
The Story of A Double Broth Hotpot

Han Bing is a good person. She is respectful towards everyone she meets. The teachers love her. Her classmates are friendly towards her. This is what her life should be. A good person. … Screeeeech. A red Ferrari came rushing at her, and within a second, she was crushed between the car and a pole. People were screaming and shouting for help. However, Han Bing just slowly closed her eyes. Finally, she can be relieved. She hated being a good person. However, instead of the peaceful silence that she anticipated, Han Bing woke up to the pain from her body. She’s alive, and she also lost her pair of legs. An arrogant and handsome man slammed into her room. No apology, many threats, and an empty check. Han Bing smiled evilly at the check after the young man left. Just once. She will indulge just once. Just once she will be the bad guy. *Warning!!! The male lead is the man who crashed his car onto the female lead. I LIKE this setting, so no changing. *Another Warning!!! There are R18 scenes but I'm not going to restrict it so read at your own risk.

ILoveDogFood · สมัยใหม่
40 Chs

Chapter 15

Qin Shi Ran squinted from the sudden brightness. He has been playing games all night for the past few days. There are heavy dark eye bags underneath his eyes. However, with his natural good looks, the dark eye bags gave him a seductive look.

"Why are you at home?" Han Bing asked. Qin Shi Ran laid back onto the bed.

"You probably heard about it already. They said I cheated on the test." Qin Shi Ran lazily replied.

"So, did you cheat on the test?"

"No I didn't!" Qin Shi Ran jumped up.

"Then, why are you at home?" Han Bing circled back to the question.

"Even if I did not cheat, they won't believe me." Qin Shi Ran angrily pouted.

"I believe you."

Qin Shi Ran examined her eyes. Calm like she always was. Qin Shi Ran blushed. "Hmph. It's not like I need you to believe me. I know that I did not cheated"

"Then, go back to school tomorrow. I talked to the school about it. Give them about 2 hours. They will be able to solve this matter." Han Bing said and prepared to leave since there is nothing else to say.

"Wait." Qin Shi Ran pulled onto the edge of her cloth.

"Are you sure?" He hesitantly asked. Seeing him like this, Han Bing's hand unconsciously went onto his head.

"En. Trust me." Han Bing ruffled his hair. So soft.

"Yo! Stop it!" Qin Shi Ran's face turned red and took Han Bing's hand off his head. Why is she always treating him as a child?

Han Bing unwillingly looked at his head.

"Okay, but if they still question me after 2 hours, then I will drop out of the school." Qin Shi Ran declared.

"Sure." Han Bing agreed. She took out her notebook and handed it over to Qin Shi Ran. "These are the notes from the past few days. Also, study the previous lessons to refresh your memory."

Qin Shi Ran flipped through her book. There is a noticeable peach scent from Han Bing's body that came out from this book. Qin Shi Ran took this book and hugged it. "I'm not giving this back since you gave it to me."

Han Bing sighed. This brat is so immature. "Fine. Keep it."

Qin Shi Ran' eyes darken. Anything that is his can not be taken back, even if they try to escape.

The next day, Qin Shi Ran got back to school. He felt everyone's eyes on him as he walked into the classroom. Qin Shi Ran didn't care. He never cared for anyone's opinion.

Instructor Gao, who saw Qin Shi Ran come in, said "Qin Shi Ran the principal wants to talk to you."

Murmur sounds filled the room.

"Waaa, so it was true."

"No wonder he has such a high score from the last midterm."

"I always felt suspicious about his score."

Han Bing grabbed onto his hand before he left. She said nothing, but Qin Shi Ran knows that Han Bing is telling him to do his best.

"Thank you." Qin Shi Ran smiled.

In the principal's room, the principal and the 5 main core subject teachers stood in front of Qin Shi Ran.

"This is just an oral test. Each teacher will ask you a similar question from the exam for 20 . Try to answer them to the best of your ability." The principal looked at the watch on his wrist. "Alright. You can begin now."

The history teacher first stepped out.

"When Mao Ze Dong…"

2 hours passed. Qin Shi Ran stepped out of the room in a daze. Originally, he was nervous that they were going to ask him hard questions. However, after ten minutes, Qin Shi Ran realized he was worried for nothing. He remembered all of these from the last midterm and there were some questions that were answered in Han Bing's notebook. Qin Shi Ran jogged his way back to class. He needs to tell Han Bing this good news.

The 5 teachers huddled around the principal. Instructor Lin, who has a fire temperament, slammed the table. "Which kid is it that accused Qin Shi Ran? We need to punish him for this mess."

The other teachers agree with instructor Lin. Qin Shi Ran understands the subjects perfectly, and there is no way he can cheat since they ask the question the moment they think of it.

The principal is also angry with this kid. Accusing a fellow schoolmate on purpose and almost letting the school miss a good student.

"I remember the boy's name is Hang Qing Tian." The principal remembers. The teachers' faces all had a shock. This is one of the Class 3-A students. His grades were average in the class, but he does not act like the type that would harm others.

"We can never know a person's heart with their appearance." Instructor Xia smooths out his beard.

"We need to treat this case appropriately. The Qin family would also need a good explanation." The principal wiped the sweat on his head. If they were to not let this go, then the school would also be affected.