had ever faced, possibly the mightiest in the world. Caddel lunged towards his arm, her sword connecting and tearing away flesh until she reached the bone, hearing the simultaneous crack of his bones. Caddel's sword severed his arm, causing it to fall to the ground with blood spewing from the wound. The disbelief on his face was evident. Then she went for his head and laid a clean cut, sending his head flying.

As the dust settled, Caddel's eyes darted around, scanning for any signs of movement. The air was thick with the stench of blood and the echoes of battle. She tightened her grip on her bloodied blade, ready for any lurking danger.

A sudden rustle in the nearby bushes sent adrenaline coursing through her veins. Without hesitation, she lunged towards the source of the sound, her instincts honed by years of survival. It was a feral beast, teeth bared, eyes gleaming with hunger. Caddel's blade sliced through the air, finding its mark with deadly precision. The creature crumpled to the ground, its life extinguished.

But there was no time to celebrate. More enemies emerged from the shadows, their eyes filled with malice. Caddel spun, her movements fluid and graceful, as she parried their attacks. Blood splattered, screams pierced the air, and the dance of death continued.

With each strike, Caddel's exhaustion faded into the background, replaced by a fierce determination. She fought with the fury of a storm, her blade a whirlwind of destruction. Bodies dropped like marionettes, their life force seeping into the earth.

The battlefield became her stage, bathed in the golden light of dawn. Caddel's heart pounded, her breath ragged, but she refused to yield. The enemy's numbers dwindled, their morale shattered by her relentless onslaught. Victory was within reach.

And then, silence.

Caddel stood amidst the fallen, her chest heaving with exertion. The sun's warm embrace washed over her, offering solace amidst the carnage. She had emerged victorious, a lone survivor in a sea of fallen comrades.

As the weight of her triumph settled upon her shoulders, Caddel whispered a prayer for the fallen, their sacrifice not in vain. She would carry their memory with her, an eternal flame of resilience.

With weary steps, she made her way towards the horizon, leaving behind the battlefield strewn with remnants of the past. Suncrest awaited her, a city of rebirth and healing.

Caddel's journey was far from over, but in that moment, as she collapsed from exhaustion, she knew she had forged her legacy amidst the chaos of war.