
The Story of A Double Broth Hotpot

Han Bing is a good person. She is respectful towards everyone she meets. The teachers love her. Her classmates are friendly towards her. This is what her life should be. A good person. … Screeeeech. A red Ferrari came rushing at her, and within a second, she was crushed between the car and a pole. People were screaming and shouting for help. However, Han Bing just slowly closed her eyes. Finally, she can be relieved. She hated being a good person. However, instead of the peaceful silence that she anticipated, Han Bing woke up to the pain from her body. She’s alive, and she also lost her pair of legs. An arrogant and handsome man slammed into her room. No apology, many threats, and an empty check. Han Bing smiled evilly at the check after the young man left. Just once. She will indulge just once. Just once she will be the bad guy. *Warning!!! The male lead is the man who crashed his car onto the female lead. I LIKE this setting, so no changing. *Another Warning!!! There are R18 scenes but I'm not going to restrict it so read at your own risk.

ILoveDogFood · สมัยใหม่
40 Chs

Chapter 8

Han Bing went to Qin Shi Ran's house right after school.

"Ay, it's Han Bing ah. Young master is upstairs." The nanny opened the door. After Han Bing became a tutor for Qin Shi Ran, she became more familiar with the servants in the house.

She took the newly built elevator that was meant for her convenience. She must say that the Qin family is extremely rich.

The door to Qin Shi Ran's room was slightly opened. Han Bing slammed the door open.

"What are you doing?" Han Bing looks at Qin Shi Ran who is lying on the bed.

Qin Shi Ran rubbed his eyes, clearly waking up just now. When he saw Han Bing, anger flashed through his eyes.

"Get out of my room." Qin Shi Ran shouted.

"Why didn't you come to school today?" Han Bing ignored his shout.

"Why do you care? It's not like we're close anyway." Qin Shi Ran reflected back.

Han Bing continued. "The midterm is two weeks later. You should start studying."

Qin Shi Ran saw her continuing to talk and got annoyed. "Shut up." Qin Shi Ran attempted to push her away.

Seeing Qin Shi Ran trying to harm her, Han Bing pulled his shirt and elbow and threw him over her. Qin Shi Ran is totally dumb founded now. He immediately got up and charged at her.

"Aaaah" Qin Shi Ran got overthrown again. Seeing Han Bing's cold smirk, Qin Shi Ran was angered.

The same thing happened over and over again. Bang Bang. The servants outside the door were wondering whether they should help the young master or not. After all, Madam Yang told them not to interfere with the tutoring session.

"Look at you right now. Can't even beat a girl who needs a wheelchair. Why don't you just forsake the successor's seat? A pathetic trash like you who has no brain nor power will only end up ruining the Qin family." Han Bing said coldly.

"You…" Qin Shi Ran glared at her hatefully. "Just you wait." Qin Shi Ran wiped the blood from his mouth and went to Madam Yang. "Mom, get me the best martial art instructor. I want to learn how to fight."

Madam Yang saw his son all battered up with bruises on his face. "What happened to you son?" She checked several parts of his body. There are bruises on the side of the ribs and his leg.

"It doesn't matter." Qin Shi Ran doesn't want to tell her that a girl beat him up.

"Fine. I will look for an instructor" However, Yang Li Mi was determined to figure this out.

The next day, Han Bing went to Qin Shi Ran's house.

"Han Bing, fight me." Qin Shi Ran declared Han Bing.

"No. Go play by yourself." Han Bing rejected.

Flustered, Qin Shi Ran threatened, "If you don't fight me, then I'm not going to the tutoring session."

Han Bing looked at him like he's an idiot. "Fine, but you must pay attention to my tutoring and get over 65 on my quizzes."

Qin Shi Ran evilly smiled. Last night, he learned how to avoid Han Bing's throw with the best martial artist in this country. He will be showing Han Bing who's the boss today. "Sure. Just don't go running away later"

This time Qin Shi Ran paid attention to Han Bing's lesson with strong focus. He scored a 70 on the quiz and stucked his face up. "How do you like that?"

Han Bing looked at his result. Hmmm, maybe this can be an incentive for Qin Shi Ran to pay attention to the lesson.

"Good job. Take me to a spacious area."

Qin Shi Ran couldn't hide his excitement to beat Han Bing and recover his pride. He ran and pushed the wheelchair behind Han Bing to the backyard.

The servants gathered around the backyard to see what's going on.

"Yesterday, I was careless and lost to you. Today, I will show you my true power." Qin Shi Ran raised his hand up and made a sign to tell Han Bing to bring it on. Qin Shi Ran charged towards Han Bing seeing that she didn't move. "Haaaaaaa"

Han Bing saw through Qin Shi Ran's tactic. Bam! Qin Shi Ran fell onto the ground again. Qin Shi Ran had a face of disbelief.

"Again." Qin Shi Ran tried a different angle this time and still ended up falling on the floor.

To Han Bing, who has been "playing" with gangsters since she lost her father, this is child's play, not to mention that Qin Shi Ran only started to learn martial arts and Han Bing was skilled in the underhanded methods from the dark alleys.

After around ten times, Qin Shi Ran couldn't move anymore. Qin Shi Ran stared at the sky. How is she so strong?

"If you have nothing else, then I'm going to leave first." Han Bing turned to leave.

"Wait. Tomorrow, after tutoring, fight me again at this place." Qin Shi Ran said frustratingly.

"Fine." A light word and she's gone.

Two weeks passed, everyday at the Qin residence, a Bam sound can be heard.

"The young master is fighting Lady Han again." The servants brought sun seeds to watch the fight. This has become one of their favorite pastimes.

"Eh. Do you want to bet whether the young master will win this time?" one of the servants asked his partner.

"Naa, no hope for him. He lossed 15 times and hasn't even won once."


"You see." the servant shrugged his arms.

Han Bing's mother, who also joined this fight's crowd, patted her daughter's back. "That's my daughter!" Not caring for Qin Shi Ran's face at all.

The martial arts master watching on the side is impressed by Han Bing's technique. Precise and effective. She doesn't waste any movements like an experienced warrior. The most that his student got out of her is only four moves. He sighed. Qin Shi Ran still has a long way to go.

"Aaarrgh, why can't I beat you?" Qin Shi Ran plumped down on the grass.

"The answer is simple." Han Bing smoothen out her shirt. However, she didn't finish her sentence.

"What? What? Tell me." Qin Shi Ran grabbed her legs and begged her. These days his relationship with Han Bing greatly improved as he saw her as a spar friend.

"If you get a good score for tomorrow's midterm, I will tell you." Han Bing said.

"Oh come on." Qin Shi Ran rolled around the ground while whining and pouting. Grass and dirt went onto his face, but it didn't deny his beauty.

"After the exam." However, Han Bing is determined not to tell him right now.