
The Story of A Double Broth Hotpot

Han Bing is a good person. She is respectful towards everyone she meets. The teachers love her. Her classmates are friendly towards her. This is what her life should be. A good person. … Screeeeech. A red Ferrari came rushing at her, and within a second, she was crushed between the car and a pole. People were screaming and shouting for help. However, Han Bing just slowly closed her eyes. Finally, she can be relieved. She hated being a good person. However, instead of the peaceful silence that she anticipated, Han Bing woke up to the pain from her body. She’s alive, and she also lost her pair of legs. An arrogant and handsome man slammed into her room. No apology, many threats, and an empty check. Han Bing smiled evilly at the check after the young man left. Just once. She will indulge just once. Just once she will be the bad guy. *Warning!!! The male lead is the man who crashed his car onto the female lead. I LIKE this setting, so no changing. *Another Warning!!! There are R18 scenes but I'm not going to restrict it so read at your own risk.

ILoveDogFood · สมัยใหม่
40 Chs

Extra 1- Flashback

***Dark/Violent scenes

4 years ago

"Mister, is he a bad guy again?"

A man in a fur coat took another smoke from his pipe after hearing this question. The man would have been a handsome middle aged man if not for the scars on his face. He looked at the young girl who has always been with him for years. He didn't want to bother explaining this complicated question to her.

"No. He's a good guy."

Smoke was released out of his mouth as he answered the young girl. Han Bing nodded at his answer in return. The man, satisfied from her response, blew out the tobacco and tipped his pipe to the badly beaten man on the floor.

Ashes and half burned tobacco landed on the injured man's face.

"Did you memorize the form I taught you yesterday?" The man leisurely asked. Han Bing nodded. Without any hesitation, she twisted the left arm of the man on the floor.

"Aaaaah" The man on the floor screamed in pain, but his voice, which was already coarse from the screaming before, came out to be more soft and weak.

Pleased, the mafia leader patted Han Bing's head twice. "Good girl."

Fu Ming Gou has been organizing crime since he was abandoned by his parents. For years, he had been using ruthless tactics to climb his way up. He betrayed gangs, mafias, and even the government. It was exhilarating and this feeling plenished his hollow heart.

But this hollowness was still killing him.

At some point, Fu Ming Gou didn't care anymore. He has become accustomed to it. He decided to let himself fall into the hands of fate.

One day, a kid came to him. He looked into her eyes. Like a reflection, he saw the same hollowness that overcame her.

"Mister, you are going to die soon?"

Amused by her words, Fu Ming Gou chuckled for the first time in a long time. He bent down and tucked her hair behind her ears. "And why is that?"

Unable to properly answer the question, Han Bing shakes her head. Her cheek full of baby fat danced from her every movement. Fu Ming Gou felt that his hand was itchy after seeing the plumpy face. He squeezed her cheek and made a pig face with it.

Han Bing didn't cry or say anything even though her face was being played with. This made Fu Ming Gou further amused.

"You wanna learn some stuff kid?"

Han Bing didn't immediately answer the question, and instead, she stared into his eyes. There was nothing in there.

After a long scrutinization, Han Bing gave her answer. "Okay"

Just like that, the little brat had been following him like a butt worm.