
The Story of Azuka

The story follows 15 year old God Reincarnate, Azuka Limgard. After awakening the God within him, he begins his journey in becoming the greatest thief ever. By stealing the treasure at the grave of the God within him. (This is my first story.)

Shinja_kun · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs

The Great Escape Part 4

It was late at night when Azuka and Ichina arrived to the docks. No one seemed to have followed them, and there were barely any Giants or other people at the docks.

"That's strange." Ichina says observing the many empty piers, only one of the piers had a giant boat. It was their boat with Azuka's bag on it, a bag with Ichina's clothing, and another bag that Azuka could not make out what was inside. "There isn't anyone here," Ichina notices a shack with a light protruding from a big open window. Ichina walks over to the shack, she then walks up 3 steps that were on the side of the shack. She was now on the same level as the window, "Princess has arrived," she yelled into the window.

While Ichina was busy, Azuka took it upon himself to check the boat. He first went to his bag, opening it up, he inspects the contents. "Let me see, here are the pieces of paper with the Giant language written on it. The book about my God... What the hell, they took my cels and my food!" Azuka gasps, "What about," he rummages through the bag taking out a set of clothes, his book, and the pieces of paper. He sighs out of relief as he is able to find the picture of Emily. He stares at it, almost crying, but he endures the urges to let his streams flow.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to get any better. I've been through so much, I never expected my adventure to start off like this. You would probably get so annoyed by how much I've gotten hurt, it would have been a lot of healing for you," Azuka laughs finally losing focus away from Emily's photo. He regains his focus, smiling, "I hope I can see you again soon. I have so much more to tell you-" flashes of Junbar appear in his mind. He loses his smile and hugs the photo, he pauses a moment. "Emily, your cooking is a lot better than what I've been getting served in the dungeon. They put me through hell, almost every night I would see this horrible dream. The thought of being able to survive that gave me so much power, being able to face you after with all that power. It just..."

Azuka starts crying, "Azuka?" Ichina looks at him with worry all over her face. He wipes the tears off his face and places Emily's photo back into his bag. He then stuffs all of his other belongings back into his bag. When he gets to his last item, the book, Ichina grabs it before he could and skims through it. "Is this the book about the great elemental God Valcus?" Azuka is dumbfounded, "I thought his name was Izu," Ichina laughs, "Common human translation mistake, let me guess. A librarian told you that," she laughs even harder.

"What the hell is wrong with a librarian?" Ichina hops into the boat, however as she hopped a piece of paper drops from her back pocket. Azuka is in arms length of it so he grabs it opening it up and reading what the paper had said. "Well Azuka, let me educate you a bit, human librarians are ineffective to a Giant librarian. Especially when it comes to literature from Giant Culture." Azuka almost chokes on his surprise as he finally gets to the bottom of the paper he was reading while Ichina was talking. "Are you not paying attention to me Azuka!"

Ichina drops the book and walks from one side of the boat to the other, where Azuka sat at. She grabs the paper and instantly recognizes it. "This is just something that the fisherman gave me while I was at the shack," she starts reading the paper for the first time. Once she gets to the bottom she almost chokes on her surprise. "Azuka! When did you get a bounty of 4 million cels?" Azuka snatches the paper away from Ichina and takes another look at it. "I swear I only had two million yesterday. Oh wait, there is a description about me, but I can't read it." Ichina snatches the paper back and skims through the description and then clears her breath.

"BEWARE! The runaway rouge God! Azuka Limgard, criminal, murderer, kidnapper, deflowerer. Ruthless, unpredictable, dangerous, and worth a lot of cels! A young man who can be a threat to humanity if he grows too powerful. Bring him dead for a reward that is displayed below this description."

Ichina holds the paper thinking for a moment, she walks back to her side of the boat. "Well Azuka, where to?" Azuka reaches his hand out pointing to the book that was near Ichina's foot, she notices it, grabs it and opens to the first page. She placed Azuka's wanted sign in between the cover and the first page. "Turn to page...uh 10 or something. Look for the chapter about a village."

Finally, I have a translator, if she can get me to the village and I can find the grave. Then I will just ditch her there and go on to fight Master! I have a genius plan. "Can I see those other papers you had?" Azuka nods, reaching back into his bag, grabbing the papers and handing them to her. She inspects the papers and the books for a long time. Watching her reminded Azuka about a book he once read after being forced to be in a literature program to shorten his jail sentence. It was a cool book, Azuka thought, I could barely read so Emily had to read most of it to me.

Ichina stops and looks up at Azuka, she stares at him for about a minute. "My father probably increased your bounty, could be another reason why no one came after us." Azuka nods, Ichina waits for Azuka to reply, but he stays silent. What the hell do I reply with, I've never been with a girl alone like this since Emily. "Haha, that's just fucking great." Ichina goes back to what she was previously doing, Azuka continued to watch attentively.

"AH!" Azuka jumps at Ichina's sudden excitement. "I finally got it, took me a while, but I got it," Ichina says wagging her finger in excitement. "What did you find?" Azuka asked while Ichina was laying out the book and the papers in a pattern that resembled somewhat of a map. She begins pointing at the book.

"Around 5,000 years ago there was an apparent miracle at an island. This miracle was said to free the islanders of demons, they hailed the person who did this as their God. The God is what I presume the God you are reincarnated as, he is the Fire God Izu for humans and Vulcus for Giants. He performed some miracles for Giants as well. Anyway the island was dubbed as Fire Island, since it was the first time in human history the Fire God has interacted with humans."

Ichina looks up from the book to see if Azuka was still listening, he looked a bit loss but she continued anyway. She turns the page on the book to a picture of an island. She points at it then slides her fingers across the paper, the paper rustling as she does. "As you can see this island in the book roughly matches the same island shape at this point in the map."

She stops her finger at an island on the map, "And this is where we are now," she takes her finger off of the island and points at another piece of paper almost 4 papers away. "This is the Giant Kingdom," Azuka asked, "How long will it take for us to get there?" Ichina sits back, putting her hands on her head, sighing. "That is the thing Azuka, it is going to take us around three days." Azuka copies Ichina's actions, "Will we make it?"

"Of course we can make it. We have enough food and water. Its just, I barely know you and now I have to spend three days with you." Azuka looks behind him and inspects a black box attached to the back of the box. "This is the motor thing right?" Ichina raises her head and nods, "Just pull the black cord until it starts up and gets us moving." Azuka follows Ichina's instructions and sits back down at his original spot once the boat starts chugging along the ocean.

Its late, I might as well call it a day, Azuka thought.

Its late, I should fall asleep that wasn't as hard to figure as I thought it was, mother's war maps were harder, Ichina thought.

But 3 days with him, Ichina thought.

But 3 days with her, Azuka thought.

I don't think I can make it, they simultaneously thought.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Next chapter will be going in to the new volume! Leave your thoughts and suggestions below. Thank you for reading the Story of Azuka. :D

Shinja_kuncreators' thoughts