
The Story of A Double Broth Hotpot

Han Bing is a good person. She is respectful towards everyone she meets. The teachers love her. Her classmates are friendly towards her. This is what her life should be. A good person. … Screeeeech. A red Ferrari came rushing at her, and within a second, she was crushed between the car and a pole. People were screaming and shouting for help. However, Han Bing just slowly closed her eyes. Finally, she can be relieved. She hated being a good person. However, instead of the peaceful silence that she anticipated, Han Bing woke up to the pain from her body. She’s alive, and she also lost her pair of legs. An arrogant and handsome man slammed into her room. No apology, many threats, and an empty check. Han Bing smiled evilly at the check after the young man left. Just once. She will indulge just once. Just once she will be the bad guy. *Warning!!! The male lead is the man who crashed his car onto the female lead. I LIKE this setting, so no changing. *Another Warning!!! There are R18 scenes but I'm not going to restrict it so read at your own risk.

ILoveDogFood · สมัยใหม่
40 Chs

Chapter 35

***Mature Content

Han Bing was in the middle of an exhilarating fight until she felt a hand aiming at her back. Han Bing made a flip to grab ahold of that hand, but it seems the person was aware of her movement, so he changed his position.

Ho? This is getting interesting. Han Bing quickly deals with the incoming bodyguard. She turned around and saw Qin Shi Ran's smirk.

"It appears that you haven't slack off in the past few years. I underestimated you." Han Bing made a claw form and attacked Qin Shi Ran. Qin Shi Ran narrowly dodged most of them. However, there were a couple of times when Han Bing succeeded, causing him to be injured slightly.

Han Bing's movement became slower and slower. She started to notice heat accumulating in the lower part of her body. Han Bing tried to act calm, but the unusual redness on her face gave away her condition.

Qin Shi Ran seductively smiled. Currently, he and Han Bing are fighting at an equal level. After a couple of minutes, he would be able to completely overtake her. Qin Shi Ran was glad that he added an aphrodisiac pill to her red wine as a precaution. It seems that the pill is working up right now.

Feeling that her body is becoming weaker, Han Bing decided to not play anymore. She would love to fight longer, but at this rate, she might not be able to escape.

This time Han Bing became more serious. All moves are deadly. Qin Shi Ran also did not have it easy. In order not to hurt Han Bing, he had been holding himself back. He's waiting for the aphrodisiac to weaken her even more, but Han Bing looks like she also realizes that something is wrong with her body. Qin Shi Ran knows that since he has done everything until this point, there is no turning back anymore. If he gives up now, Han Bing might end up accidentally having a one night stand with someone else. This can never happen!

Qin Shi Ran's determination to dominate Han Bing completely pushed Han Bing even further. At last, Qin Shi Ran doesn't know if it's heaven's arrangement or Han Bing's weakening, Han Bing finally falled down. Unusual amounts of sweat are coming off her face. Han Bing breathed heavily as she felt her whole body heating up. If she didn't notice what happened to her up until now, Han Bing would really be unfit to be a doctor.

She shot Qin Shi Ran a glare. "What did you do to me?!"

Qin Shi Ran kneeled down to the floor and gently rubbed Han Bing's cheek. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you."

He carried Han Bing up and pacely walked to his bedroom. Any one who saw this scene right now would not believe that the man, who is princess-carrying another person, used to be cripple.

Qin Shi Ran slowly placed Han Bing on the bed and made a quick kiss on her lip. Right now, he needs to wash himself clean. He wants to provide the best experience to Han Bing's first night. Qin Shi Ran speed-walked to the bathroom while almost running in transition.

Han Bing semi-consciously tried to keep herself awake. She couldn't move right now. Even lifting a single finger is extremely tiring for her. Han Bing turned her head to the direction of the water sounds. She needs to leave this place.

Ka-cha. Han Bing frighteningly stared at the direction of the bathroom. A mature muscular body covered with scars walked out of the bathroom. Qin Shi Ran often trained himself to defend himself against his enemies. His muscles are not overly muscular, but just at the right amount.

A single white towel is covering his private part. However, having the towel or not makes no difference for him right now.

Qin Shi Ran sat on the bed and stroked Han Bing's lip. This is the lip that he has dreamed of every night. Qin Shi Ran leaned down and pressed onto the beautiful lip. Han Bing closely tightened her mouth to avoid his kiss.

Qin Shi Ran pressed hard onto Han Bing's chin with his fingers. Han Bing loosened her jaw from the pain and Qin Shi Ran took this chance to get in. His tongue invaded Han Bing's mouth, sucking on all the liquid he could get. Han Bing tried to push his tongue out with her tongue, but this turned into an invitation for Qin Shi Ran to play with her tongue. Ambiguous sounds came out of her as Han Bing tried to avoid his touch.

Han Bing, who has never had this experience before, couldn't breathe under this long pressure. Qin Shi Ran finally let Han Bing go after seeing her face turning red. A thin line of love juice formed between his and her lip. Qin Shi Ran looked at the woman in heat under him. Her eyes have tears rolling in the corner. The lip that he has bullied is completely red and watery. He feels his little brother on the bottom is burning with pain right now, but he didn't want to be rough on her immediately.

Qin Shi Ran unbottom Han Bing's clothes on one hand while comforting his little brother on the other. The clothes quickly came off. Han Bing, who was still regaining her consciousness from the kiss, finally realized something was wrong when she felt a kiss on her flower petal.

"Qin Shi Ran, if you continue, I will never forgive you!" Her eyes were red from anger and the teasing.

Qin Shi Ran's face darkened. He leaned down close to her ears. "I'd rather you hate me than forget about me."

His breath tickles her ear, but the words were undeniably ruthless. Both to her and himself. Qin Shi Ran played with her flower bud again. He added one finger into the hole while his other hand played with the pink peak on top of the bun. He swirled his finger and added a second one into it.

"Plea… Qin Shi Ran…Ah,ah… stop… ah" Han Bing couldn't stop herself from leaking this lusty voice. She needs to stop this. Han Bing is afraid of this feeling like something is building inside of her. Her eyes widened again "Ah!"

Qin Shi Ran added a third finger into her bud. The fingers pressed onto her inside and scratched the wall. Han Bing furrows her as she adjusts to the pain. "Take… it out..."

Qin Shi Ran bit onto her ear and whispered. "I will." Han Bing relaxed when the fingers were pulled out. However, a much longer and bigger item came in stretching her channel. Han Bing bit her lips to prevent herself from screaming. Hate and anger filled her eyes.

Qin Shi Ran knew that this is the result he would get, but seeing Han Bing staring at him with unfamiliar hate, Qin Shi Ran's heart crashed.

"Han Bing, don't look at me like that, please… I can do whatever you want. I can marry you. I can give you the whole Qin corporation. I can give you my heart." Qin Shi Ran hurriedly took out a small dagger from the drawer and placed it into Han Bing's hand. He closed his eyes waiting for her to pierce him. He's gambling. He's gambling on Han Bing's feelings for him.

Han Bing tightly held onto the handle. She breathed in heavily and stared at his heart. She would have just stabbed him and gotten away from this mess if it was someone else, but Qin Shi Ran was different… She doesn't know when she started noticing him and trying to get closer and closer to him. Breaking his leg was also to remind her not to give her feelings to anyone. However, it seems that she has lost.

Han Bing angrily glared at Qin Shi Ran, who still had his eyes closed. She threw the dagger on the floor. She will just pretend to be bitten by a dog.

Hearing the dagger make a kuang dung sound on the floor, Qin Shi Ran happily opened his eyes.

Han Bing covered her face up with her elbow. She grit her teeth while saying the rest of the words. "If you're going to do it, hurry up before I change my mind."

Qin Shi Ran tenderly kissed down her lips. His passionate gaze never left Han Bing.